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Grayson Charity Event - Grayson Manning 3v3 Benefit Tournament

Event Location: Official Paintball Games Of Texas, Forney, Texas (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, July 20th 2024
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, July 17th 11:59 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
July 17th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Open 3v3
$250 14 14 None
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

14 3v3 teams paid of 14 teams registered.
14 teams paid of 14 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Open 3v3 (Sat)

ac GALAXY Roster Payment Accepted
Angie's AngelsRoster Payment Accepted
Breaking BadRoster Payment Accepted
Cutthroat ConspiracyRoster Payment Accepted
Dallas RageRoster Payment Accepted
Dirty. by design FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
DynamisRoster Payment Accepted
Lost Boyz powered by Dirty.Roster Payment Accepted
Official NTXRoster Payment Accepted
OFN BlackRoster Payment Accepted
OFN GreyRoster Payment Accepted
Outlaw AP GreenRoster Payment Accepted
TKO Texas KnockOutRoster Payment Accepted
UGPBRoster Payment Accepted
14 teams paid of 14 teams registered in this division.

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