This page last updated 10 Nov 24 12:48:52
NXL World Cup 2024
Sunday Gel Blaster
home (red)-away (blue)
7:00 Public X Enemy (10000) Voltage Paintball
7:02 the noobies (10001) Moisture Missiles
7:05 Alliance (10002) Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold
7:07 Kool Aid Killers (10003) Pathogen
7:10 CF_Sector (10004) Immortals
7:12 Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue (10005) Brazilian Boyz
7:15 TPP Most Wanted (10006) Pathogen 2
7:17 KDR (10007) Bio-Hazard Blue
7:20 Sonic (10008) Destiny Space City
7:22 Legendary Weapons (10009) The Leftovers NOV
7:25 Voltage Paintball (10010) PDK
7:27 Tampa Ruckus (10011) the noobies
7:30 Ragtag Alpha (10012) Alliance
7:32 Moisture Missiles (10013) Pathogen
7:35 Pathogen 2 (10014) CF_Sector
7:37 Kool Aid Killers (10015) Brazilian Boyz
7:40 Immortals (10016) Public X Enemy
7:42 Bio-Hazard Blue (10017) Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue
7:45 Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold (10018) Sonic
7:47 Legendary Weapons (10019) KDR
7:50 PDK (10020) Ragtag Alpha
7:52 The Leftovers NOV (10021) Tampa Ruckus
7:55 Destiny Space City (10022) TPP Most Wanted
7:57 Alliance (10023) Public X Enemy
8:00 Pathogen (10024) Brazilian Boyz
8:02 Voltage Paintball (10025) Pathogen 2
8:05 Kool Aid Killers (10026) the noobies
8:07 CF_Sector (10027) Sonic
8:10 Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue (10028) Moisture Missiles
8:12 Ragtag Alpha (10029) Immortals
8:15 Legendary Weapons (10030) Bio-Hazard Blue
8:17 TPP Most Wanted (10031) Alliance
8:20 Tampa Ruckus (10032) KDR
8:22 Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold (10033) Voltage Paintball
8:25 Pathogen (10034) The Leftovers NOV
8:27 Sonic (10035) PDK
8:30 the noobies (10036) Brazilian Boyz
8:32 Destiny Space City (10037) Ragtag Alpha
8:35 Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue (10038) Kool Aid Killers
8:37 Public X Enemy (10039) TPP Most Wanted
8:40 Bio-Hazard Blue (10040) Moisture Missiles
8:42 Pathogen 2 (10041) Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold
8:45 Pathogen (10042) Tampa Ruckus
8:47 PDK (10043) CF_Sector
8:50 the noobies (10044) The Leftovers NOV
8:52 Immortals (10045) Destiny Space City
8:55 Voltage Paintball (10046) Alliance
8:57 Brazilian Boyz (10047) KDR
9:00 Sonic (10048) Pathogen 2
9:02 Kool Aid Killers (10049) Legendary Weapons
9:05 Immortals (10050) PDK
9:07 Moisture Missiles (10051) Tampa Ruckus
9:10 Destiny Space City (10052) CF_Sector
9:12 Bio-Hazard Blue (10053) Pathogen
9:15 Public X Enemy (10054) Ragtag Alpha
9:17 The Leftovers NOV (10055) Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue
9:20 Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold (10056) TPP Most Wanted
9:22 KDR (10057) the noobies
9:25 CF_Sector (10058) Voltage Paintball
9:27 Brazilian Boyz (10059) Legendary Weapons
9:30 Ragtag Alpha (10060) Sonic
9:32 Tampa Ruckus (10061) Kool Aid Killers
9:35 TPP Most Wanted (10062) Immortals
9:37 The Leftovers NOV (10063) Bio-Hazard Blue
9:40 Alliance (10064) Destiny Space City
9:42 Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue (10065) Pathogen
9:45 Pathogen 2 (10066) Public X Enemy
9:47 KDR (10067) Moisture Missiles
9:50 PDK (10068) Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold
9:52 Ragtag Alpha (10069) Voltage Paintball
9:55 the noobies (10070) Legendary Weapons
9:57 CF_Sector (10071) TPP Most Wanted
10:00 Brazilian Boyz (10072) Tampa Ruckus
10:02 Sonic (10073) Alliance
10:05 The Leftovers NOV (10074) Kool Aid Killers
10:07 Immortals (10075) Pathogen 2
10:10 Pathogen (10076) KDR
10:12 Destiny Space City (10077) Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold
10:15 Moisture Missiles (10078) Legendary Weapons
10:17 PDK (10079) Public X Enemy
10:20 Bio-Hazard Blue (10080) the noobies
10:22 TPP Most Wanted (10081) Sonic
10:25 Tampa Ruckus (10082) Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue
10:27 Voltage Paintball (10083) Immortals
10:30 KDR (10084) Kool Aid Killers
10:32 Embry-Riddle Eagles Gold (10085) Ragtag Alpha
10:35 Moisture Missiles (10086) The Leftovers NOV
10:37 Pathogen 2 (10087) Destiny Space City
10:40 Brazilian Boyz (10088) Bio-Hazard Blue
10:42 Public X Enemy (10089) CF_Sector
10:45 Legendary Weapons (10090) Embry-Riddle Eagles Blue
10:47 Alliance (10091) PDK
10:49 Uncle Daddy's Baddies (14216) Sticky Rollerz
10:51 Blind (14217) Conspiracy
10:54 DESERT EDGE (14218) Carolina Vanguard
10:56 crioyo boyz 297 (14219) Blasphemy
10:59 Busters (14220) Genesis
11:01 Stealth (14221) LGG
11:04 PTW (14222) 850 Scrubz
11:06 Nashville Coyotes (14223) Salina Elite
11:09 Queen City Royals (14224) Two and a half men
11:11 Rich In Life Aruba (14225) Resolution black
11:14 Toxic Teddys Red (14226) Uncle Daddy's Baddies
11:16 Blasphemy (14227) Blind
11:19 Sticky Rollerz (14228) Carolina Vanguard
11:21 Conspiracy (14229) Stealth
11:24 DESERT EDGE (14230) Genesis
11:26 Salina Elite (14231) crioyo boyz 297
11:29 850 Scrubz (14232) Busters
11:31 LGG (14233) Rich In Life Aruba
11:34 Queen City Royals (14234) PTW
11:36 Resolution black (14235) Nashville Coyotes
11:39 Two and a half men (14236) Toxic Teddys Red
11:41 Carolina Vanguard (14237) Genesis
11:44 Stealth (14238) Blasphemy
11:46 DESERT EDGE (14239) Uncle Daddy's Baddies
11:49 Blind (14240) Salina Elite
11:51 Busters (14241) Sticky Rollerz
11:54 Rich In Life Aruba (14242) Conspiracy
11:56 Queen City Royals (14243) 850 Scrubz
11:59 crioyo boyz 297 (14244) Nashville Coyotes
12:01 Toxic Teddys Red (14245) PTW
12:04 LGG (14246) Resolution black
12:06 Carolina Vanguard (14247) Two and a half men
12:09 Salina Elite (14248) Stealth
12:11 Uncle Daddy's Baddies (14249) Genesis
12:14 Blasphemy (14250) Rich In Life Aruba
12:16 Busters (14251) DESERT EDGE
12:19 Nashville Coyotes (14252) Blind
12:21 850 Scrubz (14253) Sticky Rollerz
12:24 Conspiracy (14254) LGG
12:26 Carolina Vanguard (14255) Toxic Teddys Red
12:29 Resolution black (14256) crioyo boyz 297
12:31 Uncle Daddy's Baddies (14257) Two and a half men
12:34 Genesis (14258) PTW
12:36 Rich In Life Aruba (14259) Salina Elite
12:39 DESERT EDGE (14260) Queen City Royals
12:41 Stealth (14261) Nashville Coyotes
12:44 Sticky Rollerz (14262) Toxic Teddys Red
12:46 LGG (14263) Blasphemy
12:49 850 Scrubz (14264) Carolina Vanguard
12:51 Blind (14265) crioyo boyz 297
12:54 Two and a half men (14266) Busters
12:56 Conspiracy (14267) Resolution black
12:59 PTW (14268) Uncle Daddy's Baddies
1:01 Nashville Coyotes (14269) Rich In Life Aruba
1:04 Genesis (14270) Queen City Royals
1:06 Salina Elite (14271) LGG
1:09 Toxic Teddys Red (14272) DESERT EDGE
1:11 crioyo boyz 297 (14273) Stealth
1:14 Two and a half men (14274) 850 Scrubz
1:16 Blasphemy (14275) Conspiracy
1:19 Busters (14276) Carolina Vanguard
1:21 Resolution black (14277) Blind
1:24 PTW (14278) Sticky Rollerz
1:26 Uncle Daddy's Baddies (14279) Queen City Royals
1:29 LGG (14280) Nashville Coyotes
1:31 Genesis (14281) Toxic Teddys Red
1:34 Rich In Life Aruba (14282) crioyo boyz 297
1:36 Two and a half men (14283) DESERT EDGE
1:39 Conspiracy (14284) Salina Elite
1:41 Carolina Vanguard (14285) PTW
1:44 Stealth (14286) Blind
1:46 Sticky Rollerz (14287) Queen City Royals
1:49 Blasphemy (14288) Resolution black
1:51 850 Scrubz (14289) Uncle Daddy's Baddies
1:54 crioyo boyz 297 (14290) LGG
1:56 Toxic Teddys Red (14291) Busters
1:59 Nashville Coyotes (14292) Conspiracy
2:01 PTW (14293) DESERT EDGE
2:04 Blind (14294) Rich In Life Aruba
2:06 Sticky Rollerz (14295) Two and a half men
2:09 Salina Elite (14296) Blasphemy
2:11 Genesis (14297) 850 Scrubz
2:14 Resolution black (14298) Stealth
2:16 Queen City Royals (14299) Busters
This page last updated 10 Nov 24 12:48:52
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