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Important Note from Asocacion Deportiva Panameña de Paintball:

Es responsabilidad de todos los equipos, cada uno de sus jugadores y toda persona que asista al torneo conocer y comprender el reglamento del torneo, la sola asistencia al torneo implica su total conocimiento y aceptación

Asocacion Deportiva Panameña de Paintball - ADEPAP TORNEO APERTURA WOODSBALL 2016

Event Location: Cancha Elite Paintball, La Chorrera, International (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, May 15th 2016
Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 8th 11:59 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
May 8th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Open 8v8 $300 11 11 12
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

11 8v8 teams paid of 11 teams registered.
11 teams paid of 11 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Open 8v8

Anonymous_507 Paintball CrewRoster Payment Accepted
badboysRoster Payment Accepted
BERSERKERRoster Payment Accepted
FALCONERRoster Payment Accepted
Ghost Paintball PanamaRoster Payment Accepted
Guerrilla 507 Paintball ClubRoster Payment Accepted
Ravens Paintball ClubRoster Payment Accepted
Sparta Paintball TeamRoster Payment Accepted
TOONS SQUAD PAINTBALLRoster Payment Accepted
Umbrella Paintball CorporationRoster Payment Accepted
WARDOGS PanamaRoster Payment Accepted
Pick-Up PlayersRoster Participants
11 teams paid of 11 teams registered in this division.

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