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Good Game Sports Park - GG X-Ball League (D4/D5): Event #2

Event Location: Good Game Sports Park, Truesdale, Missouri (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, June 1st 2024 to Sunday, June 2nd
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, May 29th 11:59 PM CST
Other Information: DISCOUNTED SEASON ENTRY AVAILABLE: https://ggsportspark.com/gg-series/

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
May 22nd
May 25th
May 29th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 5 X-Ball
Division 5 $750 $850
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
9 9 20
Division 5 3v3
Division 5 $90 $100
($10 Late Fee)
($20 Late Fee)
10 10 20
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

9 X-Ball teams paid of 9 teams registered.
10 3v3 teams paid of 10 teams registered.
19 teams paid of 19 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 5 X-Ball (Sun)

KingsmanRoster Payment Accepted
Midwest BoomRoster Payment Accepted
Midwest Mayhem Roster Payment Accepted
ONB 2Roster Payment Accepted
Purple RainRoster Payment Accepted
STL Sound D5Roster Payment Accepted
Team StingersRoster Payment Accepted
Team Stingers D5Roster Payment Accepted
Wisconsin InstigatorsRoster Payment Accepted
9 teams paid of 9 teams registered in this division.

Division 5 3v3 (Sat)

Chocolate StarfishRoster Payment Accepted
Drip SquadRoster Payment Accepted
Drip Squad 2Roster Payment Accepted
Midwest FiendsRoster Payment Accepted
NVSRoster Payment Accepted
Prime SuspectXRoster Payment Accepted
STL BountyRoster Payment Accepted
STL Sound - BlackRoster Payment Accepted
Titanic HairballsRoster Payment Accepted
Wisconsin InstigatorsRoster Payment Accepted
10 teams paid of 10 teams registered in this division.

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