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Maximum Velocity Paintball Series - MVPS - Fall Shootout 2021

Event Location: Austin-Tindall Regional Park, Kissimmee, Florida (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Friday, August 13th 2021 to Sunday, August 15th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, August 10th 09:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
July 26th
August 2nd
August 10th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 3 RaceTo-4
Division 3 $600 $650
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
11 11 20
Division 4 RaceTo-4
Division 4 $600 $650
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
30 30 30
Division 5 RaceTo-2 (5v5)
Division 5 $350 $400
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
40 40 40
Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3)
Division 6 $200 $250
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
30 30 30
JC 1v1 Challenge (D5) $25 $25 $25
* Open until 08/14 at 10:59 AM
0 0 None
Payment deadlines are at 9:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

41 RaceTo-4 teams paid of 41 teams registered.
40 RaceTo-2 (5v5) teams paid of 40 teams registered.
30 RaceTo-2 (3v3) teams paid of 30 teams registered.
0 One-on-One teams paid of 0 teams registered.
111 teams paid of 111 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Division 3 RaceTo-4 (Sat) (11 Teams)
    • AFTERLIFERoster Payment Accepted
      Bayside RaidersRoster Payment Accepted
      BlackoutRoster Payment Accepted
      DynamicRoster Payment Accepted
      Los LocosRoster Payment Accepted
      MIA OutKastRoster Payment Accepted
      Nitro ArmyRoster Payment Accepted
      NotoriousRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando SavageRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach VipersRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran Militia BravoRoster Payment Accepted
      11 teams paid of 11 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 4 RaceTo-4 (Sun) (30 Teams)
    • 850 RaGeRoster Payment Accepted
      American Association of Retired PaintballersRoster Payment Accepted
      BANDITSRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds of PreyRoster Payment Accepted
      BlackoutRoster Payment Accepted
      Bone CrushersRoster Payment Accepted
      Breaking RanksRoster Payment Accepted
      Cousins of XplexRoster Payment Accepted
      DeaD RaBBiTsRoster Payment Accepted
      DynamicRoster Payment Accepted
      Helen Keller's Dodgeball SquadRoster Payment Accepted
      Hollywood CollisionRoster Payment Accepted
      InvasiveRoster Payment Accepted
      Jax Reapers BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Kryptonite SilverRoster Payment Accepted
      La FamiliaRoster Payment Accepted
      MurdaGoons.comRoster Payment Accepted
      NITRO ARMY D4Roster Payment Accepted
      Notorious MafiaRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando Savage BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach Reckless D4Roster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach VenomRoster Payment Accepted
      ShenanigansRoster Payment Accepted
      Shenanigans GoldRoster Payment Accepted
      Tampa Bay RejectsRoster Payment Accepted
      Templar KnightsRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory - RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory RevoRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran Militia EchoRoster Payment Accepted
      30 teams paid of 30 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 5 RaceTo-2 (5v5) (Sat) (40 Teams)
    • Bio-Hazard PurpleRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds of Prey - 3TDRoster Payment Accepted
      Breaking Ranks TBDRoster Payment Accepted
      Cereal Killers PaintballRoster Payment Accepted
      CollisionRoster Payment Accepted
      Collision 2Roster Payment Accepted
      Dynamic D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Full Range RAGERoster Payment Accepted
      Gainesville Gridiron D5Roster Payment Accepted
      HOGWILDRoster Payment Accepted
      Hollywood Collision RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Invasive SilverRoster Payment Accepted
      JAX GraffitiRoster Payment Accepted
      Jax ReapersRoster Payment Accepted
      La Familia GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Los LocosRoster Payment Accepted
      MAD MONKEYSRoster Payment Accepted
      Miami VenomRoster Payment Accepted
      Mischievous FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
      MurdaGoons.comd5Roster Payment Accepted
      NITRO ARMY D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Notorious NFGRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando Savage GoldRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach Viper KidsRoster Payment Accepted
      Project XRoster Payment Accepted
      RejectsRoster Payment Accepted
      Rejects REDRoster Payment Accepted
      ResurrectionRoster Payment Accepted
      Resurrection CSRoster Payment Accepted
      SAVANNAH TITANSRoster Payment Accepted
      Shenanigans GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      ShineRoster Payment Accepted
      St. Lucie Head HuntazRoster Payment Accepted
      Templar Knights BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      The BoysRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory ArmyRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory RevRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran MilitiaRoster Payment Accepted
      X Force DRoster Payment Accepted
      XPLEX cousins D5Roster Payment Accepted
      40 teams paid of 40 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3) (Sun) (30 Teams)
    • 850 RAGE D6Roster Payment Accepted
      AARP d6Roster Payment Accepted
      Armed Force D6Roster Payment Accepted
      Asian AssassinsRoster Payment Accepted
      Asian Assassins RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds of Prey - Dirty BirdsRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds of Prey - RavensRoster Payment Accepted
      Central Florida HostilityRoster Payment Accepted
      Cereal Killers Paintball D6Roster Payment Accepted
      Cereal Killers Paintball D6 RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Collision 3Roster Payment Accepted
      Head Huntaz Devins degeneratesRoster Payment Accepted
      JAX Graffiti 3-ManRoster Payment Accepted
      Mad Monkeys BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      MysteryRoster Payment Accepted
      Rejects BLACKRoster Payment Accepted
      Rejects GOLDRoster Payment Accepted
      Rejects GREYRoster Payment Accepted
      Semi seriousRoster Payment Accepted
      St. Lucie Head Huntaz 2Roster Payment Accepted
      Templar Knights Blocka BlockaRoster Payment Accepted
      Templar Knights SilverRoster Payment Accepted
      The Savages D6Roster Payment Accepted
      The savages d6 redRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory BlueRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory GoldRoster Payment Accepted
      Tiki's Paintball Factory GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Titan greenRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran Militia CharlieRoster Payment Accepted
      X Force NoobsRoster Payment Accepted
      30 teams paid of 30 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi