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Shell Shock Paintball League - Vermont Open 1v1

Event Location: Colchester Paintball, Colchester, Vermont (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, July 14th 2024
Registration Deadline: Friday, July 12th 09:00 PM EST
Other Information: Cash prizes for top 3 players!

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
July 12th
Signed UpPaidLimit
$75 9 7 20
Payment deadlines are at 9:00 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

7 One-On-One teams paid of 9 teams registered.
7 teams paid of 9 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

One-On-One (Sun)

Adam NortonPlayers Payment Accepted
Cock ShotsPlayers Payment Accepted
Codys HookPlayers Payment Accepted
Donald Trump 2024 MAGA Players Registration Deadline Passed
Dustin KuckPlayers Registration Deadline Passed
Eric DemorePlayers Payment Accepted
Joe Rippin Rivers Players Payment Accepted
Shawn Not Diddy CombsPlayers Payment Accepted
Tim DonlanPlayers Payment Accepted
7 teams paid of 9 teams registered in this division.

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