This page last updated 05 May 19 12:26:56
NXL Pro - Pit 1 | HK Army - Pit 1 | DYE | Virtue | HK Army | |||||||||||
home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | home (red) | - | away (blue) | |
Sat 8:00 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2000) | Texas PhalanX Red | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:04 | Oklahoma IronBorn | (2001) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:08 | Bayou Games Factory | (2002) | NJ Bombsquad 2 | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:12 | Official Devastation | (2003) | GFK | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:16 | Reflex | (2004) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:20 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2005) | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:24 | Oklahoma IronBorn | (2006) | Texas PhalanX Red | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:28 | Diversity | (2007) | NJ Bombsquad 2 | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:32 | GFK | (2008) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:36 | Reflex | (2009) | Official Devastation | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:40 | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | (2010) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:44 | Oklahoma IronBorn | (2011) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:48 | Texas PhalanX Red | (2012) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:52 | NJ Bombsquad 2 | (2013) | GFK | ||||||||||||
Sat 8:56 | Official Devastation | (2014) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:00 | Reflex | (2015) | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:04 | Texas Twisters | (2016) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:08 | Texas PhalanX Red | (2017) | NJ Bombsquad 2 | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:12 | GFK | (2018) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:16 | Bayou Games Factory | (2019) | Oklahoma IronBorn | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:20 | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | (2020) | Official Devastation | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:24 | Texas PhalanX Red | (2021) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:28 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2022) | NJ Bombsquad 2 | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:32 | Diversity | (2023) | Reflex | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:36 | GFK | (2024) | Oklahoma IronBorn | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:40 | Texas Twisters | (2025) | Official Devastation | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:44 | Bayou Games Factory | (2026) | Texas PhalanX Red | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:48 | NJ Bombsquad 2 | (2027) | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:52 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2028) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sat 9:56 | Oklahoma IronBorn | (2029) | Reflex | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:00 | Official Devastation | (2030) | Texas PhalanX Red | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:04 | Texas Twisters | (2031) | GFK | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:08 | Diversity | (2032) | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:12 | Bayou Games Factory | (2033) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:16 | NJ Bombsquad 2 | (2034) | Reflex | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:20 | Official Devastation | (2035) | Oklahoma IronBorn | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:24 | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | (2036) | GFK | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:28 | Texas Twisters | (2037) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:32 | Texas PhalanX Red | (2038) | Reflex | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:36 | Diversity | (2039) | Official Devastation | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:40 | XPX EQuiLiBriUm | (2040) | Oklahoma IronBorn | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:44 | GFK | (2041) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:48 | NJ Bombsquad 2 | (2042) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sat 10:52 | Reflex | (2043) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:30 | Vikings Brasil | (2044) | Victoria Blue | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:34 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2045) | Wisconsin Infamous Black | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:38 | Paradox | (2046) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:42 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2047) | DESTINY PB | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:46 | West Coast Deplorables | (2048) | DESTINY High Rollers | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:50 | PPS SFO DIRTY | (2049) | Shut up we're trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:54 | The Anunnaki | (2050) | Paintball Ladies | ||||||||||||
Sat 11:58 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2051) | MISFITS | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:02 | Royals | (2052) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:06 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2053) | Victoria Blue | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:10 | Paradox | (2054) | DESTINY PB | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:14 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2055) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:18 | DESTINY High Rollers | (2056) | Wisconsin Infamous Black | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:22 | West Coast Deplorables | (2057) | Shut up we're trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:26 | The Anunnaki | (2058) | MISFITS | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:30 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2059) | Paintball Ladies | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:34 | PPS SFO DIRTY | (2060) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:38 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2061) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:42 | Indy Storm | (2062) | DESTINY PB | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:46 | Victoria Blue | (2063) | Wisconsin Infamous Black | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:50 | Shut up we're trying | (2064) | DESTINY High Rollers | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:54 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2065) | Paradox | ||||||||||||
Sat 12:58 | The Anunnaki | (2066) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:02 | MISFITS | (2067) | Paintball Ladies | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:06 | West Coast Deplorables | (2068) | PPS SFO DIRTY | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:10 | Royals | (2069) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:14 | Vikings Brasil | (2070) | Wisconsin Infamous Black | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:18 | DESTINY High Rollers | (2071) | Victoria Blue | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:22 | DESTINY PB | (2072) | Shut up we're trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:26 | The Anunnaki | (2073) | OKC BREAKOUT | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:30 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2074) | Paradox | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:34 | MISFITS | (2075) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:38 | West Coast Deplorables | (2076) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:42 | PPS SFO DIRTY | (2077) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:46 | DESTINY High Rollers | (2078) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:50 | Wisconsin Infamous Black | (2079) | Paintball Ladies | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:54 | Shut up we're trying | (2080) | Victoria Blue | ||||||||||||
Sat 1:58 | Veteran Militia Delta | (2081) | OKC BREAKOUT | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:02 | MISFITS | (2082) | Paradox | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:06 | Indy Storm | (2083) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:10 | DESTINY PB | (2084) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:14 | PPS SFO DIRTY | (2085) | DESTINY High Rollers | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:18 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2086) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:22 | Shut up we're trying | (2087) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:26 | Paintball Ladies | (2088) | OKC BREAKOUT | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:30 | Wisconsin Infamous Black | (2089) | MISFITS | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:34 | Victoria Blue | (2090) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:38 | Indy Storm | (2091) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:42 | Paradox | (2092) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:46 | DESTINY PB | (2093) | PPS SFO DIRTY | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:50 | DESTINY High Rollers | (2094) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:54 | Vikings Brasil | (2095) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sat 2:58 | Wisconsin Infamous Black | (2096) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:02 | Royals | (2097) | Shut up we're trying | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:06 | Paintball Ladies | (2098) | Paradox | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:10 | Indy Storm | (2099) | PPS SFO DIRTY | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:14 | MISFITS | (2100) | OKC BREAKOUT | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:18 | DESTINY PB | (2101) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:22 | Victoria Blue | (2102) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:26 | Vikings Brasil | (2103) | Veteran Militia Delta | ||||||||||||
Sat 3:30 | Shut up we're trying | (2104) | Veteran Militia Charlie | RAMPAGE | (2112) | West Coast Sharks 3 | |||||||||
Sat 3:34 | Paintball Ladies | (2105) | Indy Storm | Veteran Militia | (2113) | Airups Angels | |||||||||
Sat 3:38 | Royals | (2106) | DESTINY High Rollers | DESTINY | (2114) | Tri-State Uproar | |||||||||
Sat 3:42 | Paradox | (2107) | PPS SFO DIRTY | APEX | (2115) | Miami Devious | |||||||||
Sat 3:46 | OKC BREAKOUT | (2108) | West Coast Deplorables | Texas Reapers | (2116) | Veteran Militia Echo | |||||||||
Sat 3:50 | Wisconsin Infamous Black | (2109) | The Anunnaki | RAMPAGE | (2117) | TSU | |||||||||
Sat 3:54 | Victoria Blue | (2110) | MISFITS | Veteran Militia | (2118) | West Coast Sharks 3 | |||||||||
Sat 3:58 | Paintball Ladies | (2111) | DESTINY PB | Airups Angels | (2119) | Tri-State Uproar | |||||||||
Sat 4:02 | Miami Devious | (2120) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:06 | Texas Reapers | (2121) | APEX | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:10 | TSU | (2122) | Veteran Militia Echo | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:14 | Veteran Militia | (2123) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:18 | West Coast Sharks 3 | (2124) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:22 | Tri-State Uproar | (2125) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:26 | APEX | (2126) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:30 | Texas Reapers | (2127) | TSU | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:34 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2128) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:38 | West Coast Sharks 3 | (2129) | Tri-State Uproar | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:42 | Miami Devious | (2130) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:46 | DESTINY | (2131) | Veteran Militia | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:50 | TSU | (2132) | APEX | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:54 | West Coast Sharks 3 | (2133) | Veteran Militia Echo | ||||||||||||
Sat 4:58 | RAMPAGE | (2134) | Tri-State Uproar | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:02 | Airups Angels | (2135) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:06 | Miami Devious | (2136) | Veteran Militia | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:10 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2137) | APEX | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:14 | DESTINY | (2138) | West Coast Sharks 3 | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:18 | Tri-State Uproar | (2139) | TSU | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:22 | RAMPAGE | (2140) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:26 | Veteran Militia | (2141) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:30 | APEX | (2142) | West Coast Sharks 3 | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:34 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2143) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:38 | Airups Angels | (2144) | TSU | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:42 | DESTINY | (2145) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:46 | Tri-State Uproar | (2146) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:50 | APEX | (2147) | Veteran Militia | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:54 | TSU | (2148) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sat 5:58 | Veteran Militia Echo | (2149) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:02 | West Coast Sharks 3 | (2150) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:06 | Airups Angels | (2151) | APEX | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:10 | TSU | (2152) | Veteran Militia | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:14 | Miami Devious | (2153) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:18 | Tri-State Uproar | (2154) | Veteran Militia Echo | ||||||||||||
Sat 6:22 | Texas Reapers | (2155) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:00 | Reflex | (2500) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:04 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2501) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:08 | The Anunnaki | (2502) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:12 | Shut up we're trying | (2503) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:16 | Indy Storm | (2504) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:20 | Paradox | (2505) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:24 | Texas Reapers | (2506) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:28 | RAMPAGE | (2507) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:32 | Reflex | (2508) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:36 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2509) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:40 | The Anunnaki | (2510) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:44 | Shut up we're trying | (2511) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:48 | Indy Storm | (2512) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:52 | Paradox | (2513) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 8:56 | Texas Reapers | (2514) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:00 | RAMPAGE | (2515) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:04 | Reflex | (2516) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:08 | Shut Up They're Trying | (2517) | Diversity | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:12 | The Anunnaki | (2518) | Royals | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:16 | Shut up we're trying | (2519) | West Coast Deplorables | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:20 | Indy Storm | (2520) | Vikings Brasil | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:24 | Paradox | (2521) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:28 | Texas Reapers | (2522) | Airups Angels | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:32 | RAMPAGE | (2523) | DESTINY | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:36 | GFK | (2500) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:40 | Bayou Games Factory | (2501) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:44 | West Coast Deplorables | (2502) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:48 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2503) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:52 | Veteran Militia | (2504) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sun 9:56 | Miami Devious | (2505) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:00 | GFK | (2506) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:04 | Bayou Games Factory | (2507) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:08 | West Coast Deplorables | (2508) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:12 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2509) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:16 | Veteran Militia | (2510) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:20 | Miami Devious | (2511) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:24 | GFK | (2512) | Texas Twisters | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:28 | Bayou Games Factory | (2513) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:32 | West Coast Deplorables | (2514) | The Anunnaki | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:36 | Veteran Militia Charlie | (2515) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:40 | Veteran Militia | (2516) | Texas Reapers | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:44 | Miami Devious | (2517) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:50 | Texas Twisters | (2501) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:53 | West Coast Deplorables | (2503) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:56 | Texas Reapers | (2505) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sun 10:59 | Texas Twisters | (2507) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:02 | West Coast Deplorables | (2509) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:05 | Texas Reapers | (2511) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:08 | Texas Twisters | (2513) | Bayou Games Factory | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:11 | West Coast Deplorables | (2515) | Veteran Militia Charlie | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:14 | Texas Reapers | (2517) | Miami Devious | ||||||||||||
Sun 11:30 | Scorpions | (6000) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 12:10 | Scorpions | (6001) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 12:50 | Scorpions | (6002) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:00 | GFK | (2500) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:04 | The Anunnaki | (2502) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:08 | Veteran Militia | (2504) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:12 | GFK | (2506) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:16 | The Anunnaki | (2508) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:20 | Veteran Militia | (2510) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:24 | GFK | (2512) | Shut Up They're Trying | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:28 | The Anunnaki | (2514) | Indy Storm | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:30 | Scorpions | (6003) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 1:32 | Veteran Militia | (2516) | RAMPAGE | ||||||||||||
Sun 2:10 | Scorpions | (6004) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 2:50 | Scorpions | (6005) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 3:30 | Scorpions | (6006) | POSSUM | ||||||||||||
Sun 4:10 | Scorpions | (6007) | POSSUM |
This page last updated 05 May 19 12:26:56