This page last updated 15 Nov 20 13:45:59
NXL Pro - Pit 1 | Luxe | HK Army | GI Sportz | Virtue | Pro*Shar | Mounds | ||||||||||||||||
home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | ||
Fri 9:00 | Extreme Rage | (6000) | Solid Gold | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:05 | florida annihilators | (6001) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:10 | BTA Butchers | (6002) | Veteran Militia India | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:15 | BTA | (6003) | Destiny Fire | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:20 | Hollow Point Too | (6004) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:25 | SAVAGES | (6005) | IndyStorm Mounds Div | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:30 | Looney Tunes | (6006) | Georgia Anarchy | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:35 | Wildfire Kids | (6007) | Menaces To Society | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:40 | TheM | (6008) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:45 | florida annihilators | (6009) | Solid Gold | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:50 | BTA Butchers | (6010) | Destiny Fire | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 9:55 | BTA | (6011) | Veteran Militia India | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:00 | Destiny Mech Army | (6012) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:05 | Hollow Point Too | (6013) | IndyStorm Mounds Div | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:10 | Looney Tunes | (6014) | Menaces To Society | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:15 | Wildfire Kids | (6015) | Georgia Anarchy | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:20 | SAVAGES | (6016) | TheM | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:25 | florida annihilators | (6017) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:30 | Veteran Militia India | (6018) | Destiny Fire | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:35 | Solid Gold | (6019) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:40 | IndyStorm Mounds Div | (6020) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:45 | BTA | (6021) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:50 | Looney Tunes | (6022) | Wildfire Kids | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 10:55 | Menaces To Society | (6023) | Georgia Anarchy | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:00 | Hollow Point Too | (6024) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:05 | TheM | (6025) | florida annihilators | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:10 | Extreme Rage | (6026) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:15 | Destiny Mech Army | (6027) | Solid Gold | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:20 | Destiny Fire | (6028) | IndyStorm Mounds Div | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:25 | Looney Tunes | (6029) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:30 | Wildfire Kids | (6030) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:35 | Menaces To Society | (6031) | Veteran Militia India | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:40 | Hollow Point Too | (6032) | TheM | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:45 | SAVAGES | (6033) | florida annihilators | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:50 | Destiny Mech Army | (6034) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 11:55 | Docs Warriors | (6035) | Georgia Anarchy | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:00 | IndyStorm Mounds Div | (6036) | Solid Gold | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:05 | Wildfire Kids | (6037) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:10 | Menaces To Society | (6038) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:15 | Veteran Militia India | (6039) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:20 | Destiny Fire | (6040) | TheM | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:25 | SAVAGES | (6041) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:30 | florida annihilators | (6042) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:35 | IndyStorm Mounds Div | (6043) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:40 | Georgia Anarchy | (6044) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:45 | Docs Warriors | (6045) | Menaces To Society | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:50 | Solid Gold | (6046) | Wildfire Kids | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 12:55 | Veteran Militia India | (6047) | TheM | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:00 | BTA Butchers | (6048) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:05 | Destiny Fire | (6049) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:10 | Destiny Mech Army | (6050) | florida annihilators | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:15 | Extreme Rage | (6051) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:20 | Docs Warriors | (6052) | Wildfire Kids | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:25 | TheM | (6053) | IndyStorm Mounds Div | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:30 | Georgia Anarchy | (6054) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:35 | Veteran Militia India | (6055) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:40 | Menaces To Society | (6056) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:45 | Destiny Fire | (6057) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:50 | Solid Gold | (6058) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 1:55 | Extreme Rage | (6059) | Wildfire Kids | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:00 | IndyStorm Mounds Div | (6060) | florida annihilators | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:05 | Georgia Anarchy | (6061) | Veteran Militia India | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:10 | TheM | (6062) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:15 | BTA Butchers | (6063) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:20 | BTA | (6064) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:25 | Docs Warriors | (6065) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:30 | Solid Gold | (6066) | Menaces To Society | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 2:35 | Georgia Anarchy | (6067) | Destiny Fire | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:00 | SAVAGES | (19500) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:05 | BTA | (19501) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:10 | Docs Warriors | (19502) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:15 | Extreme Rage | (19503) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:20 | SAVAGES | (19504) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:25 | BTA | (19505) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:30 | Docs Warriors | (19506) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:35 | Extreme Rage | (19507) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:40 | SAVAGES | (19508) | Looney Tunes | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:45 | BTA | (19509) | Hollow Point Too | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:50 | Docs Warriors | (19510) | Destiny Mech Army | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 3:55 | Extreme Rage | (19511) | BTA Butchers | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:00 | BTA | (19500) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:05 | Extreme Rage | (19501) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:10 | BTA | (19502) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:15 | Extreme Rage | (19503) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:20 | BTA | (19504) | SAVAGES | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:25 | Extreme Rage | (19505) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:30 | SAVAGES | (19500) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:35 | BTA | (19501) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:40 | SAVAGES | (19502) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:45 | BTA | (19503) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:50 | SAVAGES | (19504) | Docs Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Fri 4:55 | BTA | (19505) | Extreme Rage | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:00 | Veteran Militia Golf | (4252) | Templar Knights | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:04 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (4253) | Trouble N Paradise | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:08 | Veteran Militia Delta | (4254) | Miami Lifestyle | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:12 | THE FARM D4 | (4255) | Nashville Coyotes | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:16 | DBS Factory | (4256) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:20 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (4257) | Veteran Militia Golf | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:24 | Veteran Militia Delta | (4258) | Templar Knights | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:28 | THE FARM D4 | (4259) | Trouble N Paradise | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:32 | Tbd somos lobos | (4260) | Miami Lifestyle | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:36 | DBS Factory | (4261) | Nashville Coyotes | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:40 | Veteran Militia Delta | (4262) | Tampa Bay Raptors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:44 | THE FARM D4 | (4263) | Veteran Militia Golf | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:48 | Tbd somos lobos | (4264) | Templar Knights | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:52 | Nashville Coyotes | (4265) | Trouble N Paradise | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 7:56 | DBS Factory | (4266) | Miami Lifestyle | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:00 | THE FARM D4 | (4267) | Veteran Militia Delta | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:04 | Tbd somos lobos | (4268) | Tampa Bay Raptors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:08 | Nashville Coyotes | (4269) | Veteran Militia Golf | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:12 | Miami Lifestyle | (4270) | Templar Knights | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:16 | DBS Factory | (4271) | Trouble N Paradise | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:20 | Tbd somos lobos | (4272) | THE FARM D4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:24 | Nashville Coyotes | (4273) | Veteran Militia Delta | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:28 | Miami Lifestyle | (4274) | Tampa Bay Raptors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:32 | Trouble N Paradise | (4275) | Veteran Militia Golf | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:36 | DBS Factory | (4276) | Templar Knights | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:40 | Nashville Coyotes | (4277) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:44 | Miami Lifestyle | (4278) | THE FARM D4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:48 | Trouble N Paradise | (4279) | Veteran Militia Delta | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:52 | Templar Knights | (4280) | Tampa Bay Raptors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 8:56 | DBS Factory | (4281) | Veteran Militia Golf | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:00 | Miami Lifestyle | (4282) | Nashville Coyotes | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:04 | Trouble N Paradise | (4283) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:08 | Templar Knights | (4284) | THE FARM D4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:12 | Veteran Militia Golf | (4285) | Veteran Militia Delta | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:16 | DBS Factory | (4286) | Tampa Bay Raptors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:20 | Trouble N Paradise | (4287) | Miami Lifestyle | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:24 | Templar Knights | (4288) | Nashville Coyotes | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:28 | Veteran Militia Golf | (4289) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:32 | Tampa Bay Raptors | (4290) | THE FARM D4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:36 | DBS Factory | (4291) | Veteran Militia Delta | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:40 | Shut Up They're Trying | (4292) | Shenanigans Green | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:44 | Carolina Crisis silver | (4293) | Destiny's Elysian | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:48 | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | (4294) | Miami Marauders | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:52 | | (4295) | FAR | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 9:56 | Project X | (4296) | Riders of Rohan | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 10:00 | The Gummy Bears | (4000) | Voodoo | Hollywood Collision | (4084) | Team Speed | Rio | (4164) | Tito's Paintball Park | Texas Cyclone | (4297) | 2020 Vision | ||||||||||
Sat 10:04 | New York FearFul | (4001) | Lady Destiny | PHILIPPINES | (4085) | Carolina Clutch | RAMPAGE D4 | (4165) | Beerkats | Shenanigans Green | (4298) | Destiny's Elysian | ||||||||||
Sat 10:08 | Cousins VNZ | (4002) | LA ALL STARS BLACK | Paintball Ladies | (4086) | LA ALL STARS WHITE | Veteran Militia Charlie | (4166) | LAS Corruption | FAR | (4299) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | ||||||||||
Sat 10:12 | No Curfew | (4003) | Hollow Point | two weeks notice | (4087) | NJ SINISTER | Traumahead Factory | (4167) | Nitro Army Gold | Carolina Crisis silver | (4300) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||
Sat 10:16 | Reckless | (4004) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Paradox | (4088) | Rust nuggets | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4168) | Solid | Miami Marauders | (4301) | | ||||||||||
Sat 10:20 | Wasted Potential | (4005) | The Gummy Bears | PHILIPPINES | (4089) | Hollywood Collision | RAMPAGE D4 | (4169) | Rio | 2020 Vision | (4302) | Riders of Rohan | ||||||||||
Sat 10:24 | Voodoo | (4006) | Lady Destiny | Paintball Ladies | (4090) | Team Speed | Veteran Militia Charlie | (4170) | Tito's Paintball Park | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | (4303) | Destiny's Elysian | ||||||||||
Sat 10:28 | New York FearFul | (4007) | LA ALL STARS BLACK | two weeks notice | (4091) | Carolina Clutch | Traumahead Factory | (4171) | Beerkats | Project X | (4304) | Texas Cyclone | ||||||||||
Sat 10:32 | Hollow Point | (4008) | Cousins VNZ | Rust nuggets | (4092) | LA ALL STARS WHITE | Solid | (4172) | LAS Corruption | FAR | (4305) | Shenanigans Green | ||||||||||
Sat 10:36 | Reckless | (4009) | No Curfew | Paradox | (4093) | NJ SINISTER | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4173) | Nitro Army Gold | Carolina Crisis silver | (4306) | Miami Marauders | ||||||||||
Sat 10:40 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (4010) | Wasted Potential | Paintball Ladies | (4094) | PHILIPPINES | Veteran Militia Charlie | (4174) | RAMPAGE D4 | | (4307) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||
Sat 10:44 | Lady Destiny | (4011) | LA ALL STARS BLACK | two weeks notice | (4095) | Hollywood Collision | Traumahead Factory | (4175) | Rio | Riders of Rohan | (4308) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | ||||||||||
Sat 10:48 | New York FearFul | (4012) | The Gummy Bears | Rust nuggets | (4096) | Team Speed | Solid | (4176) | Tito's Paintball Park | Destiny's Elysian | (4309) | 2020 Vision | ||||||||||
Sat 10:52 | Cousins VNZ | (4013) | Voodoo | NJ SINISTER | (4097) | Carolina Clutch | Nitro Army Gold | (4177) | Beerkats | Shenanigans Green | (4310) | Texas Cyclone | ||||||||||
Sat 10:56 | Reckless | (4014) | Hollow Point | Paradox | (4098) | LA ALL STARS WHITE | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4178) | LAS Corruption | Project X | (4311) | FAR | ||||||||||
Sat 11:00 | Wasted Potential | (4015) | No Curfew | two weeks notice | (4099) | Paintball Ladies | Traumahead Factory | (4179) | Veteran Militia Charlie | | (4312) | Carolina Crisis silver | ||||||||||
Sat 11:04 | Lady Destiny | (4016) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Rust nuggets | (4100) | PHILIPPINES | Solid | (4180) | RAMPAGE D4 | Shut Up They're Trying | (4313) | Miami Marauders | ||||||||||
Sat 11:08 | The Gummy Bears | (4017) | LA ALL STARS BLACK | NJ SINISTER | (4101) | Hollywood Collision | Nitro Army Gold | (4181) | Rio | Destiny's Elysian | (4314) | Riders of Rohan | ||||||||||
Sat 11:12 | Cousins VNZ | (4018) | New York FearFul | LA ALL STARS WHITE | (4102) | Team Speed | LAS Corruption | (4182) | Tito's Paintball Park | 2020 Vision | (4315) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | ||||||||||
Sat 11:16 | Hollow Point | (4019) | Voodoo | Paradox | (4103) | Carolina Clutch | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4183) | Beerkats | |||||||||||||
Sat 11:20 | Lady Destiny | (4020) | Wasted Potential | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 11:24 | The Gummy Bears | (4021) | XPX Dynamic D5 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 11:56 | Shenanigans Green | (4316) | Project X | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 12:00 | Rust nuggets | (4104) | two weeks notice | Solid | (4184) | Traumahead Factory | Texas Cyclone | (4317) | FAR | |||||||||||||
Sat 12:04 | NJ SINISTER | (4105) | Paintball Ladies | Nitro Army Gold | (4185) | Veteran Militia Charlie | Riders of Rohan | (4318) | | |||||||||||||
Sat 12:08 | LA ALL STARS BLACK | (4022) | No Curfew | LA ALL STARS WHITE | (4106) | PHILIPPINES | LAS Corruption | (4186) | RAMPAGE D4 | Destiny's Elysian | (4319) | Miami Marauders | ||||||||||
Sat 12:12 | New York FearFul | (4023) | Reckless | Carolina Clutch | (4107) | Hollywood Collision | Beerkats | (4187) | Rio | 2020 Vision | (4320) | Carolina Crisis silver | ||||||||||
Sat 12:16 | Voodoo | (4024) | Wasted Potential | Paradox | (4108) | Team Speed | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4188) | Tito's Paintball Park | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | (4321) | Shenanigans Green | ||||||||||
Sat 12:20 | Hollow Point | (4025) | Lady Destiny | NJ SINISTER | (4109) | Rust nuggets | Nitro Army Gold | (4189) | Solid | Shut Up They're Trying | (4322) | Project X | ||||||||||
Sat 12:24 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (4026) | Cousins VNZ | LA ALL STARS WHITE | (4110) | two weeks notice | LAS Corruption | (4190) | Traumahead Factory | Texas Cyclone | (4323) | | ||||||||||
Sat 12:28 | No Curfew | (4027) | The Gummy Bears | Carolina Clutch | (4111) | Paintball Ladies | Beerkats | (4191) | Veteran Militia Charlie | Miami Marauders | (4324) | Riders of Rohan | ||||||||||
Sat 12:32 | LA ALL STARS BLACK | (4028) | Reckless | Team Speed | (4112) | PHILIPPINES | Tito's Paintball Park | (4192) | RAMPAGE D4 | FAR | (4325) | Destiny's Elysian | ||||||||||
Sat 12:36 | Wasted Potential | (4029) | New York FearFul | Paradox | (4113) | Hollywood Collision | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4193) | Rio | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | (4326) | Carolina Crisis silver | ||||||||||
Sat 12:40 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (4030) | Hollow Point | LA ALL STARS WHITE | (4114) | NJ SINISTER | LAS Corruption | (4194) | Nitro Army Gold | Shenanigans Green | (4327) | 2020 Vision | ||||||||||
Sat 12:44 | Cousins VNZ | (4031) | Lady Destiny | Carolina Clutch | (4115) | Rust nuggets | Beerkats | (4195) | Solid | Shut Up They're Trying | (4328) | Texas Cyclone | ||||||||||
Sat 12:48 | No Curfew | (4032) | Voodoo | Team Speed | (4116) | two weeks notice | Tito's Paintball Park | (4196) | Traumahead Factory | Project X | (4329) | | ||||||||||
Sat 12:52 | The Gummy Bears | (4033) | Reckless | Hollywood Collision | (4117) | Paintball Ladies | Rio | (4197) | Veteran Militia Charlie | Riders of Rohan | (4330) | Carolina Crisis silver | ||||||||||
Sat 12:56 | LA ALL STARS BLACK | (4034) | Wasted Potential | Paradox | (4118) | PHILIPPINES | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4198) | RAMPAGE D4 | 2020 Vision | (4331) | FAR | ||||||||||
Sat 1:00 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (4035) | New York FearFul | Carolina Clutch | (4119) | LA ALL STARS WHITE | Beerkats | (4199) | LAS Corruption | Texas Cyclone | (4332) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | ||||||||||
Sat 1:04 | Lady Destiny | (4036) | No Curfew | Team Speed | (4120) | NJ SINISTER | Tito's Paintball Park | (4200) | Nitro Army Gold | Miami Marauders | (4333) | Project X | ||||||||||
Sat 1:08 | Voodoo | (4037) | Reckless | Hollywood Collision | (4121) | Rust nuggets | Rio | (4201) | Solid | | (4334) | Shenanigans Green | ||||||||||
Sat 1:12 | Hollow Point | (4038) | The Gummy Bears | PHILIPPINES | (4122) | two weeks notice | RAMPAGE D4 | (4202) | Traumahead Factory | Riders of Rohan | (4335) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||
Sat 1:16 | Wasted Potential | (4039) | Cousins VNZ | Paradox | (4123) | Paintball Ladies | Albuquerque Bushwackers | (4203) | Veteran Militia Charlie | Destiny's Elysian | (4336) | Texas Cyclone | ||||||||||
Sat 1:20 | No Curfew | (4040) | New York FearFul | Twisted Vibe | (4124) | OKC BREAKOUT | TOG Gray | (4204) | Storm Riders | Miami Marauders | (4337) | 2020 Vision | ||||||||||
Sat 1:24 | Voodoo | (4041) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Apex | (4125) | Smoke Patrol 507 | Tantrum D5 | (4205) | Carolina Warriors | Carolina Crisis silver | (4338) | Project X | ||||||||||
Sat 1:28 | LA ALL STARS BLACK | (4042) | Hollow Point | Veteran Militia | (4126) | Baja | Cap Locals | (4206) | Indy Storm 1.0 | FAR | (4339) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||
Sat 1:32 | Reckless | (4043) | Cousins VNZ | TKO | (4127) | Central Florida Vikings | NRG Next Gen Bravo | (4207) | IndyStorm Empire | Veteran Militia Fox | (4340) | Central Florida Carnage | ||||||||||
Sat 1:36 | Indy Storm | (4044) | Rolla Soldiers | Armagedon | (4128) | Tampa Bay Scallywags | Orlando Kryptonite | (4208) | 706 Goonies | Royals | (4341) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||||||
Sat 1:40 | NJ Jesters | (4045) | AAA JACKALS | Apex | (4129) | Twisted Vibe | TCP Mini Machine | (4209) | Tropic Thunder | Blasphemy | (4342) | Jax Reapers | ||||||||||
Sat 1:44 | Noobies | (4046) | DeaD RaBBiTs | Veteran Militia | (4130) | OKC BREAKOUT | Storm Riders | (4210) | Carolina Warriors | NRG Next Gen | (4343) | Hollywood Collision Red | ||||||||||
Sat 1:48 | Voodoo | (4047) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | TKO | (4131) | Smoke Patrol 507 | IndyStorm Empire | (4211) | Cap Locals | PoBoys | (4344) | Rust | ||||||||||
Sat 1:52 | RAMPAGE | (4048) | LA ALL STARS | Tampa Bay Scallywags | (4132) | Baja | Tantrum D5 | (4212) | TOG Gray | Templar Knights Black | (4345) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | ||||||||||
Sat 1:56 | NJ Jesters | (4049) | Indy Storm | Armagedon | (4133) | Central Florida Vikings | Indy Storm 1.0 | (4213) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | Central Florida Carnage | (4346) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||||||
Sat 2:00 | Noobies | (4050) | Rolla Soldiers | Veteran Militia | (4134) | Apex | Tropic Thunder | (4214) | 706 Goonies | Hollywood Collision Red | (4347) | Blasphemy | ||||||||||
Sat 2:04 | Voodoo | (4051) | AAA JACKALS | TKO | (4135) | Twisted Vibe | Cap Locals | (4215) | Carolina Warriors | Royals | (4348) | Veteran Militia Fox | ||||||||||
Sat 2:08 | LA ALL STARS | (4052) | DeaD RaBBiTs | Tampa Bay Scallywags | (4136) | OKC BREAKOUT | Orlando Kryptonite | (4216) | TCP Mini Machine | Jax Reapers | (4349) | NRG Next Gen | ||||||||||
Sat 2:12 | RAMPAGE | (4053) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | Central Florida Vikings | (4137) | Smoke Patrol 507 | IndyStorm Empire | (4217) | Storm Riders | Whil's Paintball Aurora | (4350) | Rust | ||||||||||
Sat 2:16 | Noobies | (4054) | NJ Jesters | Armagedon | (4138) | Baja | Tantrum D5 | (4218) | Indy Storm 1.0 | Blasphemy | (4351) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||||||
Sat 2:20 | Voodoo | (4055) | Indy Storm | TKO | (4139) | Veteran Militia | NRG Next Gen Bravo | (4219) | TOG Gray | PoBoys | (4352) | Templar Knights Black | ||||||||||
Sat 2:24 | LA ALL STARS | (4056) | Rolla Soldiers | Tampa Bay Scallywags | (4140) | Apex | 706 Goonies | (4220) | Cap Locals | Hollywood Collision Red | (4353) | Central Florida Carnage | ||||||||||
Sat 2:28 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (4057) | AAA JACKALS | Central Florida Vikings | (4141) | Twisted Vibe | Carolina Warriors | (4221) | Tropic Thunder | Royals | (4354) | Jax Reapers | ||||||||||
Sat 2:32 | RAMPAGE | (4058) | DeaD RaBBiTs | Baja | (4142) | OKC BREAKOUT | Storm Riders | (4222) | TCP Mini Machine | NRG Next Gen | (4355) | Veteran Militia Fox | ||||||||||
Sat 2:36 | Voodoo | (4059) | Noobies | Armagedon | (4143) | Smoke Patrol 507 | Orlando Kryptonite | (4223) | IndyStorm Empire | Rust | (4356) | Blasphemy | ||||||||||
Sat 2:40 | LA ALL STARS | (4060) | NJ Jesters | Tampa Bay Scallywags | (4144) | TKO | NRG Next Gen Bravo | (4224) | Tantrum D5 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4357) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | ||||||||||
Sat 2:44 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (4061) | Indy Storm | Central Florida Vikings | (4145) | Veteran Militia | TOG Gray | (4225) | Indy Storm 1.0 | Central Florida Carnage | (4358) | Templar Knights Black | ||||||||||
Sat 2:48 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4062) | Rolla Soldiers | Baja | (4146) | Apex | Carolina Warriors | (4226) | 706 Goonies | PoBoys | (4359) | Hollywood Collision Red | ||||||||||
Sat 2:52 | RAMPAGE | (4063) | AAA JACKALS | Smoke Patrol 507 | (4147) | Twisted Vibe | Tropic Thunder | (4227) | Cap Locals | NRG Next Gen | (4360) | Royals | ||||||||||
Sat 2:56 | LA ALL STARS | (4064) | Voodoo | Armagedon | (4148) | OKC BREAKOUT | Storm Riders | (4228) | Orlando Kryptonite | Veteran Militia Fox | (4361) | Jax Reapers | ||||||||||
Sat 3:00 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (4065) | Noobies | Central Florida Vikings | (4149) | Tampa Bay Scallywags | TCP Mini Machine | (4229) | IndyStorm Empire | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4362) | Rust | ||||||||||
Sat 3:04 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4066) | NJ Jesters | Baja | (4150) | TKO | 706 Goonies | (4230) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | Whil's Paintball Aurora | (4363) | Blasphemy | ||||||||||
Sat 3:08 | AAA JACKALS | (4067) | Indy Storm | Smoke Patrol 507 | (4151) | Veteran Militia | Carolina Warriors | (4231) | Indy Storm 1.0 | Central Florida Carnage | (4364) | PoBoys | ||||||||||
Sat 3:12 | RAMPAGE | (4068) | Rolla Soldiers | OKC BREAKOUT | (4152) | Apex | Tropic Thunder | (4232) | Tantrum D5 | Templar Knights Black | (4365) | Hollywood Collision Red | ||||||||||
Sat 3:16 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (4069) | LA ALL STARS | Armagedon | (4153) | Twisted Vibe | Cap Locals | (4233) | Storm Riders | Rust | (4366) | NRG Next Gen | ||||||||||
Sat 3:20 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4070) | Voodoo | Baja | (4154) | Central Florida Vikings | TOG Gray | (4234) | Orlando Kryptonite | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4367) | Jax Reapers | ||||||||||
Sat 3:24 | AAA JACKALS | (4071) | Noobies | Smoke Patrol 507 | (4155) | Tampa Bay Scallywags | TCP Mini Machine | (4235) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | Whil's Paintball Aurora | (4368) | Royals | ||||||||||
Sat 3:28 | Rolla Soldiers | (4072) | NJ Jesters | OKC BREAKOUT | (4156) | TKO | Indy Storm 1.0 | (4236) | 706 Goonies | Blasphemy | (4369) | Central Florida Carnage | ||||||||||
Sat 3:32 | RAMPAGE | (4073) | Indy Storm | Twisted Vibe | (4157) | Veteran Militia | IndyStorm Empire | (4237) | Carolina Warriors | Veteran Militia Fox | (4370) | PoBoys | ||||||||||
Sat 3:36 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4074) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | Armagedon | (4158) | Apex | Cap Locals | (4238) | Tantrum D5 | Templar Knights Black | (4371) | NRG Next Gen | ||||||||||
Sat 3:40 | AAA JACKALS | (4075) | LA ALL STARS | Smoke Patrol 507 | (4159) | Baja | Storm Riders | (4239) | Tropic Thunder | Jax Reapers | (4372) | Rust | ||||||||||
Sat 3:44 | Rolla Soldiers | (4076) | Voodoo | OKC BREAKOUT | (4160) | Central Florida Vikings | TOG Gray | (4240) | TCP Mini Machine | Hollywood Collision Red | (4373) | DeaD RaBBiTs | ||||||||||
Sat 3:48 | Indy Storm | (4077) | Noobies | Twisted Vibe | (4161) | Tampa Bay Scallywags | Orlando Kryptonite | (4241) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | Blasphemy | (4374) | Royals | ||||||||||
Sat 3:52 | RAMPAGE | (4078) | NJ Jesters | Apex | (4162) | TKO | 706 Goonies | (4242) | Tantrum D5 | Central Florida Carnage | (4375) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | ||||||||||
Sat 3:56 | AAA JACKALS | (4079) | DeaD RaBBiTs | Armagedon | (4163) | Veteran Militia | Tropic Thunder | (4243) | IndyStorm Empire | Veteran Militia Fox | (4376) | Templar Knights Black | ||||||||||
Sat 4:00 | Rolla Soldiers | (4080) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | TCP Mini Machine | (4244) | Cap Locals | PoBoys | (4377) | NRG Next Gen | |||||||||||||
Sat 4:04 | Indy Storm | (4081) | LA ALL STARS | Indy Storm 1.0 | (4245) | Orlando Kryptonite | Rust | (4378) | Royals | |||||||||||||
Sat 4:08 | NJ Jesters | (4082) | Voodoo | NRG Next Gen Bravo | (4246) | Storm Riders | Whil's Paintball Aurora | (4379) | Hollywood Collision Red | |||||||||||||
Sat 4:12 | RAMPAGE | (4083) | Noobies | 706 Goonies | (4247) | TOG Gray | Templar Knights Black | (4380) | Blasphemy | |||||||||||||
Sat 4:16 | Carolina Warriors | (4248) | TCP Mini Machine | Jax Reapers | (4381) | PoBoys | ||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:20 | Indy Storm 1.0 | (4249) | Tropic Thunder | NRG Next Gen | (4382) | Central Florida Carnage | ||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:24 | Tantrum D5 | (4250) | Orlando Kryptonite | Rust | (4383) | Veteran Militia Fox | ||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:28 | IndyStorm Empire | (4251) | TOG Gray | DeaD RaBBiTs | (4384) | Templar Knights Black | ||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:32 | Jax Reapers | (4385) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:36 | Royals | (4386) | PoBoys | |||||||||||||||||||
Sat 4:40 | Hollywood Collision Red | (4387) | Veteran Militia Fox | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 7:00 | Trouble N Paradise | (3000) | Wasted Potential | Team Speed | (3001) | Solid | Texas Cyclone | (3500) | 706 Goonies | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:04 | Miami Lifestyle | (3002) | NJ SINISTER | LAS Corruption | (3003) | Albuquerque Bushwackers | Jax Reapers | (3501) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:08 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3004) | Traumahead Factory | Hollow Point | (3005) | Tbd somos lobos | Riders of Rohan | (3502) | Tantrum D5 | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:12 | The Gummy Bears | (3006) | Hollywood Collision | PHILIPPINES | (3007) | Tampa Bay Raptors | Shenanigans Green | (3503) | NRG Next Gen | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:16 | Trouble N Paradise | (3008) | Wasted Potential | Team Speed | (3009) | Solid | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3504) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:20 | Miami Lifestyle | (3010) | NJ SINISTER | LAS Corruption | (3011) | Albuquerque Bushwackers | | (3505) | Tropic Thunder | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:24 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3012) | Traumahead Factory | Hollow Point | (3013) | Tbd somos lobos | Central Florida Carnage | (3506) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:28 | The Gummy Bears | (3014) | Hollywood Collision | PHILIPPINES | (3015) | Tampa Bay Raptors | Shut Up They're Trying | (3507) | TOG Gray | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:32 | Trouble N Paradise | (3016) | Wasted Potential | Team Speed | (3017) | Solid | Texas Cyclone | (3508) | 706 Goonies | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:36 | Miami Lifestyle | (3018) | NJ SINISTER | LAS Corruption | (3019) | Albuquerque Bushwackers | Jax Reapers | (3509) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:40 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3020) | Traumahead Factory | Hollow Point | (3021) | Tbd somos lobos | Riders of Rohan | (3510) | Tantrum D5 | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:44 | The Gummy Bears | (3022) | Hollywood Collision | PHILIPPINES | (3023) | Tampa Bay Raptors | Shenanigans Green | (3511) | NRG Next Gen | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:48 | LA ALL STARS | (2500) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | Hollywood Collision | (3000) | XPX Dynamic D5 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3512) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:52 | Apex | (2501) | Veteran Militia | NJ SINISTER | (3001) | Trouble N Paradise | | (3513) | Tropic Thunder | |||||||||||||
Sun 7:56 | Baja | (2502) | Rolla Soldiers | Tampa Bay Raptors | (3002) | Tbd somos lobos | Central Florida Carnage | (3514) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:00 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2503) | DeaD RaBBiTs | LAS Corruption | (3003) | Team Speed | Shut Up They're Trying | (3515) | TOG Gray | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:04 | LA ALL STARS | (2504) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | Hollywood Collision | (3004) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Texas Cyclone | (3516) | 706 Goonies | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:08 | Apex | (2505) | Veteran Militia | NJ SINISTER | (3005) | Trouble N Paradise | Jax Reapers | (3517) | NRG Next Gen Bravo | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:12 | Baja | (2506) | Rolla Soldiers | Tampa Bay Raptors | (3006) | Tbd somos lobos | Riders of Rohan | (3518) | Tantrum D5 | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:16 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2507) | DeaD RaBBiTs | LAS Corruption | (3007) | Team Speed | Shenanigans Green | (3519) | NRG Next Gen | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:20 | LA ALL STARS | (2508) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | Hollywood Collision | (3008) | XPX Dynamic D5 | DeaD RaBBiTs | (3520) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:24 | Apex | (2509) | Veteran Militia | NJ SINISTER | (3009) | Trouble N Paradise | | (3521) | Tropic Thunder | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:28 | Baja | (2510) | Rolla Soldiers | Tampa Bay Raptors | (3010) | Tbd somos lobos | Central Florida Carnage | (3522) | Whil's Paintball Aurora | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:32 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2511) | DeaD RaBBiTs | LAS Corruption | (3011) | Team Speed | Shut Up They're Trying | (3523) | TOG Gray | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:36 | Veteran Militia | (2500) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | NJ SINISTER | (3000) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Jax Reapers | (3500) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:40 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2501) | Rolla Soldiers | Team Speed | (3001) | Tbd somos lobos | Shenanigans Green | (3501) | Riders of Rohan | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:44 | Veteran Militia | (2502) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | NJ SINISTER | (3002) | XPX Dynamic D5 | | (3502) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:48 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2503) | Rolla Soldiers | Team Speed | (3003) | Tbd somos lobos | Shut Up They're Trying | (3503) | Central Florida Carnage | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:52 | Veteran Militia | (2504) | Coast to Coast Deplorables | NJ SINISTER | (3004) | XPX Dynamic D5 | Jax Reapers | (3504) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||
Sun 8:56 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2505) | Rolla Soldiers | Team Speed | (3005) | Tbd somos lobos | Shenanigans Green | (3505) | Riders of Rohan | |||||||||||||
Sun 9:00 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (2501) | Rolla Soldiers | NJ SINISTER | (3001) | Team Speed | | (3506) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||
Sun 9:04 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (2503) | Rolla Soldiers | NJ SINISTER | (3003) | Team Speed | Shut Up They're Trying | (3507) | Central Florida Carnage | |||||||||||||
Sun 9:08 | Coast to Coast Deplorables | (2505) | Rolla Soldiers | NJ SINISTER | (3005) | Team Speed | Jax Reapers | (3508) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||
Sun 9:12 | Shenanigans Green | (3509) | Riders of Rohan | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:16 | | (3510) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:20 | Shut Up They're Trying | (3511) | Central Florida Carnage | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:24 | Shenanigans Green | (3500) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:28 | Shut Up They're Trying | (3501) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:32 | Shenanigans Green | (3502) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:36 | Shut Up They're Trying | (3503) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:40 | Shenanigans Green | (3504) | Texas Cyclone | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:44 | Shut Up They're Trying | (3505) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:48 | Texas Cyclone | (3501) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:52 | Texas Cyclone | (3503) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 9:56 | Texas Cyclone | (3505) | Austin Notorious D5 FsUorNoT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:30 | Shenanigans Green | (3500) | Shut Up They're Trying | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:33 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3000) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:34 | Doc Warriors | (14002) | Tour de Force | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:36 | Veteran Militia | (2500) | OKC BREAKOUT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:38 | BTA Butchers | (14003) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:39 | Shenanigans Green | (3502) | Shut Up They're Trying | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:42 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3002) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:45 | Veteran Militia | (2502) | OKC BREAKOUT | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:46 | Annihilators classic | (14006) | Destiny | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:48 | Shenanigans Green | (3504) | Shut Up They're Trying | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:51 | XPX Dynamic D5 | (3004) | Tbd somos lobos | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 12:54 | Veteran Militia | (2504) | OKC BREAKOUT | Armagedon | (14009) | Underdogs | ||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:04 | BTA | (14013) | Tour de Force | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:12 | BTA Butchers | (14016) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:16 | Doc Warriors | (14017) | Annihilators classic | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:26 | Destiny | (14021) | Armagedon | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:34 | Underdogs | (14024) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:46 | Tour de Force | (14029) | Annihilators classic | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:50 | BTA Butchers | (14030) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 1:58 | Doc Warriors | (14033) | Destiny | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:06 | Armagedon | (14036) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:16 | Underdogs | (14040) | Tour de Force | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:24 | BTA Butchers | (14043) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:28 | Armagedon | (14044) | Doc Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:38 | Destiny | (14048) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:46 | Annihilators classic | (14051) | Underdogs | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:54 | Tour de Force | (14054) | Armagedon | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 2:58 | BTA Butchers | (14055) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:02 | Destiny | (14056) | Underdogs | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:06 | BTA | (14057) | Doc Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:10 | Annihilators classic | (14058) | Armagedon | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:14 | BTA Butchers | (14059) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:18 | Tour de Force | (14060) | Destiny | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:22 | Underdogs | (14061) | Doc Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:26 | BTA | (14062) | Annihilators classic | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:30 | Tour de Force | (14063) | Destiny | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:34 | BTA Butchers | (14064) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:38 | Underdogs | (14065) | Doc Warriors | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:42 | Annihilators classic | (14066) | Armagedon | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:46 | BTA | (14067) | Tour de Force | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:50 | BTA Butchers | (14068) | Pumpin Sweatin | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:54 | Destiny | (14069) | Underdogs | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 3:58 | Doc Warriors | (14070) | Annihilators classic | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:00 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 1 | (6000) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:02 | Armagedon | (14071) | BTA | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:05 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 2 | (6001) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:10 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 1 | (6002) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:15 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 2 | (6003) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:20 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 1 | (6004) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:25 | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 2 | (6005) | Classic Rt1 Semis Seed 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:30 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 3 | (6000) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:35 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 1 | (6001) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:40 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 3 | (6002) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:45 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 1 | (6003) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:50 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 3 | (6004) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
Sun 4:55 | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 1 | (6005) | Classic Rt1 Finals Seed 2 |
This page last updated 15 Nov 20 13:45:59