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Important Note from Mid-South XBall League:

Refund Policy: Entry fees are non-refundable.

Mid-South XBall League - MSXL Asylum Open

Event Location: Asylum Paintball, Louisville, Kentucky (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, March 27th 2021 to Sunday, March 28th
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 22nd 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
March 8th
March 15th
March 22nd
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 4 RaceTo-4
Division 4 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
25 25 25
Division 3 X-Ball
Division 3 $800 $900
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
15 15 15
Division 5 RaceTo-3
Division 5 $600 $700
($100 Late Fee)
($200 Late Fee)
20 20 20
Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3)
Division 6 $150 $150 $150 15 15 15
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

40 RaceTo-X teams paid of 40 teams registered.
20 RaceTo-2 (5v5) teams paid of 20 teams registered.
15 RaceTo-2 (3v3) teams paid of 15 teams registered.
75 teams paid of 75 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Division 4 RaceTo-4 (Sat) (25 Teams)
    • 412 KREW FKHRoster Payment Accepted
      Beer City RippersRoster Payment Accepted
      Blind AggressionRoster Payment Accepted
      Cabin Creek ResurrectionRoster Payment Accepted
      CEPRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus LVL D4Roster Payment Accepted
      DECEPTION D4Roster Payment Accepted
      Inside OutRoster Payment Accepted
      LD ArmyRoster Payment Accepted
      LockDown D4Roster Payment Accepted
      Louisville CarnageRoster Payment Accepted
      MohawkRoster Payment Accepted
      MWAG FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville CoyotesRoster Payment Accepted
      POSTALRoster Payment Accepted
      Punisherspb.com D4Roster Payment Accepted
      StruggleRoster Payment Accepted
      Struggle PaintballRoster Payment Accepted
      Sub ZeroRoster Payment Accepted
      Swamp ReapersRoster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D4Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D4 ALPHARoster Payment Accepted
      The RookiesRoster Payment Accepted
      Trouble N ParadiseRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran MilitiaRoster Payment Accepted
      25 teams paid of 25 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 3 X-Ball (Sun) (15 Teams)
    • 412 KREWRoster Payment Accepted
      412 Krew HPHNRoster Payment Accepted
      Carolina RageRoster Payment Accepted
      CEP D3Roster Payment Accepted
      LockDown D3Roster Payment Accepted
      Louisville Fusion RedRoster Payment Accepted
      MFGRoster Payment Accepted
      NTKRoster Payment Accepted
      Pittsburgh MercenariesRoster Payment Accepted
      PunishersPB.comRoster Payment Accepted
      SANDOSRoster Payment Accepted
      STRUGGLERoster Payment Accepted
      STRUGGLE D3Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARMRoster Payment Accepted
      Youngstown DimensionRoster Payment Accepted
      15 teams paid of 15 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 5 RaceTo-3 (Sun) (20 Teams)
    • Barnyard CrusadersRoster Payment Accepted
      Blind Aggression BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus CarnageRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus LVL D5 BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Columbus LVL D5 GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      DECEPTIONRoster Payment Accepted
      HatredRoster Payment Accepted
      IndyStorm JTRoster Payment Accepted
      LockDown D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Louisville FusionRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes WildRoster Payment Accepted
      OBR BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Ohio RelicsRoster Payment Accepted
      Pittsburgh SiegeRoster Payment Accepted
      Punisherspb.com D5Roster Payment Accepted
      Struggle busRoster Payment Accepted
      Sub Zero - IceRoster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D5Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D5 KILORoster Payment Accepted
      The Rookies D5Roster Payment Accepted
      20 teams paid of 20 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3) (Sat) (15 Teams)
    • Bad MedicineRoster Payment Accepted
      Blind Aggression RedRoster Payment Accepted
      Cabin Creek Resurrection D6Roster Payment Accepted
      Chaos TheoryRoster Payment Accepted
      Chaos Theory IIRoster Payment Accepted
      East Coast Hawks BlueRoster Payment Accepted
      East Coast Hawks PurpleRoster Payment Accepted
      Hatred BlueRoster Payment Accepted
      LockDown D6Roster Payment Accepted
      Lost BoysRoster Payment Accepted
      Nashville Coyotes FuryRoster Payment Accepted
      PunishersPB.com D6 AlphaRoster Payment Accepted
      PunishersPB.com D6 TangoRoster Payment Accepted
      Struggle D6Roster Payment Accepted
      THE FARM D6Roster Payment Accepted
      15 teams paid of 15 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi