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Important Note from Mid-South XBall League:

Refund Policy: Entry fees are non-refundable.

Mid-South XBall League - MSXL Mid-Ohio Open

Event Location: LVL UP Sports Paintball & Airsoft, Grove City, Ohio (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Friday, July 7th 2023 to Sunday, July 9th
Registration Deadline: Sunday, July 2nd 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
June 18th
June 25th
July 2nd
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 3 X-Ball
Division 3 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
5 5 10
Division 4 X-Ball
Division 4 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
23 23 24
Division 5 5v5
Division 5 $600 $700
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
18 18 20
Division 6 3v3
Division 6 $180 $180 $180 12 12 15
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

28 X-Ball teams paid of 28 teams registered.
18 5v5 teams paid of 18 teams registered.
12 3v3 teams paid of 12 teams registered.
58 teams paid of 58 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Division 3 X-Ball (Sun) (5 Teams)
    • Columbus LVL D3Roster Payment Accepted
      Natural SelectionRoster Payment Accepted
      STRUGGLE D3Roster Payment Accepted
      Tropicana Factory TeamRoster Payment Accepted
      Trouble N ParadiseRoster Payment Accepted
      5 teams paid of 5 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 4 X-Ball (Sat) (23 Teams)
    • BoominatiRoster Payment Accepted
      BS MafiaRoster Payment Accepted
      Chaos Theory - GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Chaos Theory - RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Cleveland ChaosRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus CarnageRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus LVL BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      FUSION-REDRoster Payment Accepted
      GuillotineRoster Payment Accepted
      IntenseRoster Payment Accepted
      MB55Roster Payment Accepted
      MetanoiaRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes WildRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville KNUKLHEDZRoster Payment Accepted
      OHIO GRIMRoster Payment Accepted
      Peak PerformanceRoster Payment Accepted
      Prime Suspects GGRoster Payment Accepted
      ResurrectionRoster Payment Accepted
      SoullessRoster Payment Accepted
      StruggleRoster Payment Accepted
      Sub ZeroRoster Payment Accepted
      Sub Zero FireRoster Payment Accepted
      The AlumniRoster Payment Accepted
      23 teams paid of 23 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 5 5v5 (Sun) (18 Teams)
    • BLANKRoster Payment Accepted
      Bluegrass RebelsRoster Payment Accepted
      BS Mafia BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Cincy assassinsRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus Carnage d5Roster Payment Accepted
      Guillotine BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Intense RedRoster Payment Accepted
      MENACERoster Payment Accepted
      Midwest SyndicateRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes RavenousRoster Payment Accepted
      Ohio AhegoRoster Payment Accepted
      OnslaughtRoster Payment Accepted
      PathogenRoster Payment Accepted
      Prime Suspects BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Prime SuspectXRoster Payment Accepted
      Punisherspb.com D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Space MonkeysRoster Payment Accepted
      Warp FactorRoster Payment Accepted
      18 teams paid of 18 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 6 3v3 (Sat) (12 Teams)
    • Freelancers unitedRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes FuryRoster Payment Accepted
      Ohio AheagosRoster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen 1Roster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen 2Roster Payment Accepted
      Pathogen 3Roster Payment Accepted
      Punisherspb.com D6Roster Payment Accepted
      Space monkeys d6Roster Payment Accepted
      The LeftoversRoster Payment Accepted
      The Ohio State University BuckeyesRoster Payment Accepted
      Warp Factor 1Roster Payment Accepted
      Wild HuntRoster Payment Accepted
      12 teams paid of 12 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi