This page last updated 27 Jun 21 12:29:04
NXL Mid Atlantic Major
Saturday Pro*Shar
home (red)-away (blue)
8:00 BLIZZARD (2000) Omenz
8:03 Veteran Militia Echo (2001) Black Hawks
8:06 NYC Storm Riders (2002) Dah Savages
8:09 Defiance Black (2003) Check Six Lethal
8:12 IndyStorm Flex (2004) Tropic Thunder 5
8:15 The Heep (2005) BLIZZARD
8:18 Omenz (2006) Black Hawks
8:21 Veteran Militia Echo (2007) Dah Savages
8:24 Check Six Lethal (2008) NYC Storm Riders
8:27 IndyStorm Flex (2009) Defiance Black
8:30 Tropic Thunder 5 (2010) The Heep
8:33 Black Hawks (2011) Dah Savages
8:36 Veteran Militia Echo (2012) BLIZZARD
8:39 NYC Storm Riders (2013) Omenz
8:42 IndyStorm Flex (2014) Check Six Lethal
8:45 The Heep (2015) Defiance Black
8:48 Black Hawks (2016) Tropic Thunder 5
8:51 BLIZZARD (2017) Dah Savages
8:54 NYC Storm Riders (2018) Veteran Militia Echo
8:57 Check Six Lethal (2019) Omenz
9:00 Black Hawks (2020) The Heep
9:03 BLIZZARD (2021) Tropic Thunder 5
9:06 Dah Savages (2022) Defiance Black
9:09 Veteran Militia Echo (2023) IndyStorm Flex
9:12 Omenz (2024) The Heep
9:15 Check Six Lethal (2025) Black Hawks
9:18 Tropic Thunder 5 (2026) NYC Storm Riders
9:21 Defiance Black (2027) BLIZZARD
9:24 Dah Savages (2028) IndyStorm Flex
9:27 The Heep (2029) Veteran Militia Echo
9:30 Tropic Thunder 5 (2030) Check Six Lethal
9:33 NYC Storm Riders (2031) Black Hawks
9:36 Defiance Black (2032) Omenz
9:39 BLIZZARD (2033) IndyStorm Flex
9:42 Dah Savages (2034) The Heep
9:45 Tropic Thunder 5 (2035) Veteran Militia Echo
9:48 Black Hawks (2036) Defiance Black
9:51 Omenz (2037) IndyStorm Flex
9:54 Check Six Lethal (2038) BLIZZARD
9:57 The Heep (2039) NYC Storm Riders
10:00 Defiance Black (2040) Veteran Militia Echo
10:03 Omenz (2041) Tropic Thunder 5
10:06 Dah Savages (2042) Check Six Lethal
10:09 IndyStorm Flex (2043) NYC Storm Riders
10:12 Lower Middle Class (2044) AFTERLIFE
10:15 Traumahead Factory (2045) Gnome Legion
10:18 Veteran Militia Delta (2046) OMENZ
10:21 War Goons (2047) Rico's Raiders
10:24 787 CHAOS (2048) Tropic Thunder 4
10:27 Traumahead Factory (2049) Lower Middle Class
10:30 Veteran Militia Delta (2050) AFTERLIFE
10:33 War Goons (2051) Gnome Legion
10:36 Tropic Thunder 4 (2052) OMENZ
10:39 787 CHAOS (2053) Rico's Raiders
10:42 Veteran Militia Delta (2054) Traumahead Factory
10:45 War Goons (2055) Lower Middle Class
10:48 Tropic Thunder 4 (2056) AFTERLIFE
10:51 Rico's Raiders (2057) Gnome Legion
10:54 787 CHAOS (2058) OMENZ
10:57 War Goons (2059) Veteran Militia Delta
11:00 Tropic Thunder 4 (2060) Traumahead Factory
11:03 Rico's Raiders (2061) Lower Middle Class
11:06 OMENZ (2062) AFTERLIFE
11:09 787 CHAOS (2063) Gnome Legion
11:12 Tropic Thunder 4 (2064) War Goons
11:15 Rico's Raiders (2065) Veteran Militia Delta
11:18 OMENZ (2066) Traumahead Factory
11:21 Gnome Legion (2067) Lower Middle Class
11:24 787 CHAOS (2068) AFTERLIFE
11:27 Rico's Raiders (2069) Tropic Thunder 4
11:30 OMENZ (2070) War Goons
11:33 Gnome Legion (2071) Veteran Militia Delta
11:36 AFTERLIFE (2072) Traumahead Factory
11:39 787 CHAOS (2073) Lower Middle Class
11:42 OMENZ (2074) Rico's Raiders
11:45 Gnome Legion (2075) Tropic Thunder 4
11:48 AFTERLIFE (2076) War Goons
11:51 Lower Middle Class (2077) Veteran Militia Delta
11:54 787 CHAOS (2078) Traumahead Factory
11:57 Gnome Legion (2079) OMENZ
12:00 AFTERLIFE (2080) Rico's Raiders
12:03 Lower Middle Class (2081) Tropic Thunder 4
12:06 Traumahead Factory (2082) War Goons
12:09 787 CHAOS (2083) Veteran Militia Delta
12:12 Faceless Legends (2084) Immortal Kings
12:15 Misfit Toys Killaz (2085) NJ SINISTER Black
12:18 Veteran Militia Charlie (2086) SadBoyz
12:21 Tulsa Saints (2087) Templars
12:24 Misfit Toys Killaz (2088) Faceless Legends
12:27 Indy Storm (2089) SadBoyz
12:30 Veteran Militia Charlie (2090) Immortal Kings
12:33 Tulsa Saints (2091) NJ SINISTER Black
12:36 Indy Storm (2092) Templars
12:39 Veteran Militia Charlie (2093) Misfit Toys Killaz
12:42 Tulsa Saints (2094) Faceless Legends
12:45 SadBoyz (2095) Immortal Kings
12:48 Templars (2096) NJ SINISTER Black
12:51 Tulsa Saints (2097) Veteran Militia Charlie
12:54 Indy Storm (2098) Immortal Kings
12:57 SadBoyz (2099) Misfit Toys Killaz
1:00 Templars (2100) Faceless Legends
1:03 Indy Storm (2101) NJ SINISTER Black
1:06 Immortal Kings (2102) Tulsa Saints
1:09 Templars (2103) Veteran Militia Charlie
1:12 Indy Storm (2104) Faceless Legends
1:15 SadBoyz (2105) Tulsa Saints
1:18 NJ SINISTER Black (2106) Veteran Militia Charlie
1:21 Immortal Kings (2107) Misfit Toys Killaz
1:24 SadBoyz (2108) Templars
1:27 NJ SINISTER Black (2109) Faceless Legends
1:30 Indy Storm (2110) Misfit Toys Killaz
1:33 Immortal Kings (2111) Templars
1:36 Faceless Legends (2112) Veteran Militia Charlie
1:39 NJ SINISTER Black (2113) SadBoyz
1:42 Misfit Toys Killaz (2114) Tulsa Saints
1:45 Indy Storm (2115) Veteran Militia Charlie
1:48 Immortal Kings (2116) NJ SINISTER Black
1:51 Faceless Legends (2117) SadBoyz
1:54 Misfit Toys Killaz (2118) Templars
1:57 Indy Storm (2119) Tulsa Saints
2:00 Check Six Factory (2120) High Rollers
2:03 Twisted Vibe (2121) Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo
2:06 Immortal Kings (2122) Marked Militia
2:09 RAMPAGE (2123) Warriors
2:12 Twisted Vibe (2124) Check Six Factory
2:15 Veteran Militia (2125) Marked Militia
2:18 Immortal Kings (2126) High Rollers
2:21 RAMPAGE (2127) Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo
2:24 Veteran Militia (2128) Warriors
2:27 Immortal Kings (2129) Twisted Vibe
2:30 RAMPAGE (2130) Check Six Factory
2:33 Marked Militia (2131) High Rollers
2:36 Warriors (2132) Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo
2:39 RAMPAGE (2133) Immortal Kings
2:42 Veteran Militia (2134) High Rollers
2:45 Marked Militia (2135) Twisted Vibe
2:48 Warriors (2136) Check Six Factory
2:51 Veteran Militia (2137) Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo
2:54 High Rollers (2138) RAMPAGE
2:57 Warriors (2139) Immortal Kings
3:00 Veteran Militia (2140) Check Six Factory
3:03 Marked Militia (2141) RAMPAGE
3:06 Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo (2142) Immortal Kings
3:09 High Rollers (2143) Twisted Vibe
3:12 Marked Militia (2144) Warriors
3:15 Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo (2145) Check Six Factory
3:18 Veteran Militia (2146) Twisted Vibe
3:21 High Rollers (2147) Warriors
3:24 Check Six Factory (2148) Immortal Kings
3:27 Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo (2149) Marked Militia
3:30 Twisted Vibe (2150) RAMPAGE
3:33 Veteran Militia (2151) Immortal Kings
3:36 High Rollers (2152) Ground Zero Red Powered by TopgunRevo
3:39 Check Six Factory (2153) Marked Militia
3:42 Twisted Vibe (2154) Warriors
3:45 Veteran Militia (2155) RAMPAGE
This page last updated 27 Jun 21 12:29:04
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