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Sunday Showdowns - Spring Fling

Event Location: Paintball Paradise, West St. Paul, Manitoba (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Sunday, April 13th 2014
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 11th 06:00 PM CST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group Through
March 16th
March 30th
April 11th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Open 3v3 $90 $150
($60 Late Fee)
($120 Late Fee)
13 13 16
Payment deadlines are at 6:00 PM CST unless otherwise noted above.

13 3v3 teams paid of 13 teams registered.
13 teams paid of 13 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Open 3v3

306 Sewer RatsRoster Payment Accepted
AdrenalineRoster Payment Accepted
Adrenaline 2.0Roster Payment Accepted
Art of KhaosRoster Payment Accepted
FluxRoster Payment Accepted
ForceRoster Payment Accepted
Girl Paintballer FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
Little Horse In A TreeRoster Payment Accepted
Pod StomperzRoster Payment Accepted
RednecksRoster Payment Accepted
Sub ZeroRoster Payment Accepted
Sub Zero 2Roster Payment Accepted
Winnipeg TyphoonzRoster Payment Accepted
13 teams paid of 13 teams registered in this division.

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