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Important Note from New Zealand Paintball Players League:

Please note that all PayPal payments incur a 3% convenience fee. If you wish to avoid this you may pay via bank account, please send notification to info@nzppl.com once paid so we are aware and can mark you as paid when payment received. ANZ NZPPL 01-0721-0052433-00

New Zealand Paintball Players League - NZPPL International Pacific Championship (Auckland)

Event Location: Asylum Paintball, Auckland , International (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, October 25th 2014 to Sunday, October 26th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 7th 11:59 PM PST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
September 29th
October 7th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 1 RaceTo-4 $1,050 $1,150
($100 Late Fee)
8 8 None
Note: All online payments will incur a 3% online convenience fee. This price will be reflected upon checkout. This fee may be avoided by paying by check.
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM PST unless otherwise noted above.

8 RaceTo-4 teams paid of 8 teams registered.
8 teams paid of 8 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 1 RaceTo-4

CamoMeatRoster Payment Accepted
Kamikaze KnightsRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Legacy NZRoster Payment Accepted
Low GearRoster Payment Accepted
Mischief MilitiaRoster Payment Accepted
Phoenix TahitiRoster Payment Accepted
South East CartelRoster Payment Accepted
TraumaRoster Payment Accepted
8 teams paid of 8 teams registered in this division.

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