This page last updated 30 Aug 22 11:44:42
Eclipse Yellow+Red | Pro*Shar | Premiere | |||||||
home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | |
Sat 9:56 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2124) | RIO USA | ||||||
Sat 10:00 | BLIZZARD | (2125) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sat 10:04 | Templar Knights | (2126) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sat 10:08 | LA ALL STARS | (2127) | Collision | ||||||
Sat 10:12 | 706 Goonies | (2128) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sat 10:16 | Broward Boyz | (2129) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||
Sat 10:20 | RIO USA | (2130) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sat 10:24 | BLIZZARD | (2131) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sat 10:28 | Collision | (2132) | Templar Knights | ||||||
Sat 10:32 | 706 Goonies | (2133) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sat 10:36 | South Florida STORM | (2134) | Broward Boyz | ||||||
Sat 10:40 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (2135) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sat 10:44 | BLIZZARD | (2136) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||
Sat 10:48 | Templar Knights | (2137) | RIO USA | ||||||
Sat 10:52 | 706 Goonies | (2138) | Collision | ||||||
Sat 10:56 | Broward Boyz | (2139) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sat 11:00 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (2140) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sat 11:04 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2141) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sat 11:08 | Templar Knights | (2142) | BLIZZARD | ||||||
Sat 11:12 | Collision | (2143) | RIO USA | ||||||
Sat 11:16 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (2144) | Broward Boyz | ||||||
Sat 11:20 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2145) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sat 12:08 | Palm Beach Venom | (2146) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sat 12:12 | BLIZZARD | (2147) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sat 12:16 | RIO USA | (2148) | Broward Boyz | ||||||
Sat 12:20 | Collision | (2149) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sat 12:24 | South Florida STORM | (2150) | Templar Knights | ||||||
Sat 12:28 | LA ALL STARS | (2151) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||
Sat 12:32 | Palm Beach Venom | (2152) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sat 12:36 | Broward Boyz | (2153) | BLIZZARD | ||||||
Sat 12:40 | South Florida STORM | (2154) | Collision | ||||||
Sat 12:44 | Templar Knights | (2155) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sat 12:48 | LA ALL STARS | (2156) | RIO USA | ||||||
Sat 12:52 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2157) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sat 12:56 | Palm Beach Venom | (2158) | Broward Boyz | ||||||
Sat 1:00 | South Florida STORM | (2159) | BLIZZARD | ||||||
Sat 1:04 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (2160) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sat 1:08 | RIO USA | (2161) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sat 1:12 | Collision | (2162) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||
Sat 1:16 | Broward Boyz | (2163) | Templar Knights | ||||||
Sat 1:20 | LA ALL STARS | (2164) | BLIZZARD | ||||||
Sat 1:24 | RIO USA | (2165) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sat 1:28 | Palm Beach Venom | (2166) | Collision | ||||||
Sat 1:32 | 706 Goonies | (2167) | Templar Knights | ||||||
Sat 1:36 | Reckless | (2168) | Cypress Kingz | ||||||
Sat 1:40 | Dah Savages | (2169) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sat 1:44 | Hostile Ground | (2170) | Jax Reapers | ||||||
Sat 1:48 | Breaking Ranks | (2171) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||
Sat 1:52 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2172) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sat 1:56 | Dah Savages | (2173) | Reckless | ||||||
Sat 2:00 | Hostile Ground | (2174) | Cypress Kingz | ||||||
Sat 2:04 | Breaking Ranks | (2175) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sat 2:08 | Papeletto Team | (2176) | Jax Reapers | ||||||
Sat 2:12 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2177) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||
Sat 2:16 | Hostile Ground | (2178) | Dah Savages | ||||||
Sat 2:20 | Breaking Ranks | (2179) | Reckless | ||||||
Sat 2:24 | Papeletto Team | (2180) | Cypress Kingz | ||||||
Sat 2:28 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (2181) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sat 2:32 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2182) | Jax Reapers | ||||||
Sat 2:36 | Breaking Ranks | (2183) | Hostile Ground | ||||||
Sat 2:40 | Twisted Vibe | (2040) | uNDERRATED | Papeletto Team | (2184) | Dah Savages | |||
Sat 2:44 | Carolina Rage | (2041) | Tiki's Factory Black | DeaD RaBBiTs | (2185) | Reckless | |||
Sat 2:48 | War Goons | (2042) | Invasive | Jax Reapers | (2186) | Cypress Kingz | |||
Sat 2:52 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (2043) | RAMPAGE D4 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2187) | LA AllStars Marauders | |||
Sat 2:56 | Murder inc | (2044) | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | Papeletto Team | (2188) | Breaking Ranks | |||
Sat 3:00 | Carolina Rage | (2045) | Twisted Vibe | DeaD RaBBiTs | (2189) | Hostile Ground | |||
Sat 3:04 | War Goons | (2046) | uNDERRATED | Jax Reapers | (2190) | Dah Savages | |||
Sat 3:08 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (2047) | Tiki's Factory Black | LA AllStars Marauders | (2191) | Reckless | |||
Sat 3:12 | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | (2048) | Invasive | Veteran Militia Echo | (2192) | Cypress Kingz | |||
Sat 3:16 | Murder inc | (2049) | RAMPAGE D4 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (2193) | Papeletto Team | |||
Sat 3:20 | War Goons | (2050) | Carolina Rage | Jax Reapers | (2194) | Breaking Ranks | |||
Sat 3:24 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (2051) | Twisted Vibe | LA AllStars Marauders | (2195) | Hostile Ground | |||
Sat 3:28 | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | (2052) | uNDERRATED | Cypress Kingz | (2196) | Dah Savages | |||
Sat 3:32 | RAMPAGE D4 | (2053) | Tiki's Factory Black | Veteran Militia Echo | (2197) | Reckless | |||
Sat 3:36 | Murder inc | (2054) | Invasive | Jax Reapers | (2198) | DeaD RaBBiTs | |||
Sat 3:40 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (2055) | War Goons | LA AllStars Marauders | (2199) | Papeletto Team | |||
Sat 3:44 | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | (2056) | Carolina Rage | Cypress Kingz | (2200) | Breaking Ranks | |||
Sat 3:48 | RAMPAGE D4 | (2057) | Twisted Vibe | Reckless | (2201) | Hostile Ground | |||
Sat 3:52 | Invasive | (2058) | uNDERRATED | Veteran Militia Echo | (2202) | Dah Savages | |||
Sat 3:56 | Murder inc | (2059) | Tiki's Factory Black | LA AllStars Marauders | (2203) | Jax Reapers | |||
Sat 4:00 | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | (2060) | Breaking Ranks TBD | Cypress Kingz | (2204) | DeaD RaBBiTs | |||
Sat 4:04 | RAMPAGE D4 | (2061) | War Goons | Reckless | (2205) | Papeletto Team | |||
Sat 4:08 | Invasive | (2062) | Carolina Rage | Dah Savages | (2206) | Breaking Ranks | |||
Sat 4:12 | Tiki's Factory Black | (2063) | Twisted Vibe | Veteran Militia Echo | (2207) | Hostile Ground | |||
Sat 4:16 | Murder inc | (2064) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sat 4:20 | RAMPAGE D4 | (2065) | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | ||||||
Sat 4:24 | Invasive | (2066) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sat 4:28 | Tiki's Factory Black | (2067) | War Goons | ||||||
Sat 4:32 | uNDERRATED | (2068) | Carolina Rage | ||||||
Sat 4:36 | Murder inc | (2069) | Twisted Vibe | ||||||
Sat 4:40 | Invasive | (2070) | RAMPAGE D4 | ||||||
Sat 4:44 | Tiki's Factory Black | (2071) | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | ||||||
Sat 4:48 | uNDERRATED | (2072) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sat 4:52 | Twisted Vibe | (2073) | War Goons | ||||||
Sat 4:56 | Murder inc | (2074) | Carolina Rage | ||||||
Sat 5:00 | Tiki's Factory Black | (2075) | Invasive | ||||||
Sat 5:04 | uNDERRATED | (2076) | RAMPAGE D4 | ||||||
Sat 5:08 | Twisted Vibe | (2077) | Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers | ||||||
Sat 5:12 | Carolina Rage | (2078) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sat 5:16 | Murder inc | (2079) | War Goons | ||||||
Sun 8:00 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3000) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 8:04 | Hostile Ground | (3001) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sun 8:08 | Murder inc | (3002) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sun 8:12 | Broward Boyz | (3003) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sun 8:16 | South Florida STORM | (3004) | Twisted Vibe | ||||||
Sun 8:20 | Carolina Rage | (3005) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sun 8:24 | Papeletto Team | (3006) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sun 8:28 | Cypress Kingz | (3007) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sun 8:32 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3008) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 8:36 | Hostile Ground | (3009) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sun 8:40 | Murder inc | (3010) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sun 8:44 | Broward Boyz | (3011) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sun 8:48 | South Florida STORM | (3012) | Twisted Vibe | ||||||
Sun 8:52 | Carolina Rage | (3013) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sun 8:56 | Papeletto Team | (3014) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sun 9:00 | Cypress Kingz | (3015) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sun 9:04 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3016) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 9:08 | Hostile Ground | (3017) | 706 Goonies | ||||||
Sun 9:12 | Murder inc | (3018) | Palm Beach Venom | ||||||
Sun 9:16 | Broward Boyz | (3019) | Tampa Bay Raptors | ||||||
Sun 9:20 | South Florida STORM | (3020) | Twisted Vibe | ||||||
Sun 9:24 | Carolina Rage | (3021) | LA AllStars Marauders | ||||||
Sun 9:28 | Papeletto Team | (3022) | LA ALL STARS | ||||||
Sun 9:32 | Cypress Kingz | (3023) | Breaking Ranks TBD | ||||||
Sun 9:36 | Hostile Ground | (3000) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 9:40 | Broward Boyz | (3001) | Murder inc | ||||||
Sun 9:44 | Carolina Rage | (3002) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 9:48 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (3003) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 10:00 | Hostile Ground | (3006) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 10:04 | Broward Boyz | (3007) | Murder inc | ||||||
Sun 10:08 | Carolina Rage | (3008) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 10:12 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (3009) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 10:24 | Hostile Ground | (3012) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 10:28 | Broward Boyz | (3013) | Murder inc | ||||||
Sun 10:32 | Carolina Rage | (3014) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 10:36 | Breaking Ranks TBD | (3015) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 10:54 | Broward Boyz | (3002) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 10:57 | Papeletto Team | (3003) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 11:12 | Broward Boyz | (3008) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 11:15 | Papeletto Team | (3009) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 11:30 | Broward Boyz | (3014) | uNDERRATED | ||||||
Sun 11:33 | Papeletto Team | (3015) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 12:04 | uNDERRATED | (3003) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 12:16 | uNDERRATED | (3009) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 12:28 | uNDERRATED | (3015) | Papeletto Team | ||||||
Sun 2:03 | Broward Boyz | (3002) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 2:12 | Broward Boyz | (3008) | South Florida STORM | ||||||
Sun 2:21 | Broward Boyz | (3014) | South Florida STORM |
This page last updated 30 Aug 22 11:44:42