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Annandale Cup Events - Annandale Fall Classic

Event Location: Annandale Paintball, South Haven , Minnesota (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, September 27th 2020
Registration Deadline: Sunday, September 20th 11:59 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
August 23rd
September 6th
September 20th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 5 RaceTo-2 (3v3)
Division 5 $99 $99 $99 12 12 20
Division 4 RaceTo-2 (5v5)
Division 4 $250 $250 $250 4 4 16
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

4 RaceTo-2 (5v5) teams paid of 4 teams registered.
12 RaceTo-2 (3v3) teams paid of 12 teams registered.
16 teams paid of 16 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 5 RaceTo-2 (3v3) (Sun)

Band of BriansRoster Payment Accepted
Buck nastyRoster Payment Accepted
Hideaway Baller Corps 2.0Roster Payment Accepted
Hostile Ground 3Roster Payment Accepted
IntrepidRoster Payment Accepted
Knee CappersRoster Payment Accepted
SFP-Factory2Roster Payment Accepted
The carebearsRoster Payment Accepted
The Minnesota Paintball TeamRoster Payment Accepted
TommyKnockerzRoster Payment Accepted
Triple threatRoster Payment Accepted
VanderlaysRoster Payment Accepted
12 teams paid of 12 teams registered in this division.

Division 4 RaceTo-2 (5v5) (Sun)

Hideaway Baller CorpsRoster Payment Accepted
Hostile GroundRoster Payment Accepted
Hostile Ground 2Roster Payment Accepted
SFP-FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
4 teams paid of 4 teams registered in this division.

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