Season Rankings: National XBall League

Pro X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Red Legion 173 (3) 200 (1) 200 (1) 173 (3) 300 (5) 1046
2 San Antonio X-Factor 121 (8) 186 (2) 140 (6) 186 (2) 280 (6) 913
3 Edmonton Impact 140 (6) 60 (15) 173 (3) 161 (4) 372 (2) 906
4 Houston Heat 150 (5) 150 (5) 150 (5) 140 (6) 260 (7) 850
5 San Diego Dynasty 200 (1) 70 (14) 161 (4) 96 (11) 322 (4) 849
6 PaintballFIT 88 (12) 88 (12) 96 (11) 130 (7) 400 (1) 802
7 Tampa Bay Damage 79 (13) 140 (6) 130 (7) 200 (1) 224 (9) 773
8 Chicago Aftershock 60 (15) 161 (4) 186 (2) 150 (5) 192 (11) 749
9 ac DIESEL 1 (20) 112 (9) 79 (13) 14 (19) 346 (3) 552
10 Infamous 130 (7) 1 (20) 121 (8) 104 (10) 176 (12) 532
11 Los Angeles Ironmen 70 (14) 173 (3) 1 (20) 112 (9) 140 (14) 496
12 Brooklyn Bears 104 (10) 96 (11) 112 (9) 1 (20) 158 (13) 471
13 ASG Aftermath 161 (4) 39 (17) 70 (14) 70 (14) 120 (15) 460
14 Seattle Uprising 50 (16) 50 (16) 27 (18) 121 (8) 208 (10) 456
15 New Orleans Hurricanes 186 (2) 79 (13) 88 (12) 79 (13) 2 (20) 434
16 Baltimore Revo 112 (9) 130 (7) 104 (10) 27 (18) 28 (19) 401
17 Blast Camp 39 (17) 121 (8) 50 (16) 88 (12) 54 (18) 352
18 New York Xtreme 14 (19) 104 (10) 60 (15) 50 (16) 78 (17) 306
19 TonTon FSU 96 (11) 27 (18) 14 (19) 60 (15) 100 (16) 297
20 SCALP - - - - 242 (8) 242
21 New York Xtreme 27 (18) 14 (19) 39 (17) 39 (17) 2 (22) 121
22 LTF - - - - 2 (21) 2
22 Ronholt Dynamite - - - - 2 (23) 2
22 Spider Fusion - - - - 2 (24) 2

Pro - WNXL X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL World Cup Total
1 The Heroines 93 (3) 100 (1) 200 (1) 393
2 Dallas Vibe 100 (1) 90 (4) 192 (2) 382
3 Cheetahs 90 (4) 96 (2) 186 (3) 372
4 Femmes Fatale 86 (5) 86 (5) 180 (4) 352
5 New Jersey High Rollers 96 (2) 93 (3) 160 (8) 349
6 San Francisco Sirens 82 (7) 84 (6) 172 (5) 338
7 Suricatos 84 (6) 82 (7) 164 (7) 330
8 Northern Lights 80 (8) 45 (9) 113.33 (9) 238.33
9 Tiki's Ohana 45 (9) 80 (8) 66.67 (10) 191.67
10 Belladonna - - 168 (6) 168
11 The Immortal Angels 10 (10) 10 (10) 20 (11) 40

Semi-Pro X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Leverage 100 (1) 93 (3) 96 (2) 93 (3) 186 (3) 568
2 Royal City Seadogs 96 (2) 84 (6) 80 (8) 96 (2) 200 (1) 556
3 New York Wrecking Crew 67.27 (12) 100 (1) 86 (5) 100 (1) 172 (5) 525.27
4 Noobies 93 (3) 75.88 (9) 84 (6) 82 (7) 168 (6) 502.88
5 Greenville Growl 45 (19) 96 (2) 90 (4) 53.75 (14) 160 (8) 444.75
6 Preferred mob 70.45 (11) 55.29 (14) 93 (3) - 192 (2) 410.75
7 Pittsburgh Saints 80 (8) 80 (8) 47.69 (14) 75.63 (9) 99.13 (18) 382.45
8 KC Missouri Allstars 76.82 (9) 51.18 (15) - 90 (4) 164 (7) 381.99
9 Nasty 84 (6) 30.59 (20) 74.62 (9) 71.25 (10) 117.39 (15) 377.85
10 Wyldside Distortion 86 (5) 86 (5) 53.08 (13) 58.13 (13) 93.04 (19) 376.25
11 Tiki's Totem 73.64 (10) 71.76 (10) 58.46 (12) 18.75 (22) 147.83 (10) 370.44
12 Shut up we're trying 19.55 (27) 59.41 (13) 42.31 (15) 84 (6) 153.91 (9) 359.18
13 Denver Altitude 25.91 (25) 34.71 (19) 63.85 (11) 86 (5) 135.65 (12) 346.11
14 New Jersey Jesters 57.73 (15) - 36.92 (16) 62.5 (12) 180 (4) 337.15
15 Clutch City Oilers 82 (7) 26.47 (21) - 80 (8) 141.74 (11) 330.21
16 TJBastards 90 (4) 82 (7) 82 (7) 66.88 (11) - 320.88
17 Ology 60.91 (14) 90 (4) 100 (1) 49.38 (15) - 300.28
18 Outlaw AP Factory 48.18 (18) 67.65 (11) - 36.25 (18) 111.3 (16) 263.38
19 Dynamic 41.82 (20) 38.82 (18) - 45 (16) 86.96 (20) 212.6
20 Sacramento DMG 29.09 (24) 22.35 (22) 20.77 (19) 23.13 (21) 105.22 (17) 200.56
21 Texas Demolition 64.09 (13) 63.53 (12) - 31.88 (19) 38.26 (28) 197.76
22 Virginia Vendetta 32.27 (23) - 69.23 (10) 40.63 (17) 32.17 (29) 174.3
23 New York InfeXtious 13.18 (29) 10 (25) 31.54 (17) 27.5 (20) 56.52 (25) 138.74
24 ASG Wayniacs - - - - 129.57 (13) 129.57
25 ARMADA - - - - 123.48 (14) 123.48
26 AZ BATTLEZONE 35.45 (22) 47.06 (16) 15.38 (20) - - 97.9
27 Nor Cal Kings - - - - 80.87 (21) 80.87
28 Jackpot - - - - 74.78 (22) 74.78
29 Lost Dutchman 16.36 (28) 42.94 (17) - 14.38 (23) - 73.68
30 Toxic Teddys - - - 10 (24) 62.61 (24) 72.61
31 Findlay Force - - - - 68.7 (23) 68.7
32 Smoke 22.73 (26) 18.24 (23) 26.15 (18) - - 67.12
33 STRUGGLE 38.64 (21) 14.12 (24) 10 (21) - - 62.75
34 East Coast Effect 54.55 (16) - - - - 54.55
35 Indianapolis Mutiny 51.36 (17) - - - - 51.36
36 Gladiatori - - - - 50.43 (26) 50.43
37 Padres - - - - 44.35 (27) 44.35
38 Droogs Frankfurt - - - - 26.09 (30) 26.09
39 Ballistics Goettingen - - - - 20 (31) 20
40 Competitive Edge 2 10 (30) - - - - 10

Commander Cup X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL World Cup Total
1 Air Force 200 (1) 200
2 Marines 192 (2) 192
3 Army 186 (3) 186
4 Navy 180 (4) 180

Division 2 X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 BR Factory 96 (2) 93 (3) 96 (2) 93 (3) 200 (1) 485
2 tppcrew 93 (3) 90 (4) 66 (10) 86 (5) 192 (2) 461
3 Wolfpack 86 (5) 86 (5) 100 (1) 35.45 (15) 180 (4) 452
4 New York BRAVE 72.63 (10) 100 (1) 90 (4) 22.73 (17) 186 (3) 448.63
5 BC Riot 90 (4) 67.65 (11) 45 (13) 67.27 (10) 168 (6) 392.92
6 Malicious 80 (8) 71.76 (10) 80 (8) 100 (1) 108.42 (15) 368.42
7 gg_Factory D2 68.95 (11) 63.53 (12) - 90 (4) 145.26 (10) 367.74
8 Philly Corrupt 61.58 (13) 38.82 (18) 84 (6) 84 (6) 130.53 (12) 360.11
9 AG Knights - 75.88 (9) 93 (3) - 172 (5) 340.88
10 Brawl - 14.12 (24) 82 (7) 54.55 (12) 152.63 (9) 303.29
11 Outlaw AP Warriors 28.42 (22) 47.06 (16) 86 (5) 41.82 (14) 123.16 (13) 298.03
12 Rejects - 26.47 (21) 52 (12) - 160 (8) 238.47
13 NARCOS 24.74 (23) 42.94 (17) - - 164 (7) 231.68
14 Nasty X 39.47 (19) 30.59 (20) 59 (11) 16.36 (18) 101.05 (16) 230.11
15 New England Invasion - 22.35 (22) 38 (14) 82 (7) 78.95 (19) 221.3
16 OutKast 54.21 (15) 59.41 (13) 31 (15) 60.91 (11) 42.11 (24) 216.64
17 BEEFY BOYS - 96 (2) - - 115.79 (14) 211.79
18 Omaha Jamz - 51.18 (15) 24 (16) 96 (2) 34.74 (25) 205.91
19 Echo 65.26 (12) 18.24 (23) 73 (9) 29.09 (16) 20 (27) 187.35
20 Seattle Cartel 84 (6) - - - 71.58 (20) 155.58
21 DAMAGE CONTROL - - - - 137.89 (11) 137.89
22 Just Us 46.84 (17) 80 (8) - 10 (19) - 136.84
23 Underground - 84 (6) - 48.18 (13) - 132.18
24 DeaD RaBBiTs - - - 73.64 (9) 49.47 (23) 123.11
25 Vegas Brawlers 100 (1) - - - - 100
26 BLACK LEGION - - - - 93.68 (17) 93.68
27 REDBAND 35.79 (20) 34.71 (19) 17 (17) - - 87.5
28 Wasaga Beach Boyz - - - - 86.32 (18) 86.32
29 BTA Butchers - 82 (7) - - - 82
29 Shenanigans 82 (7) - - - - 82
31 STRUGGLE - - - 80 (8) - 80
32 Raw Material 76.32 (9) - - - - 76.32
33 Dynamic 17.37 (25) 55.29 (14) - - - 72.66
34 Manawatu Titans - - - - 64.21 (21) 64.21
35 PR Saints 50.53 (16) - 10 (18) - - 60.53
36 Nor Cal Hustle 57.89 (14) - - - - 57.89
37 Soger Factory team - - - - 56.84 (22) 56.84
38 Los Angeles Collision 43.16 (18) - - - - 43.16
39 New England Storm 32.11 (21) 10 (25) - - - 42.11
40 Lion's Martigny - - - - 27.37 (26) 27.37
41 Miami Rage 21.05 (24) - - - - 21.05
42 Struggle Paintball 13.68 (26) - - - - 13.68
43 ARMADA 10 (27) - - - - 10

Division 3 X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Dynamic 52.33 (25) 93 (3) 63.1 (15) 100 (1) 192 (2) 385
2 Texas Titans 96 (2) 100 (1) - - 186 (3) 382
3 Cleveland Chaos - 71.52 (12) 93 (3) 93 (3) 180 (4) 366
4 Altitude Sickness 42.56 (31) 90 (4) - 96 (2) 172 (5) 358
5 Noobies 82 (7) - 96 (2) 77.2 (9) 157.36 (9) 335.36
6 PTN 84 (6) 96 (2) - 24 (28) 146.79 (13) 326.79
7 Kickn Factory 86 (5) 84 (6) - 60.4 (15) 144.15 (14) 314.15
8 Punishers Paintball 65.35 (17) 75.76 (10) - 66 (13) 164 (7) 305.76
9 Raze - - 90 (4) 43.6 (21) 168 (6) 301.6
10 Shock Kidz 66.98 (16) 82 (7) 82 (7) 52 (18) 136.23 (17) 300.23
11 L.A. Wildcards 31.16 (38) 37.58 (28) 72.76 (11) 71.6 (11) 152.08 (11) 296.43
12 Outlaw AP D3 93 (3) 33.33 (30) 77.59 (9) 82 (7) 117.74 (24) 292.74
13 Raleigh Razorbacks - 18.48 (37) 41.38 (24) 49.2 (19) 200 (1) 290.58
14 Tropic Thunder 80 (8) 48.18 (23) 100 (1) 15.6 (31) 109.81 (27) 289.81
15 Wolfpack 62.09 (19) 86 (5) 58.28 (17) 80 (8) 120.38 (23) 286.38
16 BR Factory D3 45.81 (29) 29.09 (32) 65.52 (14) 40.8 (22) 160 (8) 271.33
17 EOTS 1st Degree 71.86 (13) 67.27 (14) 70.34 (12) - 125.66 (21) 267.87
18 All Mixed Up 73.49 (12) - 60.69 (16) - 133.58 (18) 267.76
19 NXS - - 86 (5) 46.4 (20) 130.94 (19) 263.34
20 LiveWire 44.19 (30) 80 (8) 80 (8) 32.4 (25) 78.11 (39) 238.11
21 Buffalo Wing-It 53.95 (24) 54.55 (20) 48.62 (21) 10 (33) 123.02 (22) 231.52
22 THE FARM - 63.03 (16) - 84 (6) 75.47 (40) 222.5
23 NR FACTORY - - 75.17 (10) 29.6 (26) 107.17 (28) 211.94
24 DBS Factory - 77.88 (9) - - 128.3 (20) 206.18
25 New England Rebellion - 39.7 (27) 36.55 (26) 68.8 (12) 80.75 (38) 189.25
26 Suricatos Team 13.26 (49) - 17.24 (34) 26.8 (27) 141.51 (15) 185.55
27 Competitive Edge - - - 86 (5) 83.4 (37) 169.4
28 WYLDSIDE SBS 55.58 (23) 58.79 (18) 46.21 (22) 21.2 (29) 49.06 (50) 163.43
29 Jackpot 90 (4) 56.67 (19) 67.93 (13) 35.2 (24) - 157.93
30 Aruba Madness - - - - 154.72 (10) 154.72
31 AAF 36.05 (35) 31.21 (31) 53.45 (19) 54.8 (17) 43.77 (52) 152.02
32 Veteran Militia Bravo - - - 90 (4) 59.62 (46) 149.62
33 Houston Hate - - - - 149.43 (12) 149.43
34 Project X AllStars 60.47 (20) 50.3 (22) 14.83 (35) 38 (23) 35.85 (55) 146.62
35 NJ Jesters 37.67 (34) - 51.03 (20) - 56.98 (47) 145.69
36 East Coast Raptors 100 (1) - 43.79 (23) - - 143.79
37 Just Us - - - - 138.87 (16) 138.87
38 MX SAINTS 47.44 (28) - - - 88.68 (35) 136.12
39 SK Elite - 52.42 (21) - 18.4 (30) 62.26 (45) 133.09
40 NJ BOMBSQUAD 21.4 (44) 46.06 (24) 84 (6) - - 130.06
41 Sykaryos 70.23 (14) - - - 54.34 (48) 124.57
42 Toronto Chargers 49.07 (27) - 31.72 (28) - 41.13 (53) 121.93
43 RAMPAGE - - - - 115.09 (25) 115.09
44 LA Saints 24.65 (42) 20.61 (36) - 63.2 (14) 25.28 (59) 113.13
45 Gulf Coast Ragtag Army - - - - 112.45 (26) 112.45
46 TMNT. 19.77 (45) 60.91 (17) 19.66 (33) - 27.92 (58) 108.6
47 Tribe 63.72 (18) 41.82 (26) - - - 105.54
48 Shine - - - - 104.53 (29) 104.53
49 TCP War Machine - - - 57.6 (16) 46.42 (51) 104.02
50 Malicious - - - - 101.89 (30) 101.89
51 BREAKOUT - - - - 99.25 (31) 99.25
52 Hustle - - - - 96.6 (32) 96.6
53 Swag Jackers 78.37 (9) 16.36 (38) - 12.8 (32) - 94.74
54 Pittsburgh Pirates - - - - 93.96 (33) 93.96
55 NRG Elite Alpha - 65.15 (15) 26.9 (30) - - 92.05
56 Miami Kings - - - - 91.32 (34) 91.32
57 Reckless Saints - - - - 86.04 (36) 86.04
58 RedruM 76.74 (10) - - - - 76.74
59 Moncler Mafia 75.12 (11) - - - - 75.12
60 ILL ADVISED - - - 74.4 (10) - 74.4
61 Armada Black - 73.64 (11) - - - 73.64
62 CANYON MALAYSIA ELITE - - - - 72.83 (41) 72.83
63 MURDAGOONS - - - - 70.19 (42) 70.19
64 Team 13 - 69.39 (13) - - - 69.39
65 YETIS 68.6 (15) - - - - 68.6
66 SPARTANS PAINTBALL TEAM - - - - 67.55 (43) 67.55
67 Super Fast - - - - 64.91 (44) 64.91
68 CWE POWER - 22.73 (35) 38.97 (25) - - 61.69
69 FACK 58.84 (21) - - - - 58.84
70 Murder inc 57.21 (22) - - - - 57.21
71 Veteran Militia Kilo 18.14 (46) - - - 38.49 (54) 56.63
72 Malicious Intent D3 - - 55.86 (18) - - 55.86
73 ODK - - - - 51.7 (49) 51.7
74 TKO Texas KnockOut 40.93 (32) 10 (41) - - - 50.93
75 AZ BATTLEZONE 3 50.7 (26) - - - - 50.7
76 Reckless All Stars - 43.94 (25) - - - 43.94
77 Steak 'n Shake 39.3 (33) - - - - 39.3
78 Bricktown Bucks - 35.45 (29) - - - 35.45
79 Sicarios 34.42 (36) - - - - 34.42
80 Ghost Life - - 34.14 (27) - - 34.14
81 NewYork PayLoad - - - - 33.21 (56) 33.21
82 Mint Factory Team 32.79 (37) - - - - 32.79
83 NC Tenacious Black - - - - 30.57 (57) 30.57
84 OBR 29.53 (39) - - - - 29.53
85 Quebec Nordiques - - 29.31 (29) - - 29.31
86 Austin Notorious D3 14.88 (48) 14.24 (39) - - - 29.13
87 SUPREME 27.91 (40) - - - - 27.91
88 TPP OG - 26.97 (33) - - - 26.97
89 Phoenix Rising Gold 26.28 (41) - - - - 26.28
90 Wasted Potential - 24.85 (34) - - - 24.85
91 Baltimore Nasty - - 24.48 (31) - - 24.48
92 gg_Factory D3 23.02 (43) - - - - 23.02
93 Smoke Patrol 507 - - - - 22.64 (60) 22.64
94 Philly Rush - - 22.07 (32) - - 22.07
95 Indy Storm - - - - 20 (61) 20
96 XERO METHOD 16.51 (47) - - - - 16.51
97 High Rollers - - 12.41 (36) - - 12.41
98 Nova Royalty - 12.12 (40) - - - 12.12
99 Smoke Saints 11.63 (50) - - - - 11.63
100 NBK - - 10 (37) - - 10
100 The Leftovers 10 (51) - - - - 10

Division 4 X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Avid Factory 82 (7) 76.96 (9) 100 (1) 93 (3) 180 (4) 373
2 Tension 80 (8) 93 (3) 74.62 (10) 100 (1) 168 (6) 361
3 Woodkings 100 (1) 90 (4) - 65 (11) 164 (7) 354
4 TX Titans 90 (4) 80 (8) - - 172 (5) 342
5 Wyld Side SBS 76.41 (10) - - 84 (6) 157.94 (9) 318.35
6 EAVL - 100 (1) - - 192 (2) 292
7 Altitude Sickness D4 74.62 (11) 37.39 (22) - 60 (12) 153.82 (11) 288.44
8 The Lost Boys 67.44 (15) 28.26 (25) 96 (2) 30 (18) 110.59 (32) 274.02
9 Shock 65.64 (16) 67.83 (12) - - 133.24 (21) 266.7
10 AG Knights - 61.74 (14) 58.46 (16) - 145.59 (15) 265.79
11 Sac DMG 40.51 (30) 82 (7) 15.38 (32) 50 (14) 129.12 (23) 261.12
12 Quebec Nordiques D4 24.36 (39) - 90 (4) - 137.35 (19) 251.71
13 FACK - - 93 (3) 75 (9) 73.53 (50) 241.53
14 Filthy Few 22.56 (40) - 18.08 (31) 90 (4) 122.94 (26) 235.51
15 LA XTREME - 84 (6) - - 141.47 (17) 225.47
16 OG AViD - - 84 (6) 70 (10) 61.18 (56) 215.18
17 New Jersey Lost Boys - 46.52 (19) 71.92 (11) - 94.12 (40) 212.56
18 Stormy Rebels - - - - 200 (1) 200
19 OHIO GRIM - - - - 186 (3) 186
20 GANGSTER - 64.78 (13) 82 (7) 35 (17) 30.29 (71) 177.08
21 PAG Factory 96 (2) - - 80 (8) - 176
22 The Leftovers II 54.87 (22) 10 (31) - - 106.47 (34) 171.34
23 Boss Ballers - - 36.92 (24) - 131.18 (22) 168.1
24 Houston Zone 93 (3) 70.87 (11) 61.15 (15) - - 163.87
25 Texas Cyclone - - - - 160 (8) 160
26 TKO 86 (5) 73.91 (10) 50.38 (19) - - 159.91
27 Prime Suspects Black - - - - 155.88 (10) 155.88
28 JACKALS 62.05 (18) 40.43 (21) 39.62 (23) - 52.94 (60) 155.43
29 Nova Royalty - - 55.77 (17) - 98.24 (38) 154
30 Smoke III - - - - 151.76 (12) 151.76
31 PBGateway 1 - - - - 149.71 (13) 149.71
32 Beerkats - - - - 147.65 (14) 147.65
33 The Leftovers - - 10 (34) 96 (2) 40.59 (66) 146.59
34 IKONIK - - - - 143.53 (16) 143.53
35 LVL - - - - 139.41 (18) 139.41
36 SMSC 49.49 (25) 34.35 (23) - 45 (15) 42.65 (65) 137.13
37 Enemy - - - - 135.29 (20) 135.29
38 APEX FACTORY - - - 55 (13) 75.59 (49) 130.59
39 Tampa Bay Animal House 42.31 (29) 13.04 (30) 34.23 (25) 40 (16) 46.76 (63) 129.07
40 ThundaCacks - - - - 127.06 (24) 127.06
41 Carolina Crisis 56.67 (21) 55.65 (16) 69.23 (12) - - 125.9
42 KC Sports Complex - - - - 125 (25) 125
43 TPP Strange - 49.57 (18) - - 71.47 (51) 121.04
44 SELECCION PANAMENA DE PAINTBALL - - - - 120.88 (27) 120.88
45 TPP Most Wanted - - - - 118.82 (28) 118.82
46 Deadly Defiantz - - - - 116.76 (29) 116.76
47 Blind - - - - 114.71 (30) 114.71
48 Free Smoke - - - - 112.65 (31) 112.65
49 Covenant - - - - 108.53 (33) 108.53
50 DC Sabotage - - 12.69 (33) - 92.06 (41) 104.75
51 Columbus Carnage - - - - 104.41 (35) 104.41
52 Reapers 20.77 (41) - - 20 (20) 63.24 (55) 104
53 MRF Factory 58.46 (20) - 45 (21) - - 103.46
54 Hustle D4 - - - - 102.35 (36) 102.35
55 Integrity - - - - 100.29 (37) 100.29
56 Black Ops Beach Bandits - - - - 96.18 (39) 96.18
57 Austin Notorious FsU D4 - 96 (2) - - - 96
58 gg_Factory D4 51.28 (24) 43.48 (20) - - - 94.76
59 Mirage - - - - 90 (42) 90
60 Shock - - - - 87.94 (43) 87.94
61 ONB - - - 86 (5) - 86
61 Rundown - - 86 (5) - - 86
61 TKO Blue - 86 (5) - - - 86
64 Quebec Nordiques - - - - 85.88 (44) 85.88
65 Vegas Venom 84 (6) - - - - 84
66 FLG - - - - 83.82 (45) 83.82
67 LOS TIGRES - - - 82 (7) - 82
68 ODIN - - - - 81.76 (46) 81.76
69 Nasty Dawgs - - 80 (8) - - 80
70 Steel City Bombers - - - - 79.71 (47) 79.71
71 Tropic Thunderr - 58.7 (15) 20.77 (30) - - 79.46
72 Austin Notorious D4 - 52.61 (17) - - 26.18 (73) 78.79
73 PORTLAND PROPHECY 78.21 (9) - - - - 78.21
74 Cartel Kidz - - - - 77.65 (48) 77.65
75 Sunday Sleepers - - 77.31 (9) - - 77.31
76 BS Mafia 38.72 (31) - - - 38.53 (67) 77.25
77 Houston Notorious 72.82 (12) - - - - 72.82
78 Fury 71.03 (13) - - - - 71.03
79 GTF RAIDERS - - - - 69.41 (52) 69.41
80 DEFY Factory 69.23 (14) - - - - 69.23
81 Aruba Madness Skeleton Crew - - - - 67.35 (53) 67.35
82 L.K.A. - - 66.54 (13) - - 66.54
83 Damage Control - - - - 65.29 (54) 65.29
84 DMTB 33.33 (34) 31.3 (24) - - - 64.64
85 Northwest Tropics 63.85 (17) - - - - 63.85
85 Omenz - - 63.85 (14) - - 63.85
87 DRAGOONS 36.92 (32) 25.22 (26) - - - 62.14
88 All Mixed Up Gold AMU 60.26 (19) - - - - 60.26
89 Death Row - - - - 59.12 (57) 59.12
90 Suricatos D4 10 (47) - 47.69 (20) - - 57.69
91 Richmond Rejects - - - - 57.06 (58) 57.06
92 Reborn .R - - - - 55 (59) 55
93 NorthWest EPIC 53.08 (23) - - - - 53.08
93 Rebellion - - 53.08 (18) - - 53.08
95 Nottawasaga Wave - - - - 50.88 (61) 50.88
96 BERTA BOYS - - - - 48.82 (62) 48.82
97 Maui Mixed Plate 47.69 (26) - - - - 47.69
98 Omega 45.9 (27) - - - - 45.9
99 LKA SAINTS - - - - 44.71 (64) 44.71
100 LongShots Gold 44.1 (28) - - - - 44.1
101 CRU LT - - - 10 (22) 32.35 (70) 42.35
102 Super Fast - - 42.31 (22) - - 42.31
103 Medellin Saints - - - - 36.47 (68) 36.47
104 SDS 35.13 (33) - - - - 35.13
105 The Ronin - - - - 34.41 (69) 34.41
106 gg_Factory D4 Gold - 19.13 (28) - 15 (21) - 34.13
107 Desert Edge D4 31.54 (35) - - - - 31.54
107 Syracuse Outlaws - - 31.54 (26) - - 31.54
109 We Drink Beer 29.74 (36) - - - - 29.74
110 Blasphemy - - 28.85 (27) - - 28.85
111 Cunning Stunts - - - - 28.24 (72) 28.24
112 Entourage 27.95 (37) - - - - 27.95
113 BlackOps 26.15 (38) - - - - 26.15
113 NME - - 26.15 (28) - - 26.15
115 Veteran Militia Kilo - - - 25 (19) - 25
116 Veteran Militia Hotel - - - - 24.12 (74) 24.12
117 Noobies - - 23.46 (29) - - 23.46
118 TKO Bellatrix - 22.17 (27) - - - 22.17
119 TotalPML - - - - 22.06 (75) 22.06
120 United Freakshow - - - - 20 (76) 20
121 Tonic 18.97 (42) - - - - 18.97
122 Glenn's Fancy Paintball Boys 17.18 (43) - - - - 17.18
123 SUWT HYDRA - 16.09 (29) - - - 16.09
124 Spokane Head Hunters 15.38 (44) - - - - 15.38
125 Immortal Kings 13.59 (45) - - - - 13.59
126 Blazers 11.79 (46) - - - - 11.79

Division 5 X-Ball™

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 TPP Factory 90 (4) - 96 (2) 100 (1) 200 (1) 300
2 Gunnerz 96 (2) 100 (1) - 96 (2) 186 (3) 286
3 Boss Ballers Red - - 100 (1) - 172 (5) 272
4 Shut Up They're Trying 100 (1) 96 (2) - - 168 (6) 268
5 All Mixed Up Black 86 (5) - - - 156 (9) 242
6 New York Tyrants - - 93 (3) - 136 (14) 229
7 S.N.A.F.U. - - - 86 (5) 116 (19) 202
8 STL Bounty - - - - 192 (2) 192
9 Helotes Fuzion - - - - 180 (4) 180
10 Gate City Howlers - - - - 164 (7) 164
11 Thunderducks - - - - 160 (8) 160
11 OFP - - 84 (6) - 76 (29) 160
13 Filthy - - 86 (5) 82 (7) 72 (30) 158
14 SIERRA - - - 68.33 (9) 88 (26) 156.33
15 Palm Beach Maniacs 2 - - - - 152 (10) 152
16 Sand Tigers BR - - - - 148 (11) 148
16 Hawaii warriors pb 52 (10) - - - 96 (24) 148
18 ICT Weekend Warriors - - - - 144 (12) 144
19 4K Sports LA - - - - 140 (13) 140
20 Virginia Vendetta Black - - - - 132 (15) 132
21 Toxic Teddys - - - 45 (11) 84 (27) 129
21 QLTY - - - 93 (3) 36 (39) 129
23 WildStyle - - - - 128 (16) 128
24 Apocalypse - - - - 124 (17) 124
25 LAX FACTORY - - - - 120 (18) 120
26 Arctic Yetis - - - - 112 (20) 112
27 The Leftovers III 38 (11) 82 (7) 90 (4) 10 (14) 20 (43) 110
28 Coup - - - - 108 (21) 108
29 Gulf Coast Gorillas - - - - 104 (22) 104
30 Immortals - - - - 100 (23) 100
31 Austin Assault - 93 (3) - - - 93
31 BERTA BOYS 93 (3) - - - - 93
33 Cerberus - - - - 92 (25) 92
34 Austin Oni - - - 90 (4) - 90
34 Team Blank - 90 (4) - - - 90
36 Austin Notorious D5 - 86 (5) - - - 86
37 Bomb City Ballers 84 (6) 84 (6) - - - 84
37 gg_Factory D5 - 80 (8) - 84 (6) - 84
39 NorthWest EPIC Black 82 (7) - - - - 82
39 Suicide Squad - - 82 (7) - - 82
41 Cruel and Unusual - - - - 80 (28) 80
41 Maui Mixed Plate Gold 80 (8) - - - - 80
41 Virginia Shiners - - 80 (8) - - 80
41 Warped Army - - - 80 (8) - 80
45 The Leftovers IV - - - 33.33 (12) 40 (38) 73.33
46 Upstate Avalanche - - - - 68 (31) 68
47 LongShots Black 66 (9) - - - - 66
48 - - - - 64 (32) 64
49 Public X Enemy - - 10 (10) - 52 (35) 62
50 Busters - - - - 60 (33) 60
51 SBS Gold - - - 56.67 (10) - 56.67
52 Black Ops Beach Bandits Humidity - - - - 56 (34) 56
53 Hell Hounds - - - - 48 (36) 48
54 Sunday Sleepers D5 - - 45 (9) - - 45
55 D.T.M - - - - 44 (37) 44
56 CMiV - - - - 32 (40) 32
57 Reckless All Stars - - - - 28 (41) 28
58 Richmond Rejects D5 Red - - - - 24 (42) 24
58 Tucson Punishers 24 (12) - - - - 24
60 Immortals Aries - - - 21.67 (13) - 21.67
61 The Other Side 10 (13) - - - - 10

Amateur 10v10

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Maple Leaf Chiefs - 96 (2) 100 (1) - 192 (2) 388
2 Chicago Aftershock 100 (1) - 93 (3) 96 (2) 164 (7) 360
3 Hydra Mentality 52 (12) 93 (3) 90 (4) - 152.43 (10) 335.43
4 CRBN 90 (4) 84 (6) 82 (7) 86 (5) 156.22 (9) 332.22
5 Hydra.Fit 38 (14) 82 (7) 80 (8) 93 (3) 103.24 (23) 278.24
6 NM Ruckus 86 (5) - - - 148.65 (11) 234.65
7 PHILIPPINES - 90 (4) - - 110.81 (21) 200.81
8 Seattle Crusaders - - - - 200 (1) 200
9 TMNT - - - - 186 (3) 186
10 Tiki's Paintball Park is Number One - - - - 180 (4) 180
11 Tigers Chess Club - - - - 172 (5) 172
12 Outlaw AP Society - - - - 168 (6) 168
13 BR factory D4 - - - - 160 (8) 160
14 Gulf Coast Gorillas - - - - 144.86 (12) 144.86
15 APEX FACTORY - - - - 141.08 (13) 141.08
16 XPX Jets - - - - 137.3 (14) 137.3
17 The Misfits - - - - 133.51 (15) 133.51
18 Louisville Asylum - - - 80 (8) 50.27 (37) 130.27
19 LOCKOUT CANADA - - - - 129.73 (16) 129.73
20 WARBIRDS - - - - 125.95 (17) 125.95
21 Avalanche PB - - - - 122.16 (18) 122.16
22 Rushers - - - - 118.38 (19) 118.38
23 Veteran Militia Victor 17 (17) 80 (8) 10 (18) - 20 (45) 117
24 DC Sabotage - - - - 114.59 (20) 114.59
25 APE Guerrillas - - 84 (6) - 27.57 (43) 111.57
26 Bricktown Bucks Gold - - - - 107.03 (22) 107.03
27 Bum Life - - - 100 (1) - 100
27 Houston VcK - 100 (1) - - - 100
29 BERTA BOYS - - - - 99.46 (24) 99.46
30 SLUGKING - - 96 (2) - - 96
30 Wicked 96 (2) - - - - 96
32 Miami Rage - - - - 95.68 (25) 95.68
33 Image 93 (3) - - - - 93
34 Cunning Stunts - - - - 91.89 (26) 91.89
35 Hostile Ground 80 (8) 10 (9) - - - 90
35 Lonewolfpb - - - 90 (4) - 90
37 Adrenaline - - - - 88.11 (27) 88.11
38 Old Fat Ninjas - 86 (5) - - - 86
38 Thundercats - - 86 (5) - - 86
40 Blazers - - - - 84.32 (28) 84.32
41 Social Mutants - - - 84 (6) - 84
41 XSV Powered By BFPGEAR.Com 84 (6) - - - - 84
43 BTA Butchers 82 (7) - - - - 82
43 Midwest Betrayal - - - 82 (7) - 82
45 Filthy - - - - 80.54 (29) 80.54
46 Veteran Militia India - - - - 76.76 (30) 76.76
47 73 (9) - - - - 73
47 Positive Impact Goon Squad - - 73 (9) - - 73
49 Beast Mode Frankfurt - - - - 72.97 (31) 72.97
50 Papeletto Team - - - - 69.19 (32) 69.19
51 Enemy Agency - - - 68.33 (9) - 68.33
52 The Leftovers 10v10 - - 66 (10) - - 66
52 kRe 66 (10) - - - - 66
54 - - - - 65.41 (33) 65.41
55 Kings Creations - - - - 61.62 (34) 61.62
56 Enemy 1 - - 59 (11) - - 59
56 Quebec Paintball 59 (11) - - - - 59
58 KnockAround Guys - - - - 57.84 (35) 57.84
59 Tropic Thunder - - - 56.67 (10) - 56.67
60 Richmond Rejects 10 - - - - 54.05 (36) 54.05
61 Eastside Bandits - - 52 (12) - - 52
62 Hydra - - - - 46.49 (38) 46.49
63 HORIZON - - 45 (13) - - 45
63 Merciless 45 (13) - - - - 45
63 PBB - - - 45 (11) - 45
66 Element - - - - 42.7 (39) 42.7
67 Veteran Militia Fox - - - - 38.92 (40) 38.92
68 OCAWASIN TRAPPERS - - 38 (14) - - 38
69 Pink Pony Club - - - - 35.14 (41) 35.14
70 MAGIC - - - 33.33 (12) - 33.33
71 Union - - - - 31.35 (42) 31.35
72 FAAFO - - 31 (15) - - 31
72 Hormesis Hit Squad 31 (15) - - - - 31
74 Twisted Factory Utah 24 (16) - - - - 24
74 Twisted vibrators - - 24 (16) - - 24
76 SOP - - - - 23.78 (44) 23.78
77 Toxic Teddys - - - 21.67 (13) - 21.67
78 Quickshot crew - - 17 (17) - - 17
79 Hurtz's Heroes 10 (18) - - - - 10
79 Veteran Militia Whiskey - - - 10 (14) - 10

Mounds - Open 10v10

Rank Team NXL World Cup Total
1 Rushers 200 (1) 200
2 Mayhem Tigers 192 (2) 192
3 Team Smoke 186 (3) 186
4 Image 180 (4) 180
5 Secret Society 172 (5) 172
6 THE FARM 168 (6) 168
7 BTA Butchers 164 (7) 164
8 NW Union 160 (8) 160
9 Fight Club P-Town Posse 146 (9) 146
10 Positive Impact 132 (10) 132
11 Annihilators 118 (11) 118
12 LOCKOUT 104 (12) 104
13 Valhalla 90 (13) 90
14 Adrenaline 76 (14) 76
15 Crisis Tactical 62 (15) 62
16 Schlactet Die Gebrmutter 48 (16) 48
17 Absolute Carnage 34 (17) 34
18 OG Roadkill 20 (18) 20

Mounds - Open 7v7

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Aftershock 93 (3) - 100 (1) 93 (3) 200 (1) 393
2 Image 100 (1) - 96 (2) - 180 (4) 376
3 Spread Eagle Tavern - 96 (2) 86 (5) 84 (6) 168 (6) 350
4 STRUGGLE - - 93 (3) 86 (5) 132 (9) 311
5 Valhalla - 100 (1) - - 160 (8) 260
6 BTA Butchers - - - - 192 (2) 192
7 Team Smoke - - - - 186 (3) 186
8 Fight Club P-Town Posse - - - - 172 (5) 172
9 APE Guerrillas 86 (5) - 80 (8) - - 166
10 SIERRA - - - - 164 (7) 164
11 Annihilators 7 man - - - - 104 (10) 104
12 Midwest Betrayal - - - 100 (1) - 100
13 BTA Butchers 96 (2) - - - - 96
13 With Intent - - - 96 (2) - 96
15 ac GALAXY - 93 (3) - - - 93
16 Annihilators 7man - - 90 (4) - - 90
16 PHILIPPINES - 90 (4) - - - 90
16 Salt City Strike 90 (4) - - - - 90
16 Social Mutants - - - 90 (4) - 90
20 TXL Fusion - 86 (5) - - - 86
21 NYPD Finest Paintball - - 84 (6) - - 84
21 Sac Street Fighters 84 (6) - - - - 84
23 Beer League Paintball - - - 82 (7) - 82
23 Quebec Paintball 82 (7) - - - - 82
23 Robtown Army - - 82 (7) - - 82
26 Genesis 80 (8) - - - - 80
26 MAGIC - - - 80 (8) - 80
28 THE FARM - - - - 76 (11) 76
29 Requiem II - - - 56.67 (9) - 56.67
30 OG Roadkill - - - - 48 (12) 48
31 Chi Town Nightmare - - - 33.33 (10) - 33.33
32 Findlay Force - - - - 20 (13) 20
33 With Intent Black - - - 10 (11) - 10

WNXL Amateur 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Sacramento Storm 100 (1) 100 (1) 100 (1) 186 (3) 486
2 NJ High Rollers 96 (2) 96 (2) 96 (2) 180 (4) 468
3 Midwest Warmaidens - - 93 (3) 192 (2) 285
4 Dallas Dolls - - - 200 (1) 200
5 Suricatos Female 93 (3) 93 (3) - - 186
6 BR Barbies - - - 172 (5) 172
7 VALKIRIA - - - 168 (6) 168
8 LADY JACKALS - - - 164 (7) 164
9 Inland Empire Runaways 90 (4) - - - 90

Division 4 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Bricktown Bucks - Stick Up Kids 90 (4) 86 (5) 93 (3) 36.25 (13) 168 (6) 351
2 NMI - - 86 (5) 100 (1) 153.91 (10) 339.91
3 OPPS - 36.25 (13) 96 (2) 82 (7) 160 (8) 338
4 D4 80 (8) 62.5 (10) 80 (8) 96 (2) 147.83 (12) 323.83
5 Fatality 96 (2) - 90 (4) - 129.57 (18) 315.57
6 THE NOBODYS 84 (6) 93 (3) - 71.25 (9) 123.48 (20) 300.48
7 Outlaw AP Sharks - 100 (1) - - 192 (2) 292
8 Port City Grizzly - - 82 (7) 80 (8) 68.7 (38) 230.7
9 Stealth 45 (15) - 75 (9) 84 (6) 50.43 (44) 209.43
10 Panda Express Elite - - - - 200 (1) 200
11 Reapers - - - - 186 (3) 186
12 ColdBlooded - 90 (4) - - 93.04 (30) 183.04
13 Rat Kings - - - - 180 (4) 180
14 Bush Hogs - - - - 172 (5) 172
15 Vikings 82 (7) - - - 83.91 (33) 165.91
16 Lethal Accidents - - - - 164 (7) 164
17 Rat Kings - - - - 156.96 (9) 156.96
18 JUSTICE - - - - 150.87 (11) 150.87
19 Requiem - - - 93 (3) 53.48 (43) 146.48
20 SUWT - 10 (16) - - 135.65 (16) 145.65
21 Eastside Bandits - - - - 144.78 (13) 144.78
22 GREED - - - - 141.74 (14) 141.74
23 TPP Storm - - - - 138.7 (15) 138.7
24 NJ Sinister - - 84 (6) 53.75 (11) - 137.75
25 Menteanah - - - - 132.61 (17) 132.61
26 Deadly Dynamic - - - - 126.52 (19) 126.52
27 CARTEL - 27.5 (14) - - 96.09 (29) 123.59
28 Milwaukee Mayhem 93 (3) - - 27.5 (14) - 120.5
29 Reckoning - - - - 120.43 (21) 120.43
30 Richmond Rejects Budget Line - - - - 117.39 (22) 117.39
31 Florida Heatwave - - - - 114.35 (23) 114.35
32 Blasphemy - - - - 111.3 (24) 111.3
33 PR Crew - - - - 108.26 (25) 108.26
34 The Union - - - - 105.22 (26) 105.22
35 Wildfire - - - - 102.17 (27) 102.17
36 APEX FACTORY 30 (18) - 70 (10) - - 100
36 Devotion - - 100 (1) - - 100
36 Seattle Crusaders 100 (1) - - - - 100
39 LK Assassins - - - - 99.13 (28) 99.13
40 PBGateway 1 - 96 (2) - - - 96
41 JAX KRAKEN - - - - 90 (31) 90
41 PANDEMIC - - - 90 (4) - 90
43 Dauntless - - - - 86.96 (32) 86.96
44 Hawaiian Homegrown 86 (5) - - - - 86
44 Hostile Ground - - - 86 (5) - 86
46 Veteran Militia Charlie 70 (10) - 15 (21) - - 85
47 Wasted - 84 (6) - - - 84
48 Houston Zone - 82 (7) - - - 82
49 TotalPML - - - - 80.87 (34) 80.87
50 Deadly Defiantz - 80 (8) - - - 80
51 CR Fight Club 5Man - - - - 77.83 (35) 77.83
52 Idaho Bandits 75 (9) - - - - 75
53 Shinobi - - - - 74.78 (36) 74.78
54 Moisture Missiles - - 35 (17) - 38.26 (48) 73.26
55 CFK - - - - 71.74 (37) 71.74
56 Point Blank - 71.25 (9) - - - 71.25
57 Notorious Ronin - - - - 65.65 (39) 65.65
58 Blackhawks - - 65 (11) - - 65
58 Sons of ASG 65 (11) - - - - 65
60 WidowMakerz - - - - 62.61 (40) 62.61
61 A.S.A.F. - - - 62.5 (10) - 62.5
62 NARCOS D4 60 (12) - - - - 60
62 Quickshot Sadboyz - - 60 (12) - - 60
64 WARBIRDS - - - - 59.57 (41) 59.57
65 Salina Elite - - - - 56.52 (42) 56.52
66 Noobies - - 55 (13) - - 55
66 SUWT HYDRA 55 (13) - - - - 55
68 SF XPLOSIV - 53.75 (11) - - - 53.75
69 Sofa Kingdom - - 50 (14) - - 50
69 Vegas Venom Purple 50 (14) - - - - 50
71 Immortals D4 - - - - 47.39 (45) 47.39
72 Hostile Ground 2 - - - 45 (12) - 45
72 Ronin - 45 (12) - - - 45
72 Soup Can Cocks - - 45 (15) - - 45
75 The Leftovers V - - - - 44.35 (46) 44.35
76 Docs Raiders - - - - 41.3 (47) 41.3
77 CUNextTuesday 40 (16) - - - - 40
77 Virginia Vendetta Black - - 40 (16) - - 40
79 PILIPINAS - - - - 35.22 (49) 35.22
80 SF XPLOSIV 35 (17) - - - - 35
81 APC lions - - - - 32.17 (50) 32.17
82 Shooters - - 30 (18) - - 30
83 SAVANNAH TITANS - - - - 29.13 (51) 29.13
84 ODIN VIDUR - - - - 26.09 (52) 26.09
85 PHILIPPINES 25 (19) - - - - 25
85 Wolves - - 25 (19) - - 25
87 IndyStorm - - - - 23.04 (53) 23.04
88 Stealth II - - - - 20 (54) 20
88 Legion 20 (20) - - - - 20
88 Misfit Toy Killas - - 20 (20) - - 20
91 Extreme Rage - 18.75 (15) - - - 18.75
91 Wisconsin Rage - - - 18.75 (15) - 18.75
93 Veteran Militia Sierra 15 (21) - - - - 15
94 OMENZ - - 10 (22) - - 10
94 Veteran Militia Delta 10 (22) - - - - 10
94 Veteran Militia Whiskey - - - 10 (16) - 10

Youth 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Hydra Kidz - - - 100 (1) 200 (1) 300
2 Filthy Kids - - 100 (1) 93 (3) 192 (2) 292
3 TCP Micro Machine 93 (3) - 96 (2) 96 (2) 186 (3) 282
4 IKONIK 100 (1) - - - 180 (4) 280
5 Prime Suspects Outlawz - - - 90 (4) 172 (5) 262
6 CountDown Kidz 96 (2) 90 (4) - - 160 (8) 256
7 Rampage Kids - 82 (7) - - 164 (7) 246
8 TCP Nano Machine - - - 84 (6) 90 (9) 174
9 ShenaniKids - - - - 168 (6) 168
10 TKO Vale Tudo - 100 (1) - - - 100
11 Houston Zone Kidz - 96 (2) - - - 96
12 AG Kids - - 93 (3) - - 93
12 Outlaw AP Prime - 93 (3) - - - 93
14 IMPOSTERS - - 90 (4) - - 90
15 ColdBlooded Kids - 86 (5) - - - 86
15 Suspect Kidz - - - 86 (5) - 86
17 PBGateway Goonies - 84 (6) - - - 84
18 Immortals Minis - - - 82 (7) - 82
19 Shock Kidz MW - - - 80 (8) - 80
20 Savage Patch Kids - - - - 20 (10) 20

Division 3 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Papeletto 84 (6) 93 (3) 100 (1) 93 (3) 186 (3) 379
2 Veteran Militia 100 (1) 100 (1) 96 (2) 96 (2) 172 (5) 372
3 Veteran Militia Zulu 10 (9) - - 90 (4) 200 (1) 300
4 Preferred Mob - - 84 (6) - 130 (11) 214
5 GUILTY 93 (3) - - - 110 (13) 203
6 Cousins - - - - 192 (2) 192
7 PHILIPPINES - - - - 180 (4) 180
7 MIDWEST Bounty - - - 100 (1) 80 (16) 180
9 Spread Eagle Tavern 80 (8) 90 (4) 82 (7) 86 (5) - 176
9 Suricatos 90 (4) - 86 (5) 84 (6) - 176
11 IMPACT - - - - 168 (6) 168
12 APEX - - - - 164 (7) 164
13 WAR - - - - 160 (8) 160
14 Papeletto Dark - - - - 150 (9) 150
15 More Dudes - - - - 140 (10) 140
16 Invasivee - - - - 120 (12) 120
17 Rock bottom - - - - 100 (14) 100
18 RAMPAGE 96 (2) - - - - 96
18 Struggle Paintball - 96 (2) - - - 96
20 NJ RIOT - - 93 (3) - - 93
21 Archenemy - - - - 90 (15) 90
21 ScheiBe - - 90 (4) - - 90
23 Silent killers - 86 (5) - - - 86
23 Utah Bro Army 86 (5) - - - - 86
25 Tulsa Saints - 84 (6) - - - 84
26 SUFFER 82 (7) - - - - 82
27 Reapers - - 80 (8) - - 80
28 Veteran Militia Sierra - - - - 70 (17) 70
29 Papeletto Legends - - - - 60 (18) 60
30 TKO Texas KnockOut - - - - 50 (19) 50
31 Tropicana Factory Team - - - - 40 (20) 40
32 Bleeding Blue - - - - 30 (21) 30
33 XFT - - - - 20 (22) 20

Division 5 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 PBGateway 2 - 96 (2) - - 192 (2) 288
2 TCP Micro Machine 80 (8) - 100 (1) 90 (4) 186 (3) 286
3 DC Matrix - - 82 (7) - 172 (5) 254
3 New Blood 90 (4) - - - 164 (7) 254
5 Texas Sannin - 100 (1) - - 145 (11) 245
6 Desert Edge D5 100 (1) - - - 120 (16) 220
7 Rice N Beans - - 93 (3) - 110 (18) 203
8 Orlando Invaders - - - - 200 (1) 200
9 JakkBoyz - - - 100 (1) 95 (21) 195
10 Maui Misfits 84 (6) - - 84 (6) 100 (20) 184
11 Killa Bees - - - - 180 (4) 180
12 ColdBlooded Pandas - - - - 168 (6) 168
13 CountDownCity - 82 (7) - - 85 (23) 167
14 Legendary Weapons - - - - 160 (8) 160
15 TCP Xtreme 45 (10) - - 82 (7) 75 (25) 157
16 Dynamic - - - - 155 (9) 155
17 Hatred Cartel - - - - 150 (10) 150
18 Stealth D5 - - 84 (6) - 65 (27) 149
19 TXL Fusion - 73 (9) - - 70 (26) 143
20 Space Monkeys X - - - - 140 (12) 140
21 Cartel Paintball Team - 59 (11) - - 80 (24) 139
22 Bear Ridge ODB - - - - 135 (13) 135
23 Titans Bravo - - - - 130 (14) 130
24 Tikis Revo - - - - 125 (15) 125
25 Hydra Kidz - - - 93 (3) 25 (35) 118
26 Palmetto Hills Paintball - - - 66 (9) 50 (30) 116
27 Palm Beach InVade - - - - 115 (17) 115
28 Offhand - - - - 105 (19) 105
29 Freelancers United - - - 96 (2) - 96
29 MAD MONKEYS WSP 93 (3) 93 (3) 96 (2) - - 96
29 SNCS - AMBUSH 96 (2) 10 (18) - - - 96
32 Ragtag D5 - - - - 90 (22) 90
32 DC Matrix 2 - - 90 (4) - - 90
32 Veteran Militia Charlie - 90 (4) - - - 90
35 Austin Oni D5 - 86 (5) - - - 86
35 LI Dark Riders - - 86 (5) - - 86
35 NOF Trusight - - - 86 (5) - 86
35 Vegas Venom Red 86 (5) - - - - 86
39 TKO Vale Tudo - 84 (6) - - - 84
40 Cerberus 82 (7) 38 (14) - - - 82
41 BCB - 80 (8) - - - 80
41 HEAVY METAL - - - 80 (8) - 80
41 TROPA - - 80 (8) - - 80
44 Koncept - 66 (10) - - - 66
44 NY InfeXtious - - 66 (9) - - 66
46 Immortals 62.5 (9) - - 10 (13) - 62.5
47 NC Tenacious Green - - - - 60 (28) 60
48 Big Horn Berserkers - - - - 55 (29) 55
49 Charm City Phantoms - - 52 (10) - - 52
49 Chicago Chaos - - - 52 (10) - 52
49 PPS Mayhem - 52 (12) - - - 52
52 SUPRA PARENTIS - - - - 45 (31) 45
52 Team J1-9 - 45 (13) - - - 45
54 Tampa Bay Exile - - - - 40 (32) 40
55 NC Tenacious - - 38 (11) - - 38
55 Omaha Jamz D5 - - - 38 (11) - 38
57 Waynes World Water Dawgs - - - - 35 (33) 35
58 Mad Monkeys Purple WSP - 31 (15) - - - 31
59 UCF Knights-Black - - - - 30 (34) 30
60 406 Mavericks 27.5 (11) - - - - 27.5
61 BLACKHAWKS - - 24 (12) - - 24
61 Integrity D5 - 24 (16) - - - 24
61 MidWest Raptors - - - 24 (12) - 24
64 NYPD Finest Paintball - - - - 20 (36) 20
65 Dynamis - 17 (17) - - - 17
66 L.A. Deadshots 10 (12) - - - - 10
66 NJ Sinister Black - - 10 (13) - - 10

Mounds - Open 5v5

Rank Team NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Aftershock 93 (3) 93 (3) 100 (1) 186 (3) 379
2 Struggle 100 (1) 96 (2) 96 (2) 151.25 (9) 347.25
3 Crowley Ridge Fight Club 96 (2) 86 (5) 82 (7) 98.75 (15) 280.75
4 APE Guerrillas - 90 (4) - 180 (4) 270
5 Papeletto Team - 100 (1) 93 (3) 28.75 (23) 221.75
6 Image - - - 200 (1) 200
7 Rushers - - - 192 (2) 192
8 florida annihilators - - - 172 (5) 172
9 Absolute Carnage - - - 168 (6) 168
10 Mayhem Tigers - - - 164 (7) 164
11 RushersGT - - - 160 (8) 160
12 Doc's Raiders - - - 142.5 (10) 142.5
13 Requiem II - - - 133.75 (11) 133.75
14 Fight Club P-Town Posse - - - 125 (12) 125
15 Adrenaline - - - 116.25 (13) 116.25
16 THE FARM - - - 107.5 (14) 107.5
17 BTA Butchers - - - 90 (16) 90
17 Team Siege - - 90 (4) - 90
19 Fiction - - 86 (5) - 86
20 NYPD Finest Paintball - 84 (6) - - 84
20 With Intent - - 84 (6) - 84
22 Avalanche PB Mech - - - 81.25 (17) 81.25
23 Outlaw AP Society - - - 72.5 (18) 72.5
24 SWR - - - 63.75 (19) 63.75
25 Fancy Pants Rentals - - - 55 (20) 55
26 IndyStorm Mounds Div - - - 46.25 (21) 46.25
27 OG Roadkill - - - 37.5 (22) 37.5
28 Beast Mode Frankfurt - - - 20 (24) 20

Pump - Open 5v5

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major Total
1 Hollywood Sports Park 100 (1) 100
2 PumpHub 96 (2) 96
3 Party Animals 93 (3) 93
4 KAMANDAG 90 (4) 90
5 1up 86 (5) 86
6 The Halloween Crooks 84 (6) 84
7 Reverent Mercs 82 (7) 82
8 Gamma Gladiators 80 (8) 80
9 3WM 62.5 (9) 62.5
10 Combat Strong. 45 (10) 45
11 CockFighters 27.5 (11) 27.5
12 DCM Factory 10 (12) 10

Female - WNXL 3v3

Rank Team NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Tiki's Ohana Red 93 (3) 168 (6) 261
2 BR GIRLZ - 200 (1) 200
3 LADY JACKALS - 192 (2) 192
4 Rollers - 186 (3) 186
5 Inland Empire Runaways - 180 (4) 180
6 Destiny Dolls - 172 (5) 172
7 Lady Jackals 2 - 164 (7) 164
8 Gazorpians 100 (1) - 100
9 Suricatos Female 96 (2) - 96

Amateur 3v3

Rank Team NXL Las Vegas Major NXL Lone Star Major NXL Mid-Atlantic Major NXL Windy City Major NXL World Cup Total
1 Lost Dutchman 93 (3) 93 (3) - 100 (1) 186 (3) 379
2 JACKPOT GOLD - 90 (4) - 96 (2) 168 (6) 354
3 Jackpot green - 100 (1) - 86 (5) 160 (8) 346
4 Outlaw AP Warriors 100 (1) 86 (5) 86 (5) - 118.82 (13) 304.82
5 TROPA Omenz - - 96 (2) 90 (4) 69.41 (19) 255.41
6 Nova Royalty - 96 (2) 90 (4) 84 (6) 52.94 (21) 238.94
7 Gulf Coast Ragtag - - - - 200 (1) 200