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Maximum Velocity Paintball Series - MVPS 2020 - Winter Classic

Event Location: Austin-Tindall Regional Park, Kissimmee, Florida (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Friday, February 7th 2020 to Sunday, February 9th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, February 4th 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Signed UpPaidLimitClassThrough
January 20th
January 27th
February 4th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 3 RaceTo-4
15 15 20 Division 3 $550 $600
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
15 15 20
42 42 50 Division 2 $800 $850
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
7 7 10
Division 4 $550 $600
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
35 35 40
Division 5 RaceTo-2 (5v5)
29 29 32 Division 5 $350 $400
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
29 29 32
Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3)
7 7 32 Division 6 $200 $250
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
7 7 32
Youth U16 (YG) RaceTo-2 (3v3)
2 2 16 Youth U16 (YG) $150 $200
($50 Late Fee)
($100 Late Fee)
2 2 16
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

57 RaceTo-X teams paid of 57 teams registered.
29 RaceTo-2 (5v5) teams paid of 29 teams registered.
9 RaceTo-2 (3v3) teams paid of 9 teams registered.
95 teams paid of 95 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

    • Division 3 RaceTo-4 (Sat) (15 Teams)
    • Bayside RaidersRoster Payment Accepted
      DeaD RaBBiTsRoster Payment Accepted
      Florida TropicsRoster Payment Accepted
      FokaiRoster Payment Accepted
      GAINESVILLE GRIDIRONRoster Payment Accepted
      Los LocosRoster Payment Accepted
      MIA OutKastRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando SavageRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach RecklessRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach VipersRoster Payment Accepted
      Rolla SoldiersRoster Payment Accepted
      Semi LegitRoster Payment Accepted
      Shark SquadRoster Payment Accepted
      Tampa Bay MermenRoster Payment Accepted
      Tampa Bay RevolutionRoster Payment Accepted
      15 teams paid of 15 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 2 RaceTo-5 (Sun) (7 Teams)
    • Bayside RaidersRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine OneRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine ThreeRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine TwoRoster Payment Accepted
      DeaD RaBBiTsRoster Payment Accepted
      FokaiRoster Payment Accepted
      KillersRoster Payment Accepted
      7 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 4 RaceTo-4 (Sun) (35 Teams)
    • 850 RaGeRoster Payment Accepted
      Bayside RaidersRoster Payment Accepted
      Cen Fla KillasRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine EightRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine ElevenRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine FiveRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine NineRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine SevenRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine SixRoster Payment Accepted
      Combine TenRoster Payment Accepted
      DeaD RaBBiTsRoster Payment Accepted
      Destiny FloridaRoster Payment Accepted
      Ga XtremeRoster Payment Accepted
      Gainesville Gridiron IIRoster Payment Accepted
      Hollywood CollisionRoster Payment Accepted
      La FamiliaRoster Payment Accepted
      Miami LifestyleRoster Payment Accepted
      N.S.B SharksRoster Payment Accepted
      Notorious MafiaRoster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach Reckless D4Roster Payment Accepted
      Palm Beach VenomRoster Payment Accepted
      PTWRoster Payment Accepted
      RioRoster Payment Accepted
      RustRoster Payment Accepted
      ShenanigansRoster Payment Accepted
      ShineRoster Payment Accepted
      SOTA BOYZRoster Payment Accepted
      Tampa Bay RevolutionRoster Payment Accepted
      TB NotoriousRoster Payment Accepted
      Templar KnightsRoster Payment Accepted
      The UnknownsRoster Payment Accepted
      VoodooRoster Payment Accepted
      WFCRoster Payment Accepted
      WidowMakerzRoster Payment Accepted
      XPX DynamicRoster Payment Accepted
      35 teams paid of 35 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 5 RaceTo-2 (5v5) (Sat) (29 Teams)
    • American Association of Retired PaintballersRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds of Prey HawksRoster Payment Accepted
      Birds Of Prey PhoenixRoster Payment Accepted
      Cousins VNZRoster Payment Accepted
      DeaD RaBBiTs GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      DynamicRoster Payment Accepted
      Gainesville GritRoster Payment Accepted
      Hollywood Collision BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      La Familia GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Miami Lifestyle BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      Mommas Misguided Misfits 3MRoster Payment Accepted
      NotoriousRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando KryptoniteRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando Savage GoldRoster Payment Accepted
      PTW GOLDRoster Payment Accepted
      RevRoster Payment Accepted
      RevolutionRoster Payment Accepted
      Shenanigans GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      Southern Rage Paintball BlueRoster Payment Accepted
      Tampa Bay VelociraptorsRoster Payment Accepted
      Templar Knights Blocka BlockaRoster Payment Accepted
      The SavagesRoster Payment Accepted
      The X Force EliteRoster Payment Accepted
      The X Force SardonicRoster Payment Accepted
      University of Central Florida KnightsRoster Payment Accepted
      University of Central Florida Knights - GoldRoster Payment Accepted
      UnknownsRoster Payment Accepted
      Veteran Militia FoxRoster Payment Accepted
      Voodoo GreenRoster Payment Accepted
      29 teams paid of 29 teams registered in this division.

    • Division 6 RaceTo-2 (3v3) (Sun) (7 Teams)
    • Birds of Prey OwlsRoster Payment Accepted
      Hollywood TribeRoster Payment Accepted
      Orlando Kryptonite PinkRoster Payment Accepted
      Revolution CrewRoster Payment Accepted
      Southern Rage Paintball BlackRoster Payment Accepted
      The X Force AkinRoster Payment Accepted
      WS DestroyersRoster Payment Accepted
      7 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

    • Youth U16 (YG) RaceTo-2 (3v3) (Sat) (2 Teams)
    • The X Force MinionsRoster Payment Accepted
      The X Force RefsRoster Payment Accepted
      2 teams paid of 2 teams registered in this division.

    • Website contents and layout Copyright 2003-2024 by PBLi