This page last updated 18 Jul 24 19:14:03
Field 4
Sat 8:00 Palm Beach Maniacs 2 (46) Swfl fury yellow
Sat 8:03 Rat Kings Black (47) Red legion D5B
Sat 8:07 Orlando Invaders Gold (48) S.F. CHAOS
Sat 8:10 Element Air (49) Useless Sins D5
Sat 8:14 CF_Sector (50) Templar Knights Black
Sat 8:17 Arctic Yetis (51) Gulf Coast Gorillas
Sat 8:21 Central Florida Clash Red (52) SUPRA FILIUS
Sat 8:24 Florida Plague (53) Tax Collectors
Sat 8:28 Reckless Kids (54) Palm Beach InVade
Sat 8:31 Palm Beach InVade MARS (55) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 8:35 S.F. CHAOS (56) Palm Beach Maniacs 2
Sat 8:38 Useless Sins D5 (57) Rat Kings Black
Sat 8:42 Swfl fury yellow (58) CF_Sector
Sat 8:45 Red legion D5B (59) Arctic Yetis
Sat 8:49 SUPRA FILIUS (60) Orlando Invaders Gold
Sat 8:52 Tax Collectors (61) Element Air
Sat 8:56 Templar Knights Black (62) Reckless Kids
Sat 8:59 Gulf Coast Gorillas (63) Palm Beach InVade MARS
Sat 9:03 Palm Beach InVade (64) Central Florida Clash Red
Sat 9:06 TPP Most Wanted (65) Florida Plague
Sat 9:10 CF_Sector (66) S.F. CHAOS
Sat 9:13 Arctic Yetis (67) Useless Sins D5
Sat 9:17 Palm Beach Maniacs 2 (68) SUPRA FILIUS
Sat 9:20 Rat Kings Black (69) Tax Collectors
Sat 9:24 Reckless Kids (70) Swfl fury yellow
Sat 9:27 Palm Beach InVade MARS (71) Red legion D5B
Sat 9:31 Orlando Invaders Gold (72) Central Florida Clash Red
Sat 9:34 Element Air (73) Florida Plague
Sat 9:38 Templar Knights Black (74) Palm Beach InVade
Sat 9:41 Gulf Coast Gorillas (75) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 9:45 SUPRA FILIUS (76) CF_Sector
Sat 9:48 Tax Collectors (77) Arctic Yetis
Sat 9:52 S.F. CHAOS (78) Reckless Kids
Sat 9:55 Useless Sins D5 (79) Palm Beach InVade MARS
Sat 9:59 Central Florida Clash Red (80) Palm Beach Maniacs 2
Sat 10:02 Florida Plague (81) Rat Kings Black
Sat 10:06 Swfl fury yellow (82) Templar Knights Black
Sat 10:09 Red legion D5B (83) Gulf Coast Gorillas
Sat 10:13 Palm Beach InVade (84) Orlando Invaders Gold
Sat 10:16 TPP Most Wanted (85) Element Air
Sat 10:20 Reckless Kids (86) SUPRA FILIUS
Sat 10:23 Palm Beach InVade MARS (87) Tax Collectors
Sat 10:27 CF_Sector (88) Central Florida Clash Red
Sat 10:30 Arctic Yetis (89) Florida Plague
Sat 10:34 Templar Knights Black (90) S.F. CHAOS
Sat 10:37 Gulf Coast Gorillas (91) Useless Sins D5
Sat 10:41 Palm Beach Maniacs 2 (92) Orlando Invaders Gold
Sat 10:44 Rat Kings Black (93) Element Air
Sat 10:48 Swfl fury yellow (94) Palm Beach InVade
Sat 10:51 Red legion D5B (95) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 10:55 Central Florida Clash Red (96) Reckless Kids
Sat 10:58 Florida Plague (97) Palm Beach InVade MARS
Sat 11:02 SUPRA FILIUS (98) Templar Knights Black
Sat 11:05 Tax Collectors (99) Gulf Coast Gorillas
Sat 11:09 Orlando Invaders Gold (100) CF_Sector
Sat 11:12 Element Air (101) Arctic Yetis
Sat 11:16 S.F. CHAOS (102) Swfl fury yellow
Sat 11:19 Useless Sins D5 (103) Red legion D5B
Sat 11:23 Palm Beach InVade (104) Palm Beach Maniacs 2
Sat 11:26 TPP Most Wanted (105) Rat Kings Black
Sat 11:30 Templar Knights Black (106) Central Florida Clash Red
Sat 11:33 Gulf Coast Gorillas (107) Florida Plague
Sat 11:37 Reckless Kids (108) Orlando Invaders Gold
Sat 11:40 Palm Beach InVade MARS (109) Element Air
Sat 11:44 Swfl fury yellow (110) SUPRA FILIUS
Sat 11:47 Red legion D5B (111) Tax Collectors
Sat 11:51 CF_Sector (112) Palm Beach Maniacs 2
Sat 11:54 Arctic Yetis (113) Rat Kings Black
Sat 11:58 S.F. CHAOS (114) Palm Beach InVade
Sat 12:01 Useless Sins D5 (115) TPP Most Wanted
Sat 12:05 Orlando Invaders Gold (116) Templar Knights Black
Sat 12:08 Element Air (117) Gulf Coast Gorillas
Sat 12:12 Central Florida Clash Red (118) Swfl fury yellow
Sat 12:15 Florida Plague (119) Red legion D5B
Sat 12:19 Palm Beach Maniacs 2 (120) Reckless Kids
Sat 12:22 Rat Kings Black (121) Palm Beach InVade MARS
Sat 12:26 SUPRA FILIUS (122) S.F. CHAOS
Sat 12:29 Tax Collectors (123) Useless Sins D5
Sat 12:33 Palm Beach InVade (124) CF_Sector
Sat 12:36 TPP Most Wanted (125) Arctic Yetis
Sun 8:00 Blind (2072) Gainesville GRIDIRON
Sun 8:08 Kryptonite (2075) Palm Beach Odium
Sun 8:17 Rat Kings (2078) NMI
Sun 8:20 TotalPML (2079) Tiki's Inferno
Sun 8:29 Central Florida Reign (2082) Lethal Accidents
Sun 8:32 Doc's Raiders (2083) CFK
Sun 8:41 Project x (2086) ShenaniKids
Sun 8:49 Duval Defiant (2089) Grow The Sport
Sun 8:53 Blind (2090) We're Nuts
Sun 9:01 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2093) Kryptonite
Sun 9:05 Rat Kings (2094) TotalPML
Sun 9:13 NMI (2097) Tiki's Inferno
Sun 9:22 Palm Beach Odium (2100) Central Florida Reign
Sun 9:25 Lethal Accidents (2101) Doc's Raiders
Sun 9:34 Project x (2104) Duval Defiant
Sun 9:37 ShenaniKids (2105) Grow The Sport
Sun 9:46 CFK (2108) We're Nuts
Sun 9:49 Blind (2109) Kryptonite
Sun 9:58 Rat Kings (2112) Tiki's Inferno
Sun 10:06 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2115) Palm Beach Odium
Sun 10:10 Central Florida Reign (2116) Doc's Raiders
Sun 10:18 NMI (2119) TotalPML
Sun 10:22 Project x (2120) Grow The Sport
Sun 10:30 ShenaniKids (2123) Duval Defiant
Sun 10:39 Lethal Accidents (2126) CFK
Sun 10:42 Kryptonite (2127) We're Nuts
Sun 10:51 Blind (2130) Palm Beach Odium
Sun 10:54 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2131) Central Florida Reign
Sun 11:03 TotalPML (2134) Doc's Raiders
Sun 11:11 NMI (2137) Project x
Sun 11:15 Tiki's Inferno (2138) Grow The Sport
Sun 11:23 Rat Kings (2141) Duval Defiant
Sun 11:27 Lethal Accidents (2142) We're Nuts
Sun 11:35 Kryptonite (2145) CFK
Sun 11:39 Blind (2146) ShenaniKids
Sun 11:47 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2149) Doc's Raiders
Sun 11:56 TotalPML (2152) Project x
Sun 11:59 NMI (2153) Grow The Sport
Sun 12:08 Tiki's Inferno (2156) Duval Defiant
Sun 12:11 Rat Kings (2157) Lethal Accidents
Sun 12:20 Central Florida Reign (2160) We're Nuts
Sun 12:28 Kryptonite (2163) ShenaniKids
Sun 12:32 Blind (2164) Doc's Raiders
Sun 12:40 Palm Beach Odium (2167) Project x
Sun 12:44 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2168) Grow The Sport
Sun 12:52 NMI (2171) Duval Defiant
Sun 1:01 TotalPML (2174) CFK
Sun 1:04 Tiki's Inferno (2175) Lethal Accidents
Sun 1:13 Rat Kings (2178) We're Nuts
Sun 1:16 Kryptonite (2179) Central Florida Reign
Sun 1:25 Palm Beach Odium (2182) ShenaniKids
Sun 1:28 Blind (2183) Grow The Sport
Sun 1:37 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2186) Duval Defiant
Sun 1:45 NMI (2189) CFK
Sun 1:49 TotalPML (2190) Lethal Accidents
Sun 1:57 Doc's Raiders (2193) We're Nuts
Sun 2:01 Tiki's Inferno (2194) Project x
Sun 2:09 Palm Beach Odium (2197) Grow The Sport
Sun 2:18 Blind (2200) Central Florida Reign
Sun 2:21 Gainesville GRIDIRON (2201) ShenaniKids
Sun 2:30 Rat Kings (2204) CFK
Sun 2:33 NMI (2205) Lethal Accidents
Sun 2:42 TotalPML (2208) We're Nuts
Sun 2:50 Kryptonite (2211) Doc's Raiders
Sun 2:54 Palm Beach Odium (2212) Duval Defiant
Sun 3:02 Tiki's Inferno (2215) ShenaniKids
Sun 3:06 Central Florida Reign (2216) CFK
Sun 3:14 Rat Kings (2219) Project x
This page last updated 18 Jul 24 19:14:03
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