This page last updated 13 Aug 23 12:18:27
Pittsburgh Open Classic
Saturday Hyperball
7:30 Boss Ballers (0) Fight Club
7:40 Doc's Warriors (1) DETROIT FUSION
7:50 Annihilators (2) Keyser KARNAGE
8:00 412 Krew (3) FARSIDE
8:10 MVPS Dark Ops (4) Maximum Effort
8:20 Los Banditos Mexicano (5) Carolina Warriors
8:30 Mohawk (6) Saberwolves
8:40 All Americans (7) Intense
8:50 Boss Ballers (8) ThunderHorse
9:00 Doc's Warriors (9) Four One TOO
9:10 Annihilators (10) MVPS Dark Ops
9:20 412 Krew (11) Los Banditos Mexicano
9:30 Keyser KARNAGE (12) Fight Club
9:50 Mohawk (14) Maximum Effort
10:00 All Americans (15) Carolina Warriors
10:10 Saberwolves (16) ThunderHorse
10:20 Intense (17) Four One TOO
10:30 Boss Ballers (18) Keyser KARNAGE
10:40 Doc's Warriors (19) FARSIDE
10:50 Mohawk (20) Annihilators
11:00 All Americans (21) 412 Krew
11:10 MVPS Dark Ops (22) Fight Club
11:20 Los Banditos Mexicano (23) DETROIT FUSION
11:30 Maximum Effort (24) ThunderHorse
11:40 Carolina Warriors (25) Four One TOO
11:50 Boss Ballers (26) Saberwolves
12:00 Doc's Warriors (27) Intense
12:10 Nasty_ (28) GKG
12:20 The Misfits (29) OBR Blue
12:30 ac EMPIRE (30) Richmond Remechs
12:40 Kapp Factory (31) Los Angeles Infamous
1:00 LOCKOUT RED (33) PA Legacy
1:10 Enemy (34) Guillotine
1:20 Iconic (35) GRIDLOCK
1:30 Nasty_ (36) FMI
1:40 The Misfits (37) Tropicana Factory Team
2:00 LOCKOUT RED (39) OBR Blue
2:10 ac EMPIRE (40) FRACTION
2:20 Kapp Factory (41) PA Legacy
2:30 Richmond Remechs (42) Guillotine
2:40 Los Angeles Infamous (43) GRIDLOCK
2:50 Enemy (44) FMI
3:00 Iconic (45) Tropicana Factory Team
3:10 Nasty_ (46) LOCKOUT CANADA
3:20 The Misfits (47) LOCKOUT RED
3:30 ac EMPIRE (48) GKG
3:40 Kapp Factory (49) OBR Blue
3:50 FRACTION (50) Guillotine
4:00 PA Legacy (51) GRIDLOCK
4:10 Richmond Remechs (52) FMI
4:20 Los Angeles Infamous (53) Tropicana Factory Team
4:30 Nasty_ (54) Enemy
4:40 The Misfits (55) Iconic
This page last updated 13 Aug 23 12:18:27
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