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Eastern Paintball Players League - Eastern Paintball Player League Event 1

Event Location: Eastern Paintball Outdoor, Moncton, New Brunswick (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, May 23rd 2015 to Sunday, May 24th
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 18th 11:59 PM AST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
May 18th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Season Entry - Division 5 RaceTo-4
Division 5 $1,000 7 7 8
Season Entry - Division 4 RaceTo-5
Division 4 $1,700 6 6 8
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM AST unless otherwise noted above.

13 RaceTo-X teams paid of 13 teams registered.
13 teams paid of 13 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Season Entry - Division 5 RaceTo-4 (Sat)

AC HitmenRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Aggression 3manRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
HFX ManiacsRoster Payment Accepted
InvictaRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Muffin Munchers Race-toRoster Payment Accepted
South Shore RetributionRoster Payment Accepted
SpartansRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
7 teams paid of 7 teams registered in this division.

Season Entry - Division 4 RaceTo-5 (Sun)

AC ShockRoster Payment Accepted
Fredericton AggressionRoster Payment Accepted
Halifax HitmenRoster Payment Accepted
Moncton SpartansRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Northport WarriorsRoster Payment Pending - Pay Now
Steeves Mountain ProspectsRoster Payment Accepted
6 teams paid of 6 teams registered in this division.

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