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Important Note from New Zealand Paintball Players League:

Please note that all PayPal payments incur a 3% convenience fee. If you wish to avoid this you may pay via bank account, please send notification to info@nzppl.com once paid so we are aware and can mark you as paid when payment received. ANZ NZPPL 01-0721-0052433-00

New Zealand Paintball Players League - NZPPL International Pacific Championship (Auckland)

Kamikaze Knights - Division 1 RaceTo-4
Payment Pending

Kamikaze Knights
Division 1 RaceTo-4

Refund Policy

In order to participate in these activities, I the undersigned agree that: there is risk of injury, including a potential for permanent disability or death resulting from participation in these activities or from the equipment involved, I freely assume all such risks both known and unknown and assume full responsibility for my participation, I have read and understand the rules, including all safety-related rules, and agree to fully comply with all regulations during my participation, I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin hereby release and hold harmless New Zealand Paintball Players League, their officers, officials, agents and or employees, from any and all liability for injury, disability, death, loss or damage to personal property, I acknowledge, understand and agree that I have read this release of liability and assume all risk associated with participating and that I sign this release of liability voluntarily and without inducement. I hereby grant to New Zealand Paintball Players League and its representatives, employees, agents and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, reproduce and publish photographs and video taken of me while participating in, attending, or otherwise present on the premise of the leagues' event, including my image and likeness as depicted therein, for editorial, trade, advertising or any other purpose and in any manner and medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. I hereby release New Zealand Paintball Players League and its trustees, officers, employees, agents, legal representatives and assigns from any and all claims, actions and liability relating to the use of said photographs.

Your entry fee is a non-refundable deposit which guarantees your team a place in the tournament. Absolutely no refunds will be provided to teams who fail to show for scheduled games.

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