This page last updated 09 Feb 20 07:33:13
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Sat 8:00 DeaD RaBBiTs (0) Rolla Soldiers Fokai (7) MIA OutKast Palm Beach Reckless (14) Tampa Bay Mermen Tampa Bay Revolution (21) Shark Squad Palm Beach Vipers (28) Los Locos   Orlando Savage (29) Bayside Raiders
Sat 8:40 GAINESVILLE GRIDIRON (1) Rolla Soldiers DeaD RaBBiTs (8) MIA OutKast Semi Legit (15) Tampa Bay Mermen Florida Tropics (22) Shark Squad
Sat 9:20 Fokai (2) GAINESVILLE GRIDIRON Palm Beach Reckless (9) Bayside Raiders Tampa Bay Revolution (16) Los Locos Palm Beach Vipers (23) Florida Tropics
Sat 10:00 Los Locos (3) Shark Squad Tampa Bay Revolution (10) Florida Tropics MIA OutKast (17) Rolla Soldiers DeaD RaBBiTs (24) GAINESVILLE GRIDIRON
Sat 10:40 Palm Beach Vipers (4) Shark Squad Orlando Savage (11) Semi Legit Fokai (18) Rolla Soldiers Bayside Raiders (25) Tampa Bay Mermen
Sat 11:20 Florida Tropics (5) Los Locos Palm Beach Reckless (12) Semi Legit GAINESVILLE GRIDIRON (19) MIA OutKast Orlando Savage (26) Tampa Bay Mermen
Sat 12:00 Palm Beach Vipers (6) Tampa Bay Revolution Semi Legit (13) Bayside Raiders Fokai (20) DeaD RaBBiTs Orlando Savage (27) Palm Beach Reckless
Sat 2:00 GAINESVILLE GRIDIRON (0) Orlando Savage Florida Tropics (1) Palm Beach Reckless
Sat 3:00 Palm Beach Vipers (0) Orlando Savage Fokai (1) Palm Beach Reckless
Sat 4:00 Orlando Savage (0) Fokai Palm Beach Vipers (1) Palm Beach Reckless
Sun 7:30 Bayside Raiders (2000) Combine One Fokai (2009) Combine Two Killers (2018) Combine Three PTW (2027) The Unknowns Voodoo (2036) Notorious Mafia   Palm Beach Venom (2044) Miami Lifestyle Destiny Florida (2052) Palm Beach Reckless D4 Shenanigans (2060) La Familia Rio (2068) Rust Tampa Bay Revolution (2076) Gainesville Gridiron II
Sun 8:15 Combine Three (2001) Combine Two Shine (2010) Combine Five Ga Xtreme (2019) SOTA BOYZ N.S.B Sharks (2028) 850 RaGe Cen Fla Killas (2037) Notorious Mafia   Hollywood Collision (2045) TB Notorious Bayside Raiders (2053) Palm Beach Reckless D4 XPX Dynamic (2061) DeaD RaBBiTs WFC (2069) WidowMakerz Templar Knights (2077) Combine Ten
Sun 9:00 DeaD RaBBiTs (2002) Killers Combine Eleven (2011) The Unknowns Combine Nine (2020) SOTA BOYZ Voodoo (2029) Miami Lifestyle Cen Fla Killas (2038) Palm Beach Venom   Combine Seven (2046) TB Notorious Bayside Raiders (2054) Shenanigans Destiny Florida (2062) La Familia Combine Six (2070) WidowMakerz Combine Eight (2078) Rust
Sun 9:45 DeaD RaBBiTs (2003) Combine Two Fokai (2012) Combine One Bayside Raiders (2021) Combine Three Ga Xtreme (2030) 850 RaGe Miami Lifestyle (2039) Notorious Mafia   Combine Seven (2047) XPX Dynamic Hollywood Collision (2055) DeaD RaBBiTs Rio (2063) Gainesville Gridiron II WFC (2071) Combine Ten Combine Eight (2079) Tampa Bay Revolution
Sun 10:30 PTW (2004) Combine Five Shine (2013) Combine Eleven N.S.B Sharks (2022) Combine Nine SOTA BOYZ (2031) 850 RaGe Voodoo (2040) Cen Fla Killas   Destiny Florida (2048) Bayside Raiders TB Notorious (2056) DeaD RaBBiTs Templar Knights (2064) Combine Six La Familia (2072) Palm Beach Reckless D4 Gainesville Gridiron II (2080) Rust
Sun 11:15 The Unknowns (2005) Combine Five Killers (2014) Combine One Ga Xtreme (2023) Combine Nine Fokai (2032) Bayside Raiders Palm Beach Venom (2041) Notorious Mafia   Hollywood Collision (2049) Combine Seven Combine Ten (2057) WidowMakerz WFC (2065) Combine Six Shenanigans (2073) Palm Beach Reckless D4 Rio (2081) Combine Eight
Sun 12:00 DeaD RaBBiTs (2006) Combine Three PTW (2015) Combine Eleven N.S.B Sharks (2024) SOTA BOYZ Shine (2033) The Unknowns Cen Fla Killas (2042) Miami Lifestyle   XPX Dynamic (2050) TB Notorious Templar Knights (2058) WidowMakerz Bayside Raiders (2066) La Familia Shenanigans (2074) Destiny Florida Tampa Bay Revolution (2082) Rust
Sun 12:45 Combine Nine (2007) 850 RaGe Combine Five (2016) Combine Eleven N.S.B Sharks (2025) Ga Xtreme Shine (2034) PTW Palm Beach Venom (2043) Voodoo   XPX Dynamic (2051) Hollywood Collision Templar Knights (2059) WFC Combine Six (2067) Combine Ten Combine Eight (2075) Gainesville Gridiron II Tampa Bay Revolution (2083) Rio
Sun 1:30 Combine One (2008) Combine Two Killers (2017) Bayside Raiders DeaD RaBBiTs (2026) Fokai Combine Seven (2035) DeaD RaBBiTs
This page last updated 09 Feb 20 07:33:13
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