Field 2 Sunday Schedule

8:30 Category 5 vs New England Crusade
8:37 MB3 vs UBK
8:42 Black Diamond vs New England Legion
8:49 Sons of Liberty vs Blood Runs Cold
8:54 Boston Staff Infection vs Portland Puffins
9:01 Mass Assassins vs Groton Abyss
9:06 New York Infectious vs Band of Brothers
9:13 Black Diamond vs Portland Puffins
9:20 Blood Runs Cold vs UBK
9:25 Category 5 vs Band of Brothers
9:32 Sons of Liberty vs Groton Abyss
9:37 New York Infectious vs New England Crusade
9:44 Mass Assassins vs MB3
9:49 Boston Staff Infection vs New England Legion
9:56 Category 5 vs Black Diamond
10:03 Sons of Liberty vs UBK
10:08 New England Crusade vs New England Legion
10:15 Groton Abyss vs MB3
10:20 Boston Staff Infection vs New York Infectious
10:27 Mass Assassins vs Blood Runs Cold
10:32 New England Legion vs Band of Brothers
10:39 New England Crusade vs Portland Puffins
10:46 Groton Abyss vs UBK
10:51 Boston Staff Infection vs Category 5
10:58 Blood Runs Cold vs MB3
11:03 New York Infectious vs Black Diamond
11:10 Mass Assassins vs Sons of Liberty
11:15 Portland Puffins vs Band of Brothers
11:22 Category 5 vs New England Crusade
11:29 MB3 vs UBK
11:34 Black Diamond vs New England Legion
11:41 Sons of Liberty vs Blood Runs Cold
11:46 Boston Staff Infection vs Portland Puffins
11:53 Mass Assassins vs Groton Abyss
11:58 New York Infectious vs Band of Brothers
12:05 Black Diamond vs Portland Puffins
12:12 Blood Runs Cold vs UBK
12:17 Category 5 vs Band of Brothers
12:24 Sons of Liberty vs Groton Abyss
12:29 New York Infectious vs New England Crusade
12:36 Mass Assassins vs MB3
12:41 Boston Staff Infection vs New England Legion
12:48 Category 5 vs Black Diamond
12:55 Sons of Liberty vs UBK
1:00 New England Crusade vs New England Legion
1:07 Groton Abyss vs MB3
1:12 Boston Staff Infection vs New York Infectious
1:19 Mass Assassins vs Blood Runs Cold
1:24 New England Legion vs Band of Brothers
1:31 New England Crusade vs Portland Puffins
1:38 Groton Abyss vs UBK
1:43 Boston Staff Infection vs Category 5
1:50 Blood Runs Cold vs MB3
1:55 New York Infectious vs Black Diamond
2:02 Mass Assassins vs Sons of Liberty
2:07 Portland Puffins vs Band of Brothers
2:14 Category 5 vs New England Crusade
2:21 MB3 vs UBK
2:26 Black Diamond vs New England Legion
2:33 Sons of Liberty vs Blood Runs Cold
2:38 Boston Staff Infection vs Portland Puffins
2:45 Mass Assassins vs Groton Abyss
2:50 New York Infectious vs Band of Brothers
2:57 Black Diamond vs Portland Puffins
3:04 Blood Runs Cold vs UBK
3:09 Category 5 vs Band of Brothers
3:16 Sons of Liberty vs Groton Abyss
3:21 New York Infectious vs New England Crusade
3:28 Mass Assassins vs MB3
3:33 Boston Staff Infection vs New England Legion
3:40 Category 5 vs Black Diamond
3:47 Sons of Liberty vs UBK
3:52 New England Crusade vs New England Legion
3:59 Groton Abyss vs MB3
4:04 Boston Staff Infection vs New York Infectious
4:11 Mass Assassins vs Blood Runs Cold
4:16 New England Legion vs Band of Brothers
4:23 New England Crusade vs Portland Puffins
4:30 Groton Abyss vs UBK
4:35 Boston Staff Infection vs Category 5
4:42 Blood Runs Cold vs MB3
4:47 New York Infectious vs Black Diamond
4:54 Mass Assassins vs Sons of Liberty
4:59 Portland Puffins vs Band of Brothers
8:30 Portland Puffins vs Team No Name Crew
8:37 Category 5 vs New England Legion
8:44 Portland Puffins vs Team No Name Crew
8:51 Category 5 vs New England Legion
8:58 Portland Puffins vs Team No Name Crew
9:05 Category 5 vs New England Legion
9:30 Team No Name Crew vs Category 5
9:37 Team No Name Crew vs Category 5
9:44 Team No Name Crew vs Category 5
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