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South Auckland Paintball Club - SAPC D4 & Open event #1 2015

Event Location: Asylum Paintball, Auckland , International (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, January 31st 2015 to Sunday, February 1st
Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 29th 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
January 29th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Mechanical Pump - Division 4 RaceTo-1 Division 4 - 5 0 None
Open X-Ball Open - 8 0 None
Payment deadlines are at 11:59 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

0 X-Ball teams paid of 8 teams registered.
0 RaceTo-1 teams paid of 5 teams registered.
0 teams paid of 13 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Mechanical Pump - Division 4 RaceTo-1

ADHD REDRoster Registration Deadline Passed
DetachmentRoster Registration Deadline Passed
Kaos TheoryRoster Registration Deadline Passed
Mind MechanicsRoster Registration Deadline Passed
OFFRoster Registration Deadline Passed
0 teams paid of 5 teams registered in this division.

Open X-Ball

AddictedRoster Registration Deadline Passed
ADHDRoster Registration Deadline Passed
Auckland FactionRoster Registration Deadline Passed
BOP BlastRoster Registration Deadline Passed
CamoMeatRoster Registration Deadline Passed
Mischief MilitiaRoster Registration Deadline Passed
ShatteredRoster Registration Deadline Passed
WolvesRoster Registration Deadline Passed
0 teams paid of 8 teams registered in this division.

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