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Important Note from Star Series:

Teams only have a secure spot once the teams entry fee is paid in full. Please make sure to check your email address that you use in your APPA profile as we will be sending out important emails.


Event Location: Cousins Paintball, Forney, Texas (Map) (Directions)
Event Date: Saturday, January 11th 2014 to Sunday, January 12th
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, January 7th 06:30 PM EST

Entry Fee Deadlines and Team Limits

Group ClassThrough
December 22nd
December 28th
January 7th
Signed UpPaidLimit
Division 5 4v4
Division 5 $195 $235
($40 Late Fee)
($80 Late Fee)
18 17 20
Division 4 4v4
Division 4 $295 $335
($40 Late Fee)
($80 Late Fee)
14 14 15
Payment deadlines are at 6:30 PM EST unless otherwise noted above.

31 4v4 teams paid of 32 teams registered.
31 teams paid of 32 teams registered.

Free Agents for this event

Division 5 4v4 (Sat)

101Roster Payment Accepted
Abilene ADDicTeD TooRoster Payment Accepted
Abilene ALSO ADDicTeDRoster Payment Accepted
Elite GoldRoster Payment Accepted
EndlessRoster Payment Accepted
F.S.U.Roster Registration Deadline Passed
FIERCERoster Payment Accepted
GettinKrazyADRoster Payment Accepted
Lubbock EliteRoster Payment Accepted
NoobsRoster Payment Accepted
NTSRoster Payment Accepted
Panda-Monium ProgenyRoster Payment Accepted
POOP SQUAD D5Roster Payment Accepted
S2KRoster Payment Accepted
SA Notorious F.S.U.Roster Payment Accepted
Southwest EaglesRoster Payment Accepted
Texas ArsenalRoster Payment Accepted
Walk-onsRoster Payment Accepted
17 teams paid of 18 teams registered in this division.

Division 4 4v4 (Sun)

469BEATDOWNRoster Payment Accepted
618 OrphansRoster Payment Accepted
Abilene AddictionRoster Payment Accepted
Elite FactoryRoster Payment Accepted
FSURoster Payment Accepted
GREEDRoster Payment Accepted
Kung PAO ChickenRoster Payment Accepted
NT ShockwaveRoster Payment Accepted
OKC SDRoster Payment Accepted
Oklahoma RumbleRoster Payment Accepted
Panda-MoniumRoster Payment Accepted
SA NotoriousRoster Payment Accepted
Ski PatrolRoster Payment Accepted
Texas PhalanXRoster Payment Accepted
14 teams paid of 14 teams registered in this division.

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