This page last updated 29 Sep 19 07:54:40
Sun 7:34 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (1) Twisted Vibe
Sun 7:38 Good Karma (2) BAMF OG
Sun 7:42 VA Diabolical (3) NJ BOMBSQUAD Bad Karma (135) East Coast Militia
Sun 7:50 BnK (5) 410 Roughnecks
Sun 7:54 Ghost Life (6) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 7:58 Warriors (7) Take Notes High Rollers (139) Liberty University Flames
Sun 8:06 The Bearded Clams (9) Vendetta
Sun 8:10 NASTY Templars (10) BAMF OG
Sun 8:14 BAMF Devil's Cut (11) NJ BOMBSQUAD Sofa Kingdom GREEN (143) East Coast Militia
Sun 8:22 BnK (13) Twisted Vibe
Sun 8:26 Good Karma (14) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 8:30 VA Diabolical (15) Take Notes Bad Karma (147) Liberty University Flames
Sun 8:38 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (17) The Bearded Clams
Sun 8:42 Ghost Life (18) NASTY Templars
Sun 8:46 Warriors (19) BAMF Devil's Cut High Rollers (151) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 8:54 410 Roughnecks (21) Vendetta
Sun 9:02 Twisted Vibe (23) The Bearded Clams
Sun 9:06 Philadelphia Savages Orange (24) BAMF OG
Sun 9:10 Take Notes (25) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 9:14   Liberty University Flames (158) East Coast Militia
Sun 9:18 BnK (27) Vendetta
Sun 9:22 Good Karma (28) NASTY Templars
Sun 9:26 VA Diabolical (29) BAMF Devil's Cut
Sun 9:30   Bad Karma (162) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 9:34 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (31) 410 Roughnecks
Sun 9:38 Ghost Life (32) BAMF OG
Sun 9:42 Warriors (33) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 9:46   High Rollers (166) East Coast Militia
Sun 9:50 Twisted Vibe (35) Vendetta
Sun 9:54 NASTY Templars (36) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 9:58 BAMF Devil's Cut (37) Take Notes
Sun 10:02   Sofa Kingdom GREEN (170) Liberty University Flames
Sun 10:06 410 Roughnecks (39) The Bearded Clams
Sun 10:10 Ghost Life (40) Good Karma
Sun 10:14 Warriors (41) VA Diabolical
Sun 10:18   High Rollers (174) Bad Karma
Sun 10:22 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (43) BnK
Sun 10:30 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (45) Twisted Vibe
Sun 10:34 Good Karma (46) BAMF OG
Sun 10:38 VA Diabolical (47) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 10:46 BnK (49) 410 Roughnecks Bad Karma (181) East Coast Militia
Sun 10:50 Ghost Life (50) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 10:54 Warriors (51) Take Notes
Sun 11:02 The Bearded Clams (53) Vendetta High Rollers (185) Liberty University Flames
Sun 11:06 NASTY Templars (54) BAMF OG
Sun 11:10 BAMF Devil's Cut (55) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 11:18 BnK (57) Twisted Vibe Sofa Kingdom GREEN (189) East Coast Militia
Sun 11:22 Good Karma (58) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 11:26 VA Diabolical (59) Take Notes
Sun 11:34 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (61) The Bearded Clams Bad Karma (193) Liberty University Flames
Sun 11:38 Ghost Life (62) NASTY Templars
Sun 11:42 Warriors (63) BAMF Devil's Cut
Sun 11:50 410 Roughnecks (65) Vendetta High Rollers (197) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 11:58 Twisted Vibe (67) The Bearded Clams
Sun 12:02 Philadelphia Savages Orange (68) BAMF OG
Sun 12:06 Take Notes (69) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 12:14 BnK (71) Vendetta
Sun 12:18 Good Karma (72) NASTY Templars Liberty University Flames (204) East Coast Militia
Sun 12:22 VA Diabolical (73) BAMF Devil's Cut
Sun 12:30 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (75) 410 Roughnecks
Sun 12:34 Ghost Life (76) BAMF OG Bad Karma (208) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 12:38 Warriors (77) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 12:46 Twisted Vibe (79) Vendetta
Sun 12:50 NASTY Templars (80) Philadelphia Savages Orange High Rollers (212) East Coast Militia
Sun 12:54 BAMF Devil's Cut (81) Take Notes
Sun 1:02 410 Roughnecks (83) The Bearded Clams
Sun 1:06 Ghost Life (84) Good Karma Sofa Kingdom GREEN (216) Liberty University Flames
Sun 1:10 Warriors (85) VA Diabolical
Sun 1:18 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (87) BnK
Sun 1:22   High Rollers (220) Bad Karma
Sun 1:26 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (89) Twisted Vibe
Sun 1:30 Good Karma (90) BAMF OG
Sun 1:34 VA Diabolical (91) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 1:42 BnK (93) 410 Roughnecks
Sun 1:46 Ghost Life (94) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 1:50 Warriors (95) Take Notes Bad Karma (227) East Coast Militia
Sun 1:58 The Bearded Clams (97) Vendetta
Sun 2:02 NASTY Templars (98) BAMF OG
Sun 2:06 BAMF Devil's Cut (99) NJ BOMBSQUAD High Rollers (231) Liberty University Flames
Sun 2:14 BnK (101) Twisted Vibe
Sun 2:18 Good Karma (102) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 2:22 VA Diabolical (103) Take Notes Sofa Kingdom GREEN (235) East Coast Militia
Sun 2:30 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (105) The Bearded Clams
Sun 2:34 Ghost Life (106) NASTY Templars
Sun 2:38 Warriors (107) BAMF Devil's Cut Bad Karma (239) Liberty University Flames
Sun 2:46 410 Roughnecks (109) Vendetta
Sun 2:54 Twisted Vibe (111) The Bearded Clams High Rollers (243) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 2:58 Philadelphia Savages Orange (112) BAMF OG
Sun 3:02 Take Notes (113) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 3:10 BnK (115) Vendetta
Sun 3:14 Good Karma (116) NASTY Templars
Sun 3:18 VA Diabolical (117) BAMF Devil's Cut
Sun 3:22   Liberty University Flames (250) East Coast Militia
Sun 3:26 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (119) 410 Roughnecks
Sun 3:30 Ghost Life (120) BAMF OG
Sun 3:34 Warriors (121) NJ BOMBSQUAD
Sun 3:38   Bad Karma (254) Sofa Kingdom GREEN
Sun 3:42 Twisted Vibe (123) Vendetta
Sun 3:46 NASTY Templars (124) Philadelphia Savages Orange
Sun 3:50 BAMF Devil's Cut (125) Take Notes
Sun 3:54   High Rollers (258) East Coast Militia
Sun 3:58 410 Roughnecks (127) The Bearded Clams
Sun 4:02 Ghost Life (128) Good Karma
Sun 4:06 Warriors (129) VA Diabolical
Sun 4:10   Sofa Kingdom GREEN (262) Liberty University Flames
Sun 4:14 Sofa Kingdom PURPLE (131) BnK
Sun 4:26   High Rollers (266) Bad Karma
This page last updated 29 Sep 19 07:54:40
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