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AG Paintball - NEPL at AG Paintball - 3 Man Event 2

Event Location: AG Paintball , Weare, New Hampshire (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, July 27th 2024
Registration Deadline: Friday, July 26th 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
July 26th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 4 3v3
$200 15 14 18
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

14 3v3 teams paid of 15 teams registered.
14 teams paid of 15 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 4 3v3 (Sat)

603 AssassinsRoster Payment Accepted
AG KidsRoster Payment Accepted
FlowStateRoster Payment Accepted
Gentlemen BallersRoster Payment Accepted
Granite NativesRoster Payment Accepted
NerdzRoster Payment Accepted
Positive Impact Roster Payment Accepted
Positive Impact YouthRoster Payment Accepted
PPFLRoster Payment Accepted
RAGERoster Registration Deadline Passed
Raging Rodents Roster Payment Accepted
That One TeamRoster Payment Accepted
The MechanicsRoster Payment Accepted
we aint JUST kidsRoster Payment Accepted
ZoltanRoster Payment Accepted
Pick-Up PlayersRoster Participants
14 teams paid of 15 teams registered in this division.

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