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King of the South - King of the South #6

Event Location: Paintball Zone South, Houston, Texas (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, July 13th 2024 to Sunday, July 14th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, July 9th 11:59 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
July 3rd
July 9th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 5 3v3
Division 5 $275 $300
($25 Late Fee)
* Open until 07/12
12 12 16
Division 4 5v5
Division 4 $545 $595
($50 Late Fee)
0 0 16
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

0 5v5 teams paid of 0 teams registered.
12 3v3 teams paid of 12 teams registered.
12 teams paid of 12 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 5 3v3 (Sat)

B.A.BRoster Payment Accepted
BreachRoster Payment Accepted
ColdBlooded d6Roster Payment Accepted
Elite DynastyRoster Payment Accepted
Elite Dynasty GreenRoster Payment Accepted
Get DuckedRoster Payment Accepted
Houston HavocRoster Payment Accepted
Houston Havoc 2Roster Payment Accepted
Houston Zone KidzRoster Payment Accepted
Houston Zone Kidz BlackRoster Payment Accepted
nWoRoster Payment Accepted
Texas Easy CompanyRoster Payment Accepted
12 teams paid of 12 teams registered in this division.

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