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Important Note from Mid-South XBall League:

Refund Policy: Entry fees are non-refundable.

Mid-South XBall League - MSXL Nashville Open

Event Location: Sharp Springs Natural Area (TN), Smyrna, Tennessee (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Friday, May 17th 2024 to Sunday, May 19th
Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 12th 11:59 PM EST
Other Information: Due to the high number of D4 teams and low numbers of D3 teams, semi finals and finals for D4 will be played first thing Sunday morning prior to the start of the D3 division. Thank you for understanding!

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Signed UpPaidLimitClassThrough
April 28th
May 5th
May 12th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 4 X-Ball
24 24 25 Division 4 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
24 24 25
20 20 None Division 3 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
4 4 10
Division 5 $600 $700
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
16 16 20
Division 6 3v3
13 13 30 Division 6 $180 $180 $180 13 13 30
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

44 X-Ball teams paid of 44 teams registered.
13 3v3 teams paid of 13 teams registered.
57 teams paid of 57 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Division 4 X-Ball (Sat) (24 Teams)
    • Bear Ridge Roster Payment Accepted
      BS MafiaRoster Payment Accepted
      Chaos Theory - GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Chaos Theory - RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus CarnageRoster Payment Accepted
      ContraRoster Payment Accepted
      FUSION-REDRoster Payment Accepted
      KNOXRaidersRoster Payment Accepted
      Knoxville EnergizeRoster Payment Accepted
      Midwest SyndicateRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes ViciousRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes WildRoster Payment Accepted
      PathogenRoster Payment Accepted
      Peak PerformanceRoster Payment Accepted
      POSTALRoster Payment Accepted
      Prime Suspects BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      PulseRoster Payment Accepted
      RPSRoster Payment Accepted
      SMSCRoster Payment Accepted
      Southern RuckusRoster Payment Accepted
      Space MonkeysRoster Payment Accepted
      Sub ZeroRoster Payment Accepted
      THE FARMRoster Payment Accepted
      Warpedd Roster Payment Accepted
      24 teams paid of 24 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 3 X-Ball (Sun) (4 Teams)
    • BR FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
      THE FARMRoster Payment Accepted
      Thefarmsportsllc.comRoster Payment Accepted
      WarpedRoster Payment Accepted
      4 teams paid of 4 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 5 X-Ball (Sun) (16 Teams)
    • Cleveland HeathensRoster Payment Accepted
      Destiny Memphis BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Destiny Memphis RedRoster Payment Accepted
      ImmortalsRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes RavenousRoster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen D5 Red TeamRoster Payment Accepted
      Prime SuspectXRoster Payment Accepted
      Pulse d5Roster Payment Accepted
      RPS RAGERoster Payment Accepted
      Space monkeys d5Roster Payment Accepted
      STL BountyRoster Payment Accepted
      Suspects RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Terror MilitiaRoster Payment Accepted
      The Saints ArmyRoster Payment Accepted
      Warp FactorRoster Payment Accepted
      16 teams paid of 16 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 6 3v3 (Sun) (13 Teams)
    • Bluegrass RebelsRoster Payment Accepted
      Bluegrass Rebels WhiteRoster Payment Accepted
      Clarksville Angelus MortisRoster Payment Accepted
      entourage Roster Payment Accepted
      entourage blueRoster Payment Accepted
      MW Syndicate - BLUERoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes FuryRoster Payment Accepted
      Ohio Valley RejectsRoster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen 1Roster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen 2Roster Payment Accepted
      Punisherspb.com D6Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D6Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D6 ALPHARoster Payment Accepted
      13 teams paid of 13 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi