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National XBall League - NXL Sunshine Open Practice

Event Location: NXL World Cup, Kissimmee, Florida (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Thursday, March 10th 2022
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 9th 11:59 PM PST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
March 9th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Open (10 AM) Open $300 6 5 6
Open (11 AM) Open $300 6 6 6
Open (Noon) Open $300 6 6 6
Open (1 PM) Open $350 6 6 6
Open (2 PM) Open $350 8 6 6
Open (3 PM) Open $400 7 6 6
Open (4 PM) Open $400 6 6 6
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM PST unless otherwise noted above.

41 teams paid of 45 teams registered.
41 teams paid of 45 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Open (10 AM) (6 Teams)
    • 787 CHAOSRoster Payment Accepted
      Dallas VibeRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach RecklessRoster Registration Deadline Passed
      Red LegionRoster Payment Accepted
      SbsRoster Payment Accepted
      STKRoster Payment Accepted
      5 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (11 AM) (6 Teams)
    • Blast CampRoster Payment Accepted
      CoalitionRoster Payment Accepted
      HK ArmyRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      LA AllStarsRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      Latin SaintsRoster Payment Accepted
      Wisconsin InfamousRoster Payment Accepted
      6 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (Noon) (6 Teams)
    • ac DIESELRoster Payment Accepted
      Edmonton ImpactRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      LA ALL STARSRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      NRG EliteRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando BlastRoster Payment Accepted
      Vegas BrawlersRoster Payment Accepted
      6 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (1 PM) (6 Teams)
    • CheetahsRoster Payment Accepted
      Houston HeatRoster Payment Accepted
      Los Angeles InfamousRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      MLKingsRoster Payment Accepted
      New York XtremeRoster Payment Accepted
      NRG Elite AlphaRoster Payment Accepted
      6 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (2 PM) (8 Teams)
    • Altitude SicknessRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus LVLRoster Payment Accepted
      PR CrewRoster Registration Deadline Passed
      Sacramento XSVRoster Payment Accepted
      San Diego DynastyRoster Registration Deadline Passed
      Suricatos TeamRoster Payment Accepted
      TCP MachineRoster Payment Accepted
      WILD DOGSRoster Payment Accepted
      6 teams paid of 8 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (3 PM) (7 Teams)
    • Chicago DistortionRoster Payment Accepted
      Colorado BLITZRoster Payment Accepted
      Los Angeles IronmenRoster Payment Accepted
      M.I.ARoster Payment Accepted
      New York InfeXtiousRoster Payment Accepted
      San Antonio X-FactorRoster Payment Accepted
      Seattle ThunderRoster Registration Deadline Passed
      6 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

    • Open (4 PM) (6 Teams)
    • Austin NotoriousRoster Payment Accepted
      FEMMES FATALERoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
      Malicious IntentRoster Payment Accepted
      New York Wrecking CrewRoster Payment Accepted
      San Diego AftermathRoster Payment Accepted
      Texas CycloneRoster Payment Accepted
      6 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi