This page last updated 30 Jun 23 14:54:13
ASG Tournament Series 2023 Event 2 - Summer Shootout | |||||||||
Field 1 - Pit 1 | Field 1 - Pit 2 | Field 2 | |||||||
home | - | away | home | - | away | home | - | away | |
7:00 | Mint Factory Team | (0) | SUFFER RED | Cobras | (12) | NARCOS D4 | S.O.A. | (2000) | SDE United |
7:04 | NARCOS D5 | (2001) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
7:08 | S.O.A. | (2002) | SDE United | ||||||
7:12 | NARCOS D5 | (2003) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
7:16 | S.O.A. | (2004) | SDE United | ||||||
7:20 | NARCOS D5 | (2005) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
7:24 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2006) | CX Factory | ||||||
7:28 | Gods Vengeance | (2007) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
7:32 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2008) | CX Factory | ||||||
7:36 | Gods Vengeance | (2009) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
7:40 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2010) | CX Factory | ||||||
7:44 | Gods Vengeance | (2011) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
7:45 | SoCal Rampage | (1) | Sons of ASG | SD Mud Dogs | (13) | SoCal Sinister | |||
7:48 | Bean and cheesers | (2012) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
7:52 | AZ Alliance | (2013) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
7:56 | Bean and cheesers | (2014) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
8:00 | AZ Alliance | (2015) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
8:04 | Bean and cheesers | (2016) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
8:08 | AZ Alliance | (2017) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
8:12 | LongShots Black | (2018) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
8:16 | D-DayPB | (2019) | Social delinquents | ||||||
8:20 | LongShots Black | (2020) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
8:24 | D-DayPB | (2021) | Social delinquents | ||||||
8:28 | LongShots Black | (2022) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
8:30 | Fatality | (2) | Vegas Renegades | Narcos | (14) | SD Engage | |||
8:32 | D-DayPB | (2023) | Social delinquents | ||||||
8:36 | East Los Mafiosos | (2024) | SDE United | ||||||
8:40 | LA Deadshots | (2025) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
8:44 | East Los Mafiosos | (2026) | SDE United | ||||||
8:48 | LA Deadshots | (2027) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
8:52 | East Los Mafiosos | (2028) | SDE United | ||||||
8:56 | LA Deadshots | (2029) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
9:00 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2030) | CX Factory | ||||||
9:04 | S.O.A. | (2031) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
9:08 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2032) | CX Factory | ||||||
9:12 | S.O.A. | (2033) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
9:15 | SoCal Rampage | (3) | SUFFER RED | SD Mud Dogs | (15) | NARCOS D4 | |||
9:16 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2034) | CX Factory | ||||||
9:20 | S.O.A. | (2035) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
9:24 | NARCOS D5 | (2036) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
9:28 | AZ Alliance | (2037) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
9:32 | NARCOS D5 | (2038) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
9:36 | AZ Alliance | (2039) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
9:40 | NARCOS D5 | (2040) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
9:44 | AZ Alliance | (2041) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
9:48 | LongShots Black | (2042) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
9:52 | D-DayPB | (2043) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
9:56 | LongShots Black | (2044) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
10:00 | Mint Factory Team | (4) | Fatality | Cobras | (16) | Narcos | D-DayPB | (2045) | Fully Torqued |
10:04 | LongShots Black | (2046) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
10:08 | D-DayPB | (2047) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
10:12 | East Los Mafiosos | (2048) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
10:16 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2049) | Social delinquents | ||||||
10:20 | East Los Mafiosos | (2050) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
10:24 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2051) | Social delinquents | ||||||
10:28 | East Los Mafiosos | (2052) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
10:32 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2053) | Social delinquents | ||||||
10:36 | LA Deadshots | (2054) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
10:40 | NARCOS D5 | (2055) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
10:44 | LA Deadshots | (2056) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
10:45 | Sons of ASG | (5) | Vegas Renegades | SoCal Sinister | (17) | SD Engage | |||
10:48 | NARCOS D5 | (2057) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
10:52 | LA Deadshots | (2058) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
10:56 | NARCOS D5 | (2059) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
11:00 | D-DayPB | (2060) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
11:04 | LongShots Black | (2061) | CX Factory | ||||||
11:08 | D-DayPB | (2062) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
11:12 | LongShots Black | (2063) | CX Factory | ||||||
11:16 | D-DayPB | (2064) | Gods Vengeance | ||||||
11:20 | LongShots Black | (2065) | CX Factory | ||||||
11:24 | AZ Alliance | (2066) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
11:28 | Bean and cheesers | (2067) | SDE United | ||||||
11:30 | SUFFER RED | (6) | Fatality | NARCOS D4 | (18) | Narcos | |||
11:32 | AZ Alliance | (2068) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
11:36 | Bean and cheesers | (2069) | SDE United | ||||||
11:40 | AZ Alliance | (2070) | LongShots Grey | ||||||
11:44 | Bean and cheesers | (2071) | SDE United | ||||||
11:48 | S.O.A. | (2072) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
11:52 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2073) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
11:56 | S.O.A. | (2074) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
12:00 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2075) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
12:04 | S.O.A. | (2076) | Fully Torqued | ||||||
12:08 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2077) | Baja Coyotes | ||||||
12:12 | Gods Vengeance | (2078) | Social delinquents | ||||||
12:15 | SoCal Rampage | (7) | Vegas Renegades | SD Mud Dogs | (19) | SD Engage | |||
12:16 | LA Deadshots | (2079) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
12:20 | Gods Vengeance | (2080) | Social delinquents | ||||||
12:24 | LA Deadshots | (2081) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
12:28 | Gods Vengeance | (2082) | Social delinquents | ||||||
12:32 | LA Deadshots | (2083) | Inland Empire Runaways | ||||||
12:36 | LongShots Grey | (2084) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
12:40 | CX Factory | (2085) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
12:44 | LongShots Grey | (2086) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
12:48 | CX Factory | (2087) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
12:52 | LongShots Grey | (2088) | Mint Factory D5 | ||||||
12:56 | CX Factory | (2089) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
1:00 | Mint Factory Team | (8) | Sons of ASG | Cobras | (20) | SoCal Sinister | East Los Mafiosos | (2090) | NARCOS D5 |
1:04 | D-DayPB | (2091) | S.O.A. | ||||||
1:08 | East Los Mafiosos | (2092) | NARCOS D5 | ||||||
1:12 | D-DayPB | (2093) | S.O.A. | ||||||
1:16 | East Los Mafiosos | (2094) | NARCOS D5 | ||||||
1:20 | D-DayPB | (2095) | S.O.A. | ||||||
1:24 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2096) | LongShots Black | ||||||
1:28 | LA Deadshots | (2097) | AZ Alliance | ||||||
1:32 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2098) | LongShots Black | ||||||
1:36 | LA Deadshots | (2099) | AZ Alliance | ||||||
1:40 | AZ Alliance D5 | (2100) | LongShots Black | ||||||
1:44 | LA Deadshots | (2101) | AZ Alliance | ||||||
1:45 | SUFFER RED | (9) | Vegas Renegades | NARCOS D4 | (21) | SD Engage | |||
1:48 | Fully Torqued | (2102) | SDE United | ||||||
1:52 | Baja Coyotes | (2103) | Social delinquents | ||||||
1:56 | Fully Torqued | (2104) | SDE United | ||||||
2:00 | Baja Coyotes | (2105) | Social delinquents | ||||||
2:04 | Fully Torqued | (2106) | SDE United | ||||||
2:08 | Baja Coyotes | (2107) | Social delinquents | ||||||
2:12 | East Los Mafiosos | (2108) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
2:16 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2109) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
2:20 | East Los Mafiosos | (2110) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
2:24 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2111) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
2:28 | East Los Mafiosos | (2112) | Bean and cheesers | ||||||
2:30 | Sons of ASG | (10) | Fatality | SoCal Sinister | (22) | Narcos | |||
2:32 | Inland Empire Runaways | (2113) | SoCal Rampage Black | ||||||
3:00 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 | (500) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 5 | ||||||
3:04 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 | (501) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 8 | ||||||
3:08 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 | (502) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 7 | ||||||
3:12 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 | (503) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 6 | ||||||
3:15 | Mint Factory Team | (11) | SoCal Rampage | Cobras | (23) | SD Mud Dogs | |||
3:16 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 | (504) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 5 | ||||||
3:20 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 | (505) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 8 | ||||||
3:24 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 | (506) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 7 | ||||||
3:28 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 | (507) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 6 | ||||||
3:32 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 | (508) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 5 | ||||||
3:36 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 | (509) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 8 | ||||||
3:40 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 | (510) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 7 | ||||||
3:44 | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 | (511) | D5 Rt2 Quarters Seed 6 | ||||||
3:48 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 1 | (500) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 4 | ||||||
3:52 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 2 | (501) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 3 | ||||||
3:56 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 1 | (502) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 4 | ||||||
4:00 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 2 | (503) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 3 | ||||||
4:04 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 1 | (504) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 4 | ||||||
4:08 | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 2 | (505) | D5 Rt2 Semis Seed 3 | ||||||
4:12 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 3 | (500) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 4 | ||||||
4:16 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 1 | (501) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 2 | ||||||
4:20 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 3 | (502) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 4 | ||||||
4:24 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 1 | (503) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 2 | ||||||
4:28 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 3 | (504) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 4 | ||||||
4:30 | D4 XBall Quarters Seed 4 | (0) | D4 XBall Quarters Seed 5 | D4 XBall Quarters Seed 3 | (1) | D4 XBall Quarters Seed 6 | |||
4:32 | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 1 | (505) | D5 Rt2 Finals Seed 2 | ||||||
5:30 | D4 XBall Semis Seed 1 | (0) | D4 XBall Semis Seed 4 | D4 XBall Semis Seed 2 | (1) | D4 XBall Semis Seed 3 | |||
6:30 | D4 XBall Finals Seed 3 | (0) | D4 XBall Finals Seed 4 | D4 XBall Finals Seed 1 | (1) | D4 XBall Finals Seed 2 |
This page last updated 30 Jun 23 14:54:13