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Check Six Paintball Inc. - Check Six Summer 3-Man

Event Location: Check Six Paintball Inc., Whitesboro, New York (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, August 15th 2021
Registration Deadline: Friday, August 13th 04:00 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
August 13th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Season Entry - Division 3 X-Ball (3v3)
Division 3 $120 8 8 12
Payment deadlines are at 4:00 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

8 X-Ball (3v3) teams paid of 8 teams registered.
8 teams paid of 8 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Season Entry - Division 3 X-Ball (3v3) (Sun)

DRIVERoster Payment Accepted
Fort Drum Forced EntryRoster Payment Accepted
Fort Drum Senior CitizensRoster Payment Accepted
I couldn't choose a name so here we are I guessRoster Payment Accepted
Sweep the LegRoster Payment Accepted
Taylor GangRoster Payment Accepted
The Holy TrinityRoster Payment Accepted
Two and a Half MenRoster Payment Accepted
8 teams paid of 8 teams registered in this division.

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