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King Of The Mounds - King of the Mounds 3-man

Event Location: OSG Paintball, Center Barnstead, New Hampshire (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, June 9th 2024
Registration Deadline: Friday, June 7th 08:30 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
June 7th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Mechanical Mounds - Open 3v3
$90 13 12 25
Payment deadlines are at 8:30 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

12 3v3 teams paid of 13 teams registered.
12 teams paid of 13 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Mechanical Mounds - Open 3v3 (Sun)

Almond Joy DivisionRoster Payment Accepted
HafnerRoster Payment Accepted
HGB gunnersRoster Payment Accepted
HGB hogsRoster Payment Accepted
HGB HooligansRoster Payment Accepted
HomeGrown BallersRoster Payment Accepted
homegrown ballers alphaRoster Payment Accepted
Positive Impact Roster Payment Accepted
Send ItRoster Payment Accepted
The Three AmigosRoster Payment Accepted
TriadsRoster Payment Accepted
WarlocksRoster Payment Accepted
Warlocks part DeuxRoster Registration Deadline Passed
12 teams paid of 13 teams registered in this division.

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