This page last updated 15 Aug 21 17:38:49
NXL Golden State Open
Sunday Pro*Shar
home (red)-away (blue)
7:00 Veteran Militia Delta (2060) Aggression PB
7:04 Pintura Fresca (2061) Winston Garcia
7:08 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2062) Los Angeles DESMADRE
7:12 Overkill (2063) City Of Trees
7:16 Bay Area Riot (2064) DCK Outlaws Factory
7:20 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2065) SONICS FACTORY
7:24 DESTINY X (2066) DCK Outlaws
7:28 Gods Vengeance (2067) NARCOS Red
7:32 Norcal Synergy Black (2068) NARCOS Blue
7:36 Veteran Militia (2069) Winston Garcia
7:40 Veteran Militia Delta (2070) San Jose Legion
7:44 Aggression PB (2071) Los Angeles DESMADRE
7:48 Overkill (2072) Venomous Bloodline 2
7:52 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2073) Pintura Fresca
7:56 City Of Trees (2074) DCK Outlaws Factory
8:00 DCK Outlaws (2075) Bay Area Riot
8:04 Gods Vengeance (2076) DESTINY X
8:08 Veteran Militia (2077) SONICS FACTORY
8:12 NARCOS Red (2078) NARCOS Blue
8:16 San Jose Legion (2079) Norcal Synergy Black
8:20 Overkill (2080) Aggression PB
8:24 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2081) Winston Garcia
8:28 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2082) Veteran Militia Delta
8:32 Los Angeles DESMADRE (2083) City Of Trees
8:36 DCK Outlaws Factory (2084) DCK Outlaws
8:40 Veteran Militia (2085) Pintura Fresca
8:44 Gods Vengeance (2086) Bay Area Riot
8:48 NARCOS Blue (2087) DESTINY X
8:52 NARCOS Red (2088) San Jose Legion
8:56 SONICS FACTORY (2089) Winston Garcia
9:00 Aggression PB (2090) Norcal Synergy Black
9:04 Veteran Militia Delta (2091) City Of Trees
9:08 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2092) DCK Outlaws Factory
9:12 Veteran Militia (2093) Coast to Coast Deplorables
9:16 Bay Area Riot (2094) Los Angeles DESMADRE
9:20 Overkill (2095) Gods Vengeance
9:24 San Jose Legion (2096) DESTINY X
9:28 Pintura Fresca (2097) SONICS FACTORY
9:32 NARCOS Red (2098) DCK Outlaws
9:36 NARCOS Blue (2099) Aggression PB
9:40 Norcal Synergy Black (2100) Veteran Militia Delta
9:44 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2101) Winston Garcia
9:48 Los Angeles DESMADRE (2102) Gods Vengeance
9:52 Bay Area Riot (2103) Overkill
9:56 DCK Outlaws Factory (2104) San Jose Legion
10:00 Veteran Militia (2105) SONICS FACTORY
10:04 City Of Trees (2106) DESTINY X
10:08 DCK Outlaws (2107) Venomous Bloodline 2
10:12 Aggression PB (2108) NARCOS Red
10:16 Pintura Fresca (2109) Winston Garcia
10:20 Veteran Militia Delta (2110) Gods Vengeance
10:24 Los Angeles DESMADRE (2111) NARCOS Blue
10:28 Norcal Synergy Black (2112) Overkill
10:32 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2113) SONICS FACTORY
10:36 San Jose Legion (2114) Bay Area Riot
10:40 DCK Outlaws (2115) City Of Trees
10:44 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2116) NARCOS Red
10:48 Veteran Militia (2117) Pintura Fresca
10:52 DESTINY X (2118) Veteran Militia Delta
10:56 Aggression PB (2119) DCK Outlaws Factory
11:00 Gods Vengeance (2120) Norcal Synergy Black
11:04 SONICS FACTORY (2121) Winston Garcia
11:08 NARCOS Blue (2122) Bay Area Riot
11:12 Los Angeles DESMADRE (2123) San Jose Legion
11:16 City Of Trees (2124) NARCOS Red
11:20 Coast to Coast Deplorables (2125) Pintura Fresca
11:24 DESTINY X (2126) Overkill
11:28 DCK Outlaws (2127) Aggression PB
11:32 DCK Outlaws Factory (2128) Gods Vengeance
11:36 Veteran Militia (2129) Winston Garcia
11:40 NARCOS Blue (2130) Venomous Bloodline 2
11:44 City Of Trees (2131) Norcal Synergy Black
11:48 Bay Area Riot (2132) Veteran Militia Delta
11:52 Pintura Fresca (2133) SONICS FACTORY
11:56 NARCOS Red (2134) Overkill
12:00 DESTINY X (2135) Los Angeles DESMADRE
12:04 DCK Outlaws Factory (2136) NARCOS Blue
12:08 Veteran Militia (2137) Coast to Coast Deplorables
12:12 San Jose Legion (2138) Venomous Bloodline 2
12:16 Norcal Synergy Black (2139) DCK Outlaws
1:00 Norcal Synergy Black (3000) DCK Outlaws Factory
1:05 Bay Area Riot (3001) Veteran Militia Delta
1:10 Norcal Synergy Black (3002) DCK Outlaws Factory
1:15 Bay Area Riot (3003) Veteran Militia Delta
1:20 Norcal Synergy Black (3004) DCK Outlaws Factory
1:25 Bay Area Riot (3005) Veteran Militia Delta
1:30 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3000) Norcal Synergy Black
1:35 Gods Vengeance (3001) Bay Area Riot
1:40 Winston Garcia (3002) Pintura Fresca
1:45 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3003) Norcal Synergy Black
1:50 Gods Vengeance (3004) Bay Area Riot
1:55 Winston Garcia (3005) Pintura Fresca
2:00 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3006) Norcal Synergy Black
2:05 Gods Vengeance (3007) Bay Area Riot
2:10 Winston Garcia (3008) Pintura Fresca
2:15 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3000) Bay Area Riot
2:20 Norcal Synergy Black (3001) Gods Vengeance
2:25 Veteran Militia (3002) Winston Garcia
2:30 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3003) Bay Area Riot
2:35 Norcal Synergy Black (3004) Gods Vengeance
2:40 Veteran Militia (3005) Winston Garcia
2:45 Venomous Bloodline 2 (3006) Bay Area Riot
2:50 Norcal Synergy Black (3007) Gods Vengeance
2:55 Veteran Militia (3008) Winston Garcia
This page last updated 15 Aug 21 17:38:49
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