Rankings: RMPL Event 2 | 2024

Division 4 X-Ball™

Rank Team Points
1 Twisted Factory Utah 100
2 Altitude Sickness 87.14
3 Dirty Mike and the Kaos boys 74.29
4 A.S.A.F. 61.43
5 WOLF PACK 48.57
6 The Goodfellaz 35.71
7 Modelo A-Team 22.86
8 Instinct 10

Division 5 X-Ball™

Rank Team Points
1 Desert Edge D5 100
2 SL Assasins 90
3 Bomb City Ballers 80
4 Desert Edge Purple 70
5 A.S. Gang 60
6 Transcend 50
7 Hostile GOATs 40
8 APC lions 30
9 CS Phantoms 20
10 Instinct D5 10