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Family Paintball Center League - FPCL Summer Blaze Cup 2024

Event Location: Family Paintball Center, Miami, Florida (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, June 15th 2024 to Sunday, June 16th
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 12th 11:59 PM EST
Other Information: Event Schedule: 4-Man - Saturday, June 15th | TEAM JOUST - CANCELLED | THE DUEL - Saturday, June 22nd

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
June 12th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Amateur (D4-D6) (6/15) (D4) 4v4
Amateur (D4-D6) (6/15) (D4) $360 16 16 20
THE DUEL (6/22) (Open) $100
* Open until 06/19
0 0 16
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

16 4v4 teams paid of 16 teams registered.
0 One-On-One teams paid of 0 teams registered.
16 teams paid of 16 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Amateur (D4-D6) (6/15) (D4) 4v4 (Sat)

EXCLUSIVERoster Payment Accepted
Florida PlagueRoster Payment Accepted
Maniacs Palm Beach BlueRoster Payment Accepted
Miami AssassinsRoster Payment Accepted
Miami Assassins BlackRoster Payment Accepted
Miami Kings whiteRoster Payment Accepted
Miami ThrashersRoster Payment Accepted
Miami Thrashers PurpleRoster Payment Accepted
NMIRoster Payment Accepted
Notorious RoninRoster Payment Accepted
Palm Beach Maniacs 2Roster Payment Accepted
Palm Beach OdiumRoster Payment Accepted
ReckoningRoster Payment Accepted
Rio SelectionRoster Payment Accepted
SUPRA FILIUSRoster Payment Accepted
SUPRA PARENTISRoster Payment Accepted
16 teams paid of 16 teams registered in this division.

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