This page last updated 18 Aug 22 07:47:02
NXL Windy City Major
Saturday Eclipse
home (red)-away (blue)
8:00 Louisville Fusion Red (2000) RAMPAGE
8:04 Marked Militia (2001) Blackout
8:08 Veteran Militia (2002) Bricktown Bucks
8:12 Tbd somos lobos (2003) Extreme Rage
8:16 RAMPAGE (2004) Marked Militia
8:20 Louisville Fusion Red (2005) Blackout
8:24 Veteran Militia (2006) Extreme Rage
8:28 Bricktown Bucks (2007) Tbd somos lobos
8:32 RAMPAGE (2008) Blackout
8:36 Louisville Fusion Red (2009) Marked Militia
8:40 Veteran Militia (2010) Tbd somos lobos
8:44 Bricktown Bucks (2011) Extreme Rage
8:48 RAMPAGE (2012) Veteran Militia
8:52 Blackout (2013) Tbd somos lobos
8:56 Extreme Rage (2014) Marked Militia
9:00 Bricktown Bucks (2015) Louisville Fusion Red
9:04 Blackout (2016) Veteran Militia
9:08 Tbd somos lobos (2017) RAMPAGE
9:12 Marked Militia (2018) Bricktown Bucks
9:16 Extreme Rage (2019) Louisville Fusion Red
9:20 Marked Militia (2020) Veteran Militia
9:24 Blackout (2021) Bricktown Bucks
9:28 Tbd somos lobos (2022) Louisville Fusion Red
9:32 Extreme Rage (2023) RAMPAGE
9:36 Tbd somos lobos (2024) Marked Militia
9:40 Veteran Militia (2025) Louisville Fusion Red
9:44 Bricktown Bucks (2026) RAMPAGE
9:48 Extreme Rage (2027) Blackout
9:52 Tbd somos lobos (2028) Marked Militia
9:56 Veteran Militia (2029) Louisville Fusion Red
10:00 Bricktown Bucks (2030) RAMPAGE
10:04 Extreme Rage (2031) Blackout
10:08 787 CHAOS (2032) IndyStorm JT
10:12 Indy Storm (2033) Veteran Militia Delta
10:16 LAS Corruption (2034) Free Parking Remix
10:20 PHILIPPINES (2035) Traumahead Factory
10:24 NJ SINISTER (2036) Seattle Ninjas
10:28 Veteran Militia Golf (2037) DREAMY'S KIDS
10:32 Lfg (2038) Chicago Outbreak
10:36 787 CHAOS (2039) P.R. Crew
10:40 IndyStorm JT (2040) Veteran Militia Delta
10:44 LAS Corruption (2041) Indy Storm
10:48 Free Parking Remix (2042) Traumahead Factory
10:52 Seattle Ninjas (2043) PHILIPPINES
10:56 Veteran Militia Golf (2044) NJ SINISTER
11:00 DREAMY'S KIDS (2045) Chicago Outbreak
11:04 P.R. Crew (2046) Lfg
11:08 LAS Corruption (2047) IndyStorm JT
11:12 Indy Storm (2048) 787 CHAOS
11:16 Veteran Militia Delta (2049) Free Parking Remix
11:20 Traumahead Factory (2050) Seattle Ninjas
11:24 Veteran Militia Golf (2051) PHILIPPINES
11:28 Chicago Outbreak (2052) NJ SINISTER
11:32 DREAMY'S KIDS (2053) P.R. Crew
11:36 IndyStorm JT (2054) Lfg
11:40 787 CHAOS (2055) Free Parking Remix
11:44 Indy Storm (2056) Traumahead Factory
11:48 PHILIPPINES (2057) Veteran Militia Delta
11:52 LAS Corruption (2058) Veteran Militia Golf
11:56 P.R. Crew (2059) NJ SINISTER
12:00 DREAMY'S KIDS (2060) Seattle Ninjas
12:04 Chicago Outbreak (2061) IndyStorm JT
12:08 Lfg (2062) 787 CHAOS
12:12 Veteran Militia Delta (2063) Veteran Militia Golf
12:16 PHILIPPINES (2064) LAS Corruption
12:20 Traumahead Factory (2065) P.R. Crew
12:24 Free Parking Remix (2066) NJ SINISTER
12:28 Seattle Ninjas (2067) Indy Storm
1:20 IndyStorm JT (2068) DREAMY'S KIDS
1:24 787 CHAOS (2069) Veteran Militia Golf
1:28 Veteran Militia Delta (2070) Chicago Outbreak
1:32 Lfg (2071) LAS Corruption
1:36 P.R. Crew (2072) PHILIPPINES
1:40 Seattle Ninjas (2073) Free Parking Remix
1:44 Indy Storm (2074) DREAMY'S KIDS
1:48 NJ SINISTER (2075) 787 CHAOS
1:52 IndyStorm JT (2076) Traumahead Factory
1:56 Veteran Militia Golf (2077) Lfg
2:00 Chicago Outbreak (2078) PHILIPPINES
2:04 Veteran Militia Delta (2079) P.R. Crew
2:08 Free Parking Remix (2080) DREAMY'S KIDS
2:12 NJ SINISTER (2081) LAS Corruption
2:16 Seattle Ninjas (2082) IndyStorm JT
2:20 Traumahead Factory (2083) Veteran Militia Golf
2:24 Chicago Outbreak (2084) Indy Storm
2:28 Free Parking Remix (2085) Lfg
2:32 PHILIPPINES (2086) 787 CHAOS
2:36 DREAMY'S KIDS (2087) LAS Corruption
2:40 NJ SINISTER (2088) Veteran Militia Delta
2:44 Traumahead Factory (2089) Chicago Outbreak
2:48 P.R. Crew (2090) Indy Storm
2:52 Lfg (2091) Seattle Ninjas
2:56 PR ALLSTARZ D5 (2092) PDK
3:00 Tropic Thunder 5 (2093) Sons Of Paint
3:04 BLIZZARD (2094) Hostile Ground 2
3:08 Stripper Glitter (2095) Hostile Ground 3
3:12 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2096) PRALLSTARZ
3:16 Tropic Thunder 5 (2097) PR ALLSTARZ D5
3:20 BLIZZARD (2098) PDK
3:24 Stripper Glitter (2099) Sons Of Paint
3:28 PRALLSTARZ (2100) Hostile Ground 2
3:32 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2101) Hostile Ground 3
3:36 BLIZZARD (2102) Tropic Thunder 5
3:40 Stripper Glitter (2103) PR ALLSTARZ D5
3:44 PRALLSTARZ (2104) PDK
3:48 Hostile Ground 3 (2105) Sons Of Paint
3:52 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2106) Hostile Ground 2
3:56 Stripper Glitter (2107) BLIZZARD
4:00 PRALLSTARZ (2108) Tropic Thunder 5
4:04 Hostile Ground 3 (2109) PR ALLSTARZ D5
4:08 Hostile Ground 2 (2110) PDK
4:12 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2111) Sons Of Paint
4:16 PRALLSTARZ (2112) Stripper Glitter
4:20 Hostile Ground 3 (2113) BLIZZARD
4:24 Hostile Ground 2 (2114) Tropic Thunder 5
4:28 Sons Of Paint (2115) PR ALLSTARZ D5
4:32 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2116) PDK
4:36 Hostile Ground 3 (2117) PRALLSTARZ
4:40 Hostile Ground 2 (2118) Stripper Glitter
4:44 Sons Of Paint (2119) BLIZZARD
4:48 PDK (2120) Tropic Thunder 5
4:52 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2121) PR ALLSTARZ D5
4:56 Hostile Ground 2 (2122) Hostile Ground 3
5:00 Sons Of Paint (2123) PRALLSTARZ
5:04 PDK (2124) Stripper Glitter
5:12 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2126) Tropic Thunder 5
5:16 Sons Of Paint (2127) Hostile Ground 2
5:20 PDK (2128) Hostile Ground 3
5:28 Tropic Thunder 5 (2130) Stripper Glitter
5:32 Venomous Bloodline 2 (2131) BLIZZARD
This page last updated 18 Aug 22 07:47:02
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