This page last updated 02 Jun 24 17:31:57
Sat 8:00 ac (0) FRACTION ac GALAXY (43) Jungle Lizards
Sat 8:12 Valhalla FSU (1) Black Sunday LOCKOUT CANADA (44) AAF
Sat 8:24 LOCKOUT (2) Dirty. Brimstone (45) Lake Superior LEGACY
Sat 8:36 The Wolverines (3) Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. Roadies Factory (46) Colorado United
Sat 8:48 APE Guerrillas (4) ac Omaha Bulls (47) MAP Factory
Sat 9:00 FRACTION (5) Pittsburgh Rampage Crowley Ridge Fight Club (48) ac GALAXY
Sat 9:12 Maple Leaf Chiefs II (6) Valhalla FSU Jungle Lizards (49) LOCKOUT CANADA
Sat 9:24 Black Sunday (7) LOCKOUT AAF (50) Brimstone
Sat 9:36 Dirty. (8) The Wolverines Lake Superior LEGACY (51) Roadies Factory
Sat 9:48 Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. (9) APE Guerrillas Colorado United (52) Omaha Bulls
Sat 10:00 Pittsburgh Rampage (10) Maple Leaf Chiefs II MAP Factory (53) Crowley Ridge Fight Club
Sat 10:12 ac GALAXY (11) AAF FRACTION (54) Valhalla FSU
Sat 10:24 Jungle Lizards (12) Brimstone Black Sunday (55) The Wolverines
Sat 10:36 Lake Superior LEGACY (13) Omaha Bulls APE Guerrillas (56) Pittsburgh Rampage
Sat 10:48 Crowley Ridge Fight Club (14) LOCKOUT CANADA LOCKOUT (57) Lost Boyz powered by Dirty.
Sat 11:00 Roadies Factory (15) MAP Factory Valhalla FSU (58) Dirty.
Sat 11:12 Brimstone (16) Colorado United The Wolverines (59) ac
Sat 11:24 Omaha Bulls (17) ac GALAXY Pittsburgh Rampage (60) Black Sunday
Sat 11:36 LOCKOUT CANADA (18) Lake Superior LEGACY Maple Leaf Chiefs II (61) LOCKOUT
Sat 11:48 AAF (19) Roadies Factory Dirty. (62) APE Guerrillas
Sat 12:00 Colorado United (20) Crowley Ridge Fight Club Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. (63) FRACTION
Sat 12:12 MAP Factory (21) Jungle Lizards ac (64) Maple Leaf Chiefs II
Sat 12:48     Valhalla FSU (107) The Wolverines
Sat 1:00 Enemy (22) Team Smoke Rogue (65) Adrenaline Brimstone (108) Omaha Bulls
Sat 1:12 Annihilators (23) MVPS Dark Ops Image (66) Kapp Factory Pittsburgh Rampage (109) LOCKOUT
Sat 1:24 All Americans (24) FARSIDE THE FARM (67) The Golden State Chess Club LOCKOUT CANADA (110) Roadies Factory
Sat 1:36 Louisville Asylum (25) The Misfits ARMADA (68) Ground Zero Gold Dirty. (111) ac
Sat 1:48 Fight Club (26) Maple Leaf Chiefs Infamous (69) Chicago Aftershock Colorado United (112) ac GALAXY
Sat 2:00 MVPS Dark Ops (27) ac EMPIRE Kapp Factory (70) Rogue Black Sunday (113) Lost Boyz powered by Dirty.
Sat 2:12 FARSIDE (28) Enemy Adrenaline (71) THE FARM Lake Superior LEGACY (114) MAP Factory
Sat 2:24 The Misfits (29) All Americans Ground Zero Gold (72) Image APE Guerrillas (115) Maple Leaf Chiefs II
Sat 2:36 Team Smoke (30) Fight Club The Golden State Chess Club (73) Infamous Crowley Ridge Fight Club (116) AAF
Sat 2:48 ac EMPIRE (31) Louisville Asylum Chicago Aftershock (74) ARMADA The Wolverines (117) FRACTION
Sat 3:00 Maple Leaf Chiefs (32) Annihilators MVPS Dark Ops (75) FARSIDE Omaha Bulls (118) Jungle Lizards
Sat 3:12 THE FARM (33) Kapp Factory The Misfits (76) Fight Club ac (119) Valhalla FSU
Sat 3:24 Rogue (34) Ground Zero Gold ac EMPIRE (77) Enemy ac GALAXY (120) Brimstone
Sat 3:36 Infamous (35) Adrenaline All Americans (78) Maple Leaf Chiefs Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. (121) Pittsburgh Rampage
Sat 3:48 Image (36) ARMADA Louisville Asylum (79) Team Smoke MAP Factory (122) LOCKOUT CANADA
Sat 4:00 The Golden State Chess Club (37) Chicago Aftershock FARSIDE (80) Annihilators LOCKOUT (123) APE Guerrillas
Sat 4:12 Ground Zero Gold (38) THE FARM Enemy (81) MVPS Dark Ops Roadies Factory (124) Crowley Ridge Fight Club
Sat 4:24 Kapp Factory (39) Infamous Maple Leaf Chiefs (82) The Misfits Maple Leaf Chiefs II (125) Dirty.
Sat 4:36 ARMADA (40) Rogue Fight Club (83) Louisville Asylum AAF (126) Colorado United
Sat 4:48 Adrenaline (41) The Golden State Chess Club Team Smoke (84) ac EMPIRE FRACTION (127) Black Sunday
Sat 5:00 Chicago Aftershock (42) Image Annihilators (85) All Americans Jungle Lizards (128) Lake Superior LEGACY
Sun 8:00 Infamous (6000) Ground Zero Gold APE Guerrillas (6021) Valhalla FSU Enemy (6043) Annihilators
Sun 8:12 THE FARM (6001) ARMADA Crowley Ridge Fight Club (6022) Brimstone The Misfits (6044) Team Smoke
Sun 8:24 The Golden State Chess Club (6002) Kapp Factory ac (6023) Black Sunday MVPS Dark Ops (6045) All Americans
Sun 8:36 Rogue (6003) Image ac GALAXY (6024) Lake Superior LEGACY Fight Club (6046) ac EMPIRE
Sun 8:48 Adrenaline (6004) Chicago Aftershock Pittsburgh Rampage (6025) Dirty. FARSIDE (6047) Maple Leaf Chiefs
Sun 9:00 ARMADA (6005) Infamous LOCKOUT CANADA (6026) Colorado United Louisville Asylum (6048) Enemy
Sun 9:12 Ground Zero Gold (6006) The Golden State Chess Club FRACTION (6027) LOCKOUT Annihilators (6049) The Misfits
Sun 9:24 Image (6007) THE FARM Jungle Lizards (6028) Roadies Factory All Americans (6050) Fight Club
Sun 9:36 Kapp Factory (6008) Adrenaline Maple Leaf Chiefs II (6029) The Wolverines ac EMPIRE (6051) FARSIDE
Sun 9:48 Chicago Aftershock (6009) Rogue AAF (6030) Omaha Bulls Team Smoke (6052) MVPS Dark Ops
Sun 10:00 Enemy (6010) All Americans Valhalla FSU (6031) Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. Maple Leaf Chiefs (6053) Louisville Asylum
Sun 10:12 The Misfits (6011) ac EMPIRE Brimstone (6032) MAP Factory Image (6054) The Golden State Chess Club
Sun 10:24 Annihilators (6012) Fight Club Black Sunday (6033) APE Guerrillas ARMADA (6055) Adrenaline
Sun 10:36 Team Smoke (6013) FARSIDE Lake Superior LEGACY (6034) Crowley Ridge Fight Club Rogue (6056) Infamous
Sun 10:48 MVPS Dark Ops (6014) Maple Leaf Chiefs LOCKOUT (6035) ac Ground Zero Gold (6057) Kapp Factory
Sun 11:00 All Americans (6015) Louisville Asylum Roadies Factory (6036) ac GALAXY THE FARM (6058) Chicago Aftershock
Sun 11:12 Fight Club (6016) Enemy Dirty. (6037) FRACTION Adrenaline (6059) Image
Sun 11:24 ac EMPIRE (6017) Annihilators Colorado United (6038) Jungle Lizards The Golden State Chess Club (6060) Rogue
Sun 11:36 FARSIDE (6018) The Misfits The Wolverines (6039) Pittsburgh Rampage Kapp Factory (6061) ARMADA
Sun 11:48 Maple Leaf Chiefs (6019) Team Smoke Omaha Bulls (6040) LOCKOUT CANADA Infamous (6062) THE FARM
Sun 12:00 Louisville Asylum (6020) MVPS Dark Ops Lost Boyz powered by Dirty. (6041) Maple Leaf Chiefs II Chicago Aftershock (6063) Ground Zero Gold
Sun 12:12   MAP Factory (6042) AAF
Sun 12:45 All Americans (0) Infamous AAF (1500) LOCKOUT
Sun 12:57 Chicago Aftershock (1) Team Smoke
Sun 1:00   Maple Leaf Chiefs II (1501) Roadies Factory
Sun 1:09 ac EMPIRE (2) Adrenaline
Sun 1:15   LOCKOUT CANADA (1502) Dirty.
Sun 1:21 Image (3) Infamous
Sun 1:30   FRACTION (1503) LOCKOUT
Sun 1:33 FARSIDE (4) Team Smoke
Sun 1:45 Kapp Factory (5) Adrenaline Omaha Bulls (1504) Roadies Factory
Sun 1:57 Image (6) All Americans
Sun 2:00   Valhalla FSU (1505) Dirty.
Sun 2:09 FARSIDE (7) Chicago Aftershock
Sun 2:15   FRACTION (1506) AAF
Sun 2:21 Kapp Factory (8) ac EMPIRE
Sun 2:30   Omaha Bulls (1507) Maple Leaf Chiefs II
Sun 2:45   Valhalla FSU (1508) LOCKOUT CANADA
Sun 3:30 Chicago Aftershock (0) Image
Sun 3:45 AAF (1500) Dirty.
Sun 4:00 ac EMPIRE (1) Image
Sun 4:15 Omaha Bulls (1501) Dirty.
Sun 4:30 ac EMPIRE (2) Chicago Aftershock
Sun 4:45 Omaha Bulls (1502) AAF
This page last updated 02 Jun 24 17:31:57
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