Field 1Field 2
8:00 Los Angeles Collision vs GHOSTS Kuruption vs Remedy
8:04 Ignite vs Illusion Riverside Optimistic vs Benchwarmers
8:08 LAST STAND X-MASS vs LAST STAND socal MVP Sandbaggers vs Kuruption
8:12 The Axe Gang vs SoCal Sonics Shooting Blanks by vs Benchwarmers
8:16 Ignite vs LAST STAND socal Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Remedy
8:20 Los Angeles Collision vs SoCal Sonics MVP Sandbaggers vs Riverside Optimistic
8:24 The Axe Gang vs GHOSTS Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Shooting Blanks by
8:28 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Illusion Riverside Optimistic vs Kuruption
8:32 Los Angeles Collision vs Ignite Benchwarmers vs Remedy
8:36 GHOSTS vs Illusion Shooting Blanks by vs Kuruption
8:40 LAST STAND X-MASS vs The Axe Gang Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Benchwarmers
8:44 Illusion vs SoCal Sonics MVP Sandbaggers vs Remedy
8:48 GHOSTS vs LAST STAND socal Shooting Blanks by vs Riverside Optimistic
8:52 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Los Angeles Collision Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs MVP Sandbaggers
8:56 The Axe Gang vs Ignite Kuruption vs Remedy
9:00 LAST STAND socal vs SoCal Sonics Riverside Optimistic vs Benchwarmers
9:04 Los Angeles Collision vs GHOSTS MVP Sandbaggers vs Kuruption
9:08 Ignite vs Illusion Shooting Blanks by vs Benchwarmers
9:12 LAST STAND X-MASS vs LAST STAND socal Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Remedy
9:16 The Axe Gang vs SoCal Sonics MVP Sandbaggers vs Riverside Optimistic
9:20 Ignite vs LAST STAND socal Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Shooting Blanks by
9:24 Los Angeles Collision vs SoCal Sonics Riverside Optimistic vs Kuruption
9:28 The Axe Gang vs GHOSTS Benchwarmers vs Remedy
9:32 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Illusion Shooting Blanks by vs Kuruption
9:36 Los Angeles Collision vs Ignite Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Benchwarmers
9:40 GHOSTS vs Illusion MVP Sandbaggers vs Remedy
9:44 LAST STAND X-MASS vs The Axe Gang Shooting Blanks by vs Riverside Optimistic
9:48 Illusion vs SoCal Sonics Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs MVP Sandbaggers
9:52 GHOSTS vs LAST STAND socal Kuruption vs Remedy
9:56 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Los Angeles Collision Riverside Optimistic vs Benchwarmers
10:00 The Axe Gang vs Ignite MVP Sandbaggers vs Kuruption
10:04 LAST STAND socal vs SoCal Sonics Shooting Blanks by vs Benchwarmers
10:08 Los Angeles Collision vs GHOSTS Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Remedy
10:12 Ignite vs Illusion MVP Sandbaggers vs Riverside Optimistic
10:16 LAST STAND X-MASS vs LAST STAND socal Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Shooting Blanks by
10:20 The Axe Gang vs SoCal Sonics Riverside Optimistic vs Kuruption
10:24 Ignite vs LAST STAND socal Benchwarmers vs Remedy
10:28 Los Angeles Collision vs SoCal Sonics Shooting Blanks by vs Kuruption
10:32 The Axe Gang vs GHOSTS Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs Benchwarmers
10:36 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Illusion MVP Sandbaggers vs Remedy
10:40 Los Angeles Collision vs Ignite Shooting Blanks by vs Riverside Optimistic
10:44 GHOSTS vs Illusion Bobby Shmurda Hit Squad vs MVP Sandbaggers
10:48 LAST STAND X-MASS vs The Axe Gang
10:52 Illusion vs SoCal Sonics
10:56 GHOSTS vs LAST STAND socal
11:00 LAST STAND X-MASS vs Los Angeles Collision
11:04 The Axe Gang vs Ignite
11:08 LAST STAND socal vs SoCal Sonics
11:15 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 5
11:20 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 8
11:25 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 6
11:30 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 7
11:35 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 5
11:40 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 8
11:45 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 6
11:50 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 7
11:55 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 4 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 5
12:00 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 8
12:05 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 6
12:10 Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Quarters Seed 7
12:15 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 4
12:20 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 3
12:25 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 4
12:30 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 3
12:35 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 4
12:40 Open Rt2 Semis Seed 2 vs Open Rt2 Semis Seed 3
12:45 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 4
12:50 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 2
12:55 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 4
1:00 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 2
1:05 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 3 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 4
1:10 Open Rt2 Finals Seed 1 vs Open Rt2 Finals Seed 2
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