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Capital Edge Paintball League - CEPL Beat the Heat 2015

Event Location: Capital Edge Paintball Park, Sacramento, California (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, July 18th 2015 to Sunday, July 19th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, July 14th 11:59 PM PST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
June 30th
July 14th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Youth 2v2
Youth $80 $100
($20 Late Fee)
3 3 None
Beginner 3v3
Beginner $175 $220
($45 Late Fee)
10 10 None
Division 5 RaceTo-2
Division 5 $325 $385
($60 Late Fee)
11 11 None
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM PST unless otherwise noted above.

11 RaceTo-2 teams paid of 11 teams registered.
10 3v3 teams paid of 10 teams registered.
3 2v2 teams paid of 3 teams registered.
24 teams paid of 24 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Youth 2v2 (Sat)

Tahoe WolfpackRoster Payment Accepted
Team infinityRoster Payment Accepted
the wigglemenRoster Payment Accepted
3 teams paid of 3 teams registered in this division.

Beginner 3v3 (Sat)

ball breakersRoster Payment Accepted
Central Valley eXileRoster Payment Accepted
Jakes DevilsRoster Payment Accepted
Motley KrewRoster Payment Accepted
Ro sham Bo scissorsRoster Payment Accepted
Ro-Sham-Bo RockRoster Payment Accepted
Sac Outlaws 3-ManRoster Payment Accepted
WEST COAST MILITIARoster Payment Accepted
WET CHICKENSRoster Payment Accepted
Y.F.O. FlyersRoster Payment Accepted
10 teams paid of 10 teams registered in this division.

Division 5 RaceTo-2 (Sun)

Crimson Rage BlackRoster Payment Accepted
Crimson Rage RedRoster Payment Accepted
Crimson Rage SilverRoster Payment Accepted
modesto factionRoster Payment Accepted
NorthmenRoster Payment Accepted
Sacramento Punishment AlphaRoster Payment Accepted
Sacramento Punishment BlackRoster Payment Accepted
T.U.F SquadRoster Payment Accepted
the reno guysRoster Payment Accepted
The Tactical TigersRoster Payment Accepted
Young RatsRoster Payment Accepted
11 teams paid of 11 teams registered in this division.

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