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Mexican Xball League - MXL OPEN PRIMER ROUND 2023

Event Location: QUIMERA SPORTS & EVENTS, Guadalajara, International (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, February 18th 2023 to Sunday, February 19th
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 15th 11:59 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Signed UpPaidLimitClassThrough
January 26th
February 3rd
February 15th
Signed UpPaidLimit
JUNIOR (D5) 3v3
7 7 15 JUNIOR (D5) $175 $200
($25 Late Fee)
($50 Late Fee)
7 7 15
ELITE 5 MAN RT2 (D4) 5v5
7 6 15 ELITE 5 MAN RT2 (D4) $250 $275
($25 Late Fee)
($50 Late Fee)
7 6 15
12 12 None ULTIMATE CHAMPIONS (D2) $400 $450
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
5 5 8
PREMIER D3 XBALL (D3) $350 $400
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
7 7 10
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

12 X-Ball teams paid of 12 teams registered.
6 5v5 teams paid of 7 teams registered.
7 3v3 teams paid of 7 teams registered.
25 teams paid of 26 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

JUNIOR (D5) 3v3 (Sun)

RAISING HAVOCRoster Payment Accepted
Ramirez cachorrasRoster Payment Accepted
Ramirez guaposRoster Payment Accepted
Ramirez millennialRoster Payment Accepted
Ramirez prehispanicosRoster Payment Accepted
TEAM CHIAPASRoster Payment Accepted
Vicious JrRoster Payment Accepted
7 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

ELITE 5 MAN RT2 (D4) 5v5 (Sun)

KAISERRoster Payment Accepted
RAISING HAVOCRoster Payment Accepted
Ramirez TeamRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
RAPTORS PUEBLARoster Registration Deadline Passed
Tj bastardsRoster Payment Accepted
Vicious BastardsRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Vicious MaladyRoster Payment Accepted
6 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.


SCORPION LEGACYRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Tj All StarsRoster Payment Accepted
TJBastardsRoster Payment Accepted
Vegas Golden MisfitsRoster Payment Accepted
WARRIORS RECOILRoster Payment Accepted
5 teams paid of 5 teams registered in this division.

PREMIER D3 XBALL (D3) X-Ball (Sat-Sun)

Cazcanes TequilaRoster Payment Accepted
Golden SupremacyRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
HAVOCRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Mexico City TitansRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
OC TitansRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
PLAN BRoster Payment Accepted
V I C I O U SRoster Payment Accepted
7 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

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