This page last updated 12 Nov 23 15:14:41
Lone Wolf - Pit 1JTHK ArmyGel BlasterField 37
home (red)-away (blue)home (red)-away (blue)home (red)-away (blue)home (red)-away (blue)home (red)-away (blue)
Sat 7:50     CF_Sector (2396) Heatwave Royal
Sat 7:54     Central Florida Guardians (2397) JAX Shredders
Sat 7:58     Templar Knights Black (2398) Quebec Paintball
Sat 8:02     TPP Most Wanted (2399) Reckless Too
Sat 8:06     Tikis Kraken (2400) THE NOBODYS
Sat 8:10     Central Florida Guardians (2401) CF_Sector
Sat 8:14     Templar Knights Black (2402) Heatwave Royal
Sat 8:18     TPP Most Wanted (2403) JAX Shredders
Sat 8:22     THE NOBODYS (2404) Quebec Paintball
Sat 8:26     Tikis Kraken (2405) Reckless Too
Sat 8:30     Templar Knights Black (2406) Central Florida Guardians
Sat 8:34     TPP Most Wanted (2407) CF_Sector
Sat 8:38     THE NOBODYS (2408) Heatwave Royal
Sat 8:42     Reckless Too (2409) JAX Shredders
Sat 8:46     Tikis Kraken (2410) Quebec Paintball
Sat 8:50     TPP Most Wanted (2411) Templar Knights Black
Sat 8:54     THE NOBODYS (2412) Central Florida Guardians
Sat 8:58     Reckless Too (2413) CF_Sector
Sat 9:02     Quebec Paintball (2414) Heatwave Royal
Sat 9:06     Tikis Kraken (2415) JAX Shredders
Sat 9:10     THE NOBODYS (2416) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 9:14     Reckless Too (2417) Templar Knights Black
Sat 9:18     Quebec Paintball (2418) Central Florida Guardians
Sat 9:22     JAX Shredders (2419) CF_Sector
Sat 9:26     Tikis Kraken (2420) Heatwave Royal
Sat 9:30     Reckless Too (2421) THE NOBODYS
Sat 9:34     Quebec Paintball (2422) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 9:38     JAX Shredders (2423) Templar Knights Black
Sat 9:42     Heatwave Royal (2424) Central Florida Guardians
Sat 9:46     Tikis Kraken (2425) CF_Sector
Sat 9:50     Quebec Paintball (2426) Reckless Too
Sat 9:54     JAX Shredders (2427) THE NOBODYS
Sat 9:58     Heatwave Royal (2428) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 10:02     CF_Sector (2429) Templar Knights Black
Sat 10:06     Tikis Kraken (2430) Central Florida Guardians
Sat 10:10     JAX Shredders (2431) Quebec Paintball
Sat 10:14     Heatwave Royal (2432) Reckless Too
Sat 10:18     CF_Sector (2433) THE NOBODYS
Sat 10:22     Central Florida Guardians (2434) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 10:26     Tikis Kraken (2435) Templar Knights Black
Sat 10:30   ColdBlooded Predators Black (2312) FL OMENZ Chronic Chaos D5 (2436) Grizzlies
Sat 10:34   Callahan Chaos (2313) La Familia Orange Central Florida Conquer (2437) JUSTICE
Sat 10:38   Waka-Waka (2314) Outlaw Anodizing Blue Cerberus (2438) Prime Suspects
Sat 10:42   UCF Knights-Black (2315) Sfl legends TXL Fusion (2439) Reckoning
Sat 10:46   Reapers (2316) TCP Xtreme PANDEMIC (2440) The BUCS
Sat 10:50   Callahan Chaos (2317) ColdBlooded Predators Black Central Florida Conquer (2441) Chronic Chaos D5
Sat 10:54   Waka-Waka (2318) FL OMENZ Cerberus (2442) Grizzlies
Sat 10:58   UCF Knights-Black (2319) La Familia Orange TXL Fusion (2443) JUSTICE
Sat 11:02   TCP Xtreme (2320) Outlaw Anodizing Blue The BUCS (2444) Prime Suspects
Sat 11:06   Reapers (2321) Sfl legends PANDEMIC (2445) Reckoning
Sat 11:10   Waka-Waka (2322) Callahan Chaos Cerberus (2446) Central Florida Conquer
Sat 11:14   UCF Knights-Black (2323) ColdBlooded Predators Black TXL Fusion (2447) Chronic Chaos D5
Sat 11:18   TCP Xtreme (2324) FL OMENZ The BUCS (2448) Grizzlies
Sat 11:22   Sfl legends (2325) La Familia Orange Reckoning (2449) JUSTICE
Sat 11:26   Reapers (2326) Outlaw Anodizing Blue PANDEMIC (2450) Prime Suspects
Sat 11:30   UCF Knights-Black (2327) Waka-Waka TXL Fusion (2451) Cerberus
Sat 11:34   TCP Xtreme (2328) Callahan Chaos The BUCS (2452) Central Florida Conquer
Sat 11:38   Sfl legends (2329) ColdBlooded Predators Black Reckoning (2453) Chronic Chaos D5
Sat 11:42   Outlaw Anodizing Blue (2330) FL OMENZ Prime Suspects (2454) Grizzlies
Sat 11:46   Reapers (2331) La Familia Orange PANDEMIC (2455) JUSTICE
Sat 12:34   TCP Xtreme (2332) UCF Knights-Black The BUCS (2456) TXL Fusion
Sat 12:38   Sfl legends (2333) Waka-Waka Reckoning (2457) Cerberus
Sat 12:42   Outlaw Anodizing Blue (2334) Callahan Chaos Prime Suspects (2458) Central Florida Conquer
Sat 12:46   La Familia Orange (2335) ColdBlooded Predators Black JUSTICE (2459) Chronic Chaos D5
Sat 12:50   Reapers (2336) FL OMENZ PANDEMIC (2460) Grizzlies
Sat 12:54   Sfl legends (2337) TCP Xtreme Reckoning (2461) The BUCS
Sat 12:58   Outlaw Anodizing Blue (2338) UCF Knights-Black Prime Suspects (2462) TXL Fusion
Sat 1:02   La Familia Orange (2339) Waka-Waka JUSTICE (2463) Cerberus
Sat 1:06   FL OMENZ (2340) Callahan Chaos Grizzlies (2464) Central Florida Conquer
Sat 1:10   Reapers (2341) ColdBlooded Predators Black PANDEMIC (2465) Chronic Chaos D5
Sat 1:14   Outlaw Anodizing Blue (2342) Sfl legends Prime Suspects (2466) Reckoning
Sat 1:18   La Familia Orange (2343) TCP Xtreme JUSTICE (2467) The BUCS
Sat 1:22   FL OMENZ (2344) UCF Knights-Black Grizzlies (2468) TXL Fusion
Sat 1:26   ColdBlooded Predators Black (2345) Waka-Waka Chronic Chaos D5 (2469) Cerberus
Sat 1:30   Reapers (2346) Callahan Chaos PANDEMIC (2470) Central Florida Conquer
Sat 1:34   La Familia Orange (2347) Outlaw Anodizing Blue JUSTICE (2471) Prime Suspects
Sat 1:38   FL OMENZ (2348) Sfl legends Grizzlies (2472) Reckoning
Sat 1:42   ColdBlooded Predators Black (2349) TCP Xtreme Chronic Chaos D5 (2473) The BUCS
Sat 1:46   Callahan Chaos (2350) UCF Knights-Black Central Florida Conquer (2474) TXL Fusion
Sat 1:50   Reapers (2351) Waka-Waka PANDEMIC (2475) Cerberus
Sat 1:54   Strange (2352) Blind SMSC (2476) BRP Elite
Sat 1:58   Avalanche Purple (2353) ERPark Legendz West Coast Sharks 5 (2477) EXCLUSIVE
Sat 2:02   Embry-Riddle Eagles (2354) NBK dauntless black (2478) New Blood
Sat 2:06   SXM Titans (2355) Moisture Missiles Stealth D5 (2479) Miami Assassins
Sat 2:10   Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (2356) WAR Tampa Bay Animal House Teal (2480) WARRIOR'S GREY
Sat 2:14   Venezuela revo (2357) Strange Vatos Locos (2481) SMSC
Sat 2:18   Blind (2358) ERPark Legendz BRP Elite (2482) EXCLUSIVE
Sat 2:22   Avalanche Purple (2359) NBK West Coast Sharks 5 (2483) New Blood
Sat 2:26   Moisture Missiles (2360) Embry-Riddle Eagles Miami Assassins (2484) dauntless black
Sat 2:30   Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (2361) SXM Titans Tampa Bay Animal House Teal (2485) Stealth D5
Sat 2:34   WAR (2362) Venezuela revo WARRIOR'S GREY (2486) Vatos Locos
Sat 2:38   ERPark Legendz (2363) NBK EXCLUSIVE (2487) New Blood
Sat 2:42   Avalanche Purple (2364) Strange West Coast Sharks 5 (2488) SMSC
Sat 2:46   Embry-Riddle Eagles (2365) Blind dauntless black (2489) BRP Elite
Sat 2:50   Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (2366) Moisture Missiles Tampa Bay Animal House Teal (2490) Miami Assassins
Sat 2:54   Venezuela revo (2367) SXM Titans Vatos Locos (2491) Stealth D5
Sat 2:58   ERPark Legendz (2368) WAR EXCLUSIVE (2492) WARRIOR'S GREY
Sat 3:02   Strange (2369) NBK SMSC (2493) New Blood
Sat 3:06   Embry-Riddle Eagles (2370) Avalanche Purple dauntless black (2494) West Coast Sharks 5
Sat 3:10   Moisture Missiles (2371) Blind Miami Assassins (2495) BRP Elite
Sat 3:14   ERPark Legendz (2372) Venezuela revo EXCLUSIVE (2496) Vatos Locos
Sat 3:18   Strange (2373) WAR SMSC (2497) WARRIOR'S GREY
Sat 3:22   NBK (2374) SXM Titans New Blood (2498) Stealth D5
Sat 3:26   Avalanche Purple (2375) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple West Coast Sharks 5 (2499) Tampa Bay Animal House Teal
Sat 3:30   Blind (2376) Venezuela revo BRP Elite (2500) Vatos Locos
Sat 3:34   Moisture Missiles (2377) ERPark Legendz Miami Assassins (2501) EXCLUSIVE
Sat 3:38   WAR (2378) Embry-Riddle Eagles WARRIOR'S GREY (2502) dauntless black
Sat 3:42   SXM Titans (2379) Strange Stealth D5 (2503) SMSC
Sat 3:46   NBK (2380) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple New Blood (2504) Tampa Bay Animal House Teal
Sat 3:50   Venezuela revo (2381) Avalanche Purple Vatos Locos (2505) West Coast Sharks 5
Sat 3:54   WAR (2382) Moisture Missiles WARRIOR'S GREY (2506) Miami Assassins
Sat 3:58   Embry-Riddle Eagles (2383) ERPark Legendz dauntless black (2507) EXCLUSIVE
Sat 4:02   SXM Titans (2384) Blind Stealth D5 (2508) BRP Elite
Sat 4:06   Strange (2385) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple SMSC (2509) Tampa Bay Animal House Teal
Sat 4:10   NBK (2386) Venezuela revo New Blood (2510) Vatos Locos
Sat 4:14   WAR (2387) Avalanche Purple WARRIOR'S GREY (2511) West Coast Sharks 5
Sat 4:18   ERPark Legendz (2388) SXM Titans EXCLUSIVE (2512) Stealth D5
Sat 4:22   Blind (2389) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple BRP Elite (2513) Tampa Bay Animal House Teal
Sat 4:26   Moisture Missiles (2390) Strange Miami Assassins (2514) SMSC
Sat 4:30   Venezuela revo (2391) Embry-Riddle Eagles Vatos Locos (2515) dauntless black
Sat 4:34   SXM Titans (2392) Avalanche Purple Stealth D5 (2516) West Coast Sharks 5
Sat 4:38   Blind (2393) WAR BRP Elite (2517) WARRIOR'S GREY
Sat 4:42   NBK (2394) Moisture Missiles New Blood (2518) Miami Assassins
Sat 4:46   Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (2395) Embry-Riddle Eagles Tampa Bay Animal House Teal (2519) dauntless black
Sun 7:00     Blind (4500) New Blood Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (4501) Cerberus
Sun 7:04     Heatwave Royal (4502) dauntless black La Familia Orange (4503) Callahan Chaos
Sun 7:08     Chronic Chaos D5 (4504) Outlaw Anodizing Blue Tikis Kraken (4505) JAX Shredders
Sun 7:12     The BUCS (4506) Waka-Waka TCP Xtreme (4507) THE NOBODYS
Sun 7:16     Blind (4508) New Blood Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (4509) Cerberus
Sun 7:20     Heatwave Royal (4510) dauntless black La Familia Orange (4511) Callahan Chaos
Sun 7:24     Chronic Chaos D5 (4512) Outlaw Anodizing Blue Tikis Kraken (4513) JAX Shredders
Sun 7:28     The BUCS (4514) Waka-Waka TCP Xtreme (4515) THE NOBODYS
Sun 7:32     Blind (4516) New Blood Tampa Bay Animal House Purple (4517) Cerberus
Sun 7:36     Heatwave Royal (4518) dauntless black La Familia Orange (4519) Callahan Chaos
Sun 7:40     Chronic Chaos D5 (4520) Outlaw Anodizing Blue Tikis Kraken (4521) JAX Shredders
Sun 7:44     The BUCS (4522) Waka-Waka TCP Xtreme (4523) THE NOBODYS
Sun 7:48     Reckoning (4500) Blind WAR (4501) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple
Sun 7:52     Quebec Paintball (4502) dauntless black West Coast Sharks 5 (4503) La Familia Orange
Sun 7:56     TPP Most Wanted (4504) Outlaw Anodizing Blue SMSC (4505) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:00     ColdBlooded Predators Black (4506) The BUCS NBK (4507) THE NOBODYS
Sun 8:04     Reckoning (4508) Blind WAR (4509) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple
Sun 8:08     Quebec Paintball (4510) dauntless black West Coast Sharks 5 (4511) La Familia Orange
Sun 8:12     TPP Most Wanted (4512) Outlaw Anodizing Blue SMSC (4513) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:16     ColdBlooded Predators Black (4514) The BUCS NBK (4515) THE NOBODYS
Sun 8:20     Reckoning (4516) Blind WAR (4517) Tampa Bay Animal House Purple
Sun 8:24     Quebec Paintball (4518) dauntless black West Coast Sharks 5 (4519) La Familia Orange
Sun 8:28     TPP Most Wanted (4520) Outlaw Anodizing Blue SMSC (4521) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:32     ColdBlooded Predators Black (4522) The BUCS NBK (4523) THE NOBODYS
Sun 8:36     The BUCS (4500) TPP Most Wanted NBK (4501) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:40     Quebec Paintball (4502) Reckoning West Coast Sharks 5 (4503) WAR
Sun 8:44     The BUCS (4504) TPP Most Wanted NBK (4505) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:48     Quebec Paintball (4506) Reckoning West Coast Sharks 5 (4507) WAR
Sun 8:52     The BUCS (4508) TPP Most Wanted NBK (4509) Tikis Kraken
Sun 8:56     Quebec Paintball (4510) Reckoning West Coast Sharks 5 (4511) WAR
Sun 9:24     Quebec Paintball (4500) TPP Most Wanted
Sun 9:28     WAR (4501) Tikis Kraken
Sun 9:32     Quebec Paintball (4502) TPP Most Wanted
Sun 9:36     WAR (4503) Tikis Kraken
Sun 9:40     Quebec Paintball (4504) TPP Most Wanted
Sun 9:44     WAR (4505) Tikis Kraken
Sun 10:48         Quebec Paintball (4501) Tikis Kraken
Sun 11:00         Quebec Paintball (4503) Tikis Kraken
Sun 11:12         Quebec Paintball (4505) Tikis Kraken
Sun 1:48 Quebec Paintball (4500) Tikis Kraken
Sun 2:01 Quebec Paintball (4502) Tikis Kraken
Sun 2:12 Quebec Paintball (4504) Tikis Kraken
This page last updated 12 Nov 23 15:14:41
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