This page last updated 26 Jul 18 22:47:28
Independence Cup 2018
Sunday Empire Field
8:00 Long Island Misfits vs TopGun Factory
8:04 Black Lotus vs Voltage
8:08 The Other Guys vs Voltage Shock
8:12 New York Corruption vs Misfit Toys
8:16 TopGun Commandos vs Hustle Union
8:20 NewYork PayLoad vs Ghetto Hope
8:24 Supremacy vs OTP United
8:28 Disabled List vs Voltage
8:32 EC Rampage vs Voltage Shock
8:36 Misfit Toys vs TopGun Factory
8:40 Black Lotus vs Hustle Union
8:44 The Other Guys vs Ghetto Hope
8:48 New York Corruption vs OTP United
8:52 TopGun Commandos vs Disabled List
8:56 NewYork PayLoad vs EC Rampage
9:00 Supremacy vs Long Island Misfits
9:04 New York Corruption vs TopGun Factory
9:08 Hustle Union vs Voltage
9:12 Ghetto Hope vs Voltage Shock
9:16 OTP United vs Long Island Misfits
9:20 Black Lotus vs Disabled List
9:24 The Other Guys vs EC Rampage
9:28 Supremacy vs Misfit Toys
9:32 TopGun Commandos vs Voltage
9:36 NewYork PayLoad vs Voltage Shock
9:40 OTP United vs TopGun Factory
9:44 Disabled List vs Hustle Union
9:48 EC Rampage vs Ghetto Hope
9:52 Misfit Toys vs Long Island Misfits
9:56 TopGun Commandos vs Black Lotus
10:00 NewYork PayLoad vs The Other Guys
10:04 Supremacy vs New York Corruption
10:08 Long Island Misfits vs TopGun Factory
10:12 Black Lotus vs Voltage
10:16 The Other Guys vs Voltage Shock
10:20 New York Corruption vs Misfit Toys
10:24 TopGun Commandos vs Hustle Union
10:28 NewYork PayLoad vs Ghetto Hope
10:32 Supremacy vs OTP United
10:36 Disabled List vs Voltage
10:40 EC Rampage vs Voltage Shock
10:44 Misfit Toys vs TopGun Factory
10:48 Black Lotus vs Hustle Union
10:52 The Other Guys vs Ghetto Hope
10:56 New York Corruption vs OTP United
11:00 TopGun Commandos vs Disabled List
11:04 NewYork PayLoad vs EC Rampage
11:08 Supremacy vs Long Island Misfits
11:12 New York Corruption vs TopGun Factory
11:16 Hustle Union vs Voltage
11:20 Ghetto Hope vs Voltage Shock
11:24 OTP United vs Long Island Misfits
11:28 Black Lotus vs Disabled List
11:32 The Other Guys vs EC Rampage
11:36 Supremacy vs Misfit Toys
11:40 TopGun Commandos vs Voltage
11:44 NewYork PayLoad vs Voltage Shock
11:48 OTP United vs TopGun Factory
11:52 Disabled List vs Hustle Union
11:56 EC Rampage vs Ghetto Hope
12:00 Misfit Toys vs Long Island Misfits
12:04 TopGun Commandos vs Black Lotus
12:08 NewYork PayLoad vs The Other Guys
12:12 Supremacy vs New York Corruption
12:16 Long Island Misfits vs TopGun Factory
12:20 Black Lotus vs Voltage
12:24 The Other Guys vs Voltage Shock
12:28 New York Corruption vs Misfit Toys
12:32 TopGun Commandos vs Hustle Union
12:36 NewYork PayLoad vs Ghetto Hope
12:40 Supremacy vs OTP United
12:44 Disabled List vs Voltage
12:48 EC Rampage vs Voltage Shock
12:52 Misfit Toys vs TopGun Factory
12:56 Black Lotus vs Hustle Union
1:00 The Other Guys vs Ghetto Hope
1:04 New York Corruption vs OTP United
1:08 TopGun Commandos vs Disabled List
1:12 NewYork PayLoad vs EC Rampage
1:16 Supremacy vs Long Island Misfits
1:20 New York Corruption vs TopGun Factory
1:24 Hustle Union vs Voltage
1:28 Ghetto Hope vs Voltage Shock
1:32 OTP United vs Long Island Misfits
1:36 Black Lotus vs Disabled List
1:40 The Other Guys vs EC Rampage
1:44 Supremacy vs Misfit Toys
1:48 TopGun Commandos vs Voltage
1:52 NewYork PayLoad vs Voltage Shock
1:56 OTP United vs TopGun Factory
2:00 Disabled List vs Hustle Union
2:04 EC Rampage vs Ghetto Hope
2:08 Misfit Toys vs Long Island Misfits
2:12 TopGun Commandos vs Black Lotus
2:16 NewYork PayLoad vs The Other Guys
2:20 Supremacy vs New York Corruption
This page last updated 26 Jul 18 22:47:28
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